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Prigogine I. (ed.), Rice S.A. (ed.) — Advances in Chemical Physics. Volume 109
Prigogine I. (ed.), Rice S.A. (ed.) — Advances in Chemical Physics. Volume 109

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Íàçâàíèå: Advances in Chemical Physics. Volume 109

Àâòîðû: Prigogine I. (ed.), Rice S.A. (ed.)


Volume 109 in the prestigious Advances in Chemical Physics Series, edited by Nobel Prize winner Ilya Prigogine, and renowned authority Stuart A. Rice, continues to report recent advances in every area of the discipline. Significant, up-to-date chapters by internationally recognized researchers present comprehensive analyses of subjects of interest and encourage the expression of individual points of view. This approach to presenting an overview of a subject will both stimulate new research and serve as a personalized learning text for beginners in the field.

ßçûê: en

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Ãîä èçäàíèÿ: 1999

Êîëè÷åñòâî ñòðàíèö: 582

Äîáàâëåíà â êàòàëîã: 22.12.2013

Îïåðàöèè: Ïîëîæèòü íà ïîëêó | Ñêîïèðîâàòü ññûëêó äëÿ ôîðóìà | Ñêîïèðîâàòü ID
Ïðåäìåòíûé óêàçàòåëü
Water, solvation dynamics in, experimental results      269—275
Water, solvation dynamics in, heavy water isotope effects      274—275
Water, solvation dynamics in, intermolecular vibrations, polarizability effects      272—274
Water, solvation dynamics in, ionic solute in      268
Water, solvation dynamics in, polarity parameter      268
Water, solvation dynamics in, research limitations      275—277
Water, solvation dynamics in, rotational dissipative kernel calculation      266—268
Water, solvation dynamics in, static orientational correlations      265—266
Water, solvation dynamics in, translational dissipative kernel calculation      268
Water, solvation dynamics in, wavenumber-dependent ion-dipole direct correlation function      265
Watson, J.T.F.      116(22) 195
Watts, D.C.      217(61) 246(61) 277(61) 424
Watzl, M.      446(93) 449(93 124—125) 450(93 124) 467(93) 471(124) 501(93) 505—506
Wavelength functions, in Turing patterns      437—438
Wavenumber-dependent direct correlation functions, monohydroxy alcohols, ionic conductivity limits      392—393
Wavenumber-dependent direct correlation functions, monohydroxy alcohols, ionic/dipolar solvation dynamics      282—285
Wavenumber-dependent direct correlation functions, monohydroxy alcohols, nonpolar solvation dynamics      295—297
Wavenumber-dependent direct correlation functions, slow, viscous liquid solvation dynamics      304
Wavenumber-dependent direct correlation functions, solvation dynamics, dissipative kernels      276—277
Wavenumber-dependent direct correlation functions, solvation dynamics, ion-dipole interactions in water      265
Wavenumber-dependent direct correlation functions, solvation dynamics, microscopic polarization      254—256
Wavenumber-dependent direct correlation functions, solvent polarization relaxation rate calculation, ionic conductivity limits, aqueous solutions      385—388
Wavenumber-dependent direct correlation functions, solvent polarization relaxation rate calculation, ionic conductivity limits, electrolyte solutions      374—378
Wavenumber-dependent direct correlation functions, solvent polarization relaxation rate calculation, ionic conductivity limits, monohydroxy alcohols      392—393
Wavenumber-dependent direct correlation functions, ultrafast solvation dynamics, solute-solvent two-particle DCF      338—340
Wavenumber-dependent orientational self-dynamic structure factor, microscopic polarization calculations      258—260
Wavenumber-dependent orientational self-dynamic structure factor, spherical harmonic expansion and      417—418
Weak coupling model, vibrational energy relaxation (VER)      343—344
Weakly nonlinear analysis, pattern selection theory      451—453
Weaver, M.J.      211(22) 423
Webb, S.P.      217(51—52) 246(51—52) 277(51—52) 424
Weber, T.A.      235(171) 427
Webley, P.A.      116(19 35) 163(19) 195
Weeks — Chandler — Andersen (WCA) algorithm, dynamic structure factor calculations      419—420
Weeks — Chandler — Andersen (WCA) algorithm, Stockmayer liquid, ion solvation dynamics in      260—263
Weeks — Chandler — Andersen (WCA) algorithm, ultrafast solvation dynamics, dense liquid, nonpolar solvation in      338—340
Weeks — Chandler — Andersen (WCA) algorithm, vibrational energy relaxation (VER), frequency-dependent friction calculation      346—349
Weeks, J.D.      260(213) 338(260) 419(260) 429
Wei, D.      76(112—113) 111 228(145) 427
Wei, Y.      97(173) 112
Weichart, B.      97(172) 112
Weimar, J.R.      469(196) 508
Weinberg, M.      403(324) 432
Weis, J.      75(109—110) 76(109) 92(152) 110—112
Weiss, J.J.      260(212) 429
Weisskopf, V.F.      5(10) 8(10) 35(10) 36
Welton, T.A.      20(28) 37
Wentzcovich, R.M.      102(181) 112
Wertheim, M.S.      226(135) 240(135 184) 282(135) 426 428
Weselowski, D.J.      117(49) 196
Wesfried, J.E.      477(236) 509
Westwell, J.M.      160(230) 201
White, H.J.      160(214) 201
White, J.A.      101(177) 112
Whitehead, J.A.      470(205) 508
Widom, B.      164(262) 174(262) 202
Widom’s test particle method, ion speciation, high-temperature electrolyte solutions      173—177
Wiener — Khinchin equation, fluctuation theory autocorrelation function      20—21
Wiener, R.J.      447(116) 506
Wiersma, D.A.      11(31a) 224(13a) 246(13a) 422
Wilcock, R.J.      163(246) 202
Wilder, J.W.      501(361) 513
Wilhelm, E.      163(246) 202
Wilhelm, W.      163(249) 202
Wilkinson, D.A.      445(82) 447(82) 505
Willebrand, H.      439(37) 495(37) 485(281) 487(286) 495(37) 502(286) 504 510
Williams, D.      269(235) 429
Williams, G.      217(61) 246(61) 277(61) 424
Williamson, D.      61(41) 72(101) 74(101) 109—110
Wilson, M.      68—69(79) 80(129) 82(131—132) 85(137) 90(149) 110—112
Wio, H.      467(188) 508
Woese, C.R.      117(43) 196
Wolfe, R.S.      117(43) 196
Wolynes theory, ionic conductivity limits, aqueous solutions      383—384
Wolynes theory, microscopic solvation dynamics      226
Wolynes theory, microscopic solvation dynamics, dynamic mean spherical approximation (DMSA) model      226—227
Wolynes, P.G.      211—212(1 4 4a) 214(1) 224(1) 226(133—134) 227(133) 246(1) 249(133) 264(215) 277(133) 305(134) 365(301) 366(301 304—306) 369—370(304—306) 372(306) 382(304—306) 383(301 304—306) 394(301) 401(301) 402(304—306 321) 404(304—306) 406(304) 422 426 429 431—432
Wong, C.      133(162) 199
Wood, E.A.      12(19) 36
Wood, R.H.      117(40—41) 171(41) 179(41) 181(40—41) 187(40) 196 163(251) 165(263) 171(287) 173(296 299) 176(296) 181(287) 187(287) 193(346—347) 202—203 205
Woodman, B.L.      140(185) 200
Wu, B.C.      116(32) 195
Wu, S.      50(11) 51(11) 54(11) 108
Wu, X.-G.      239(182) 428
Wuerflinger, A.      50—51(17) 54(17) 108
Wunder, S.      89(145) 111
X-ray diffraction techniques, supercritical water analysis, neutron diffraction with isotope substitution (NDIS)      126—129
Xie, X.      213(27) 218(27) 230(27) 246(27) 264(27) 277—278(27) 315—318(27) 320(27) 364(27) 423
XRISM calculations, ion solvation dynamics, wavenumber- dependent direct correlation functions      256
XRISM calculations, ionic conductivity limits, electrolyte solutions, static orientational correlations      378—379
XRISM calculations, monohydroxy alcohols, ionic conductivity limits      393
XRISM calculations, monohydroxy alcohols, static correlation functions      282
XRISM calculations, solvation dynamics in water, static orientational correlations      265—266
Xu, H.      239(182) 428
Yager, W.A.      12(19) 36
Yagihara, S.      284—285(246) 430
Yakovenko, S.      79(125) 94(163) 95(125 163 167—168) 97(163) 111—112
Yamaguchi, T.      119(73) 126(109 111—112) 158(109) 197—198 499(337) 512
Yamanaka, K.      126(109) 158(109) 198
Yan, Y.J.      211(3 18) 224(3 18) 293(18) 422
Yang, W.      156(203 206) 200
Yang, W.-H.      117—118(55) 120(55) 154(55) 196
Yao, J.      116(14) 195
Yao, M.      117(56) 196 329—330(276) 431
Yarnitzky, C.      502(377) 513
Yasuda, A.      80(127) 111
Yeh, S.W.      217(52) 246(52) 277(52) 424
Yevick, G.J.      240(186) 428
Yezdimer, E.M.      193(347) 205
Yip, S.      133(155) 199 237(177) 243—244(177) 252(177) 295(177) 428
Yokoyama, K.      220(85) 221(85) 274(85) 425
Yokoyama, M.      442(56) 449(56) 504
Yoshida, M.      84(135) 111
Yoshida, R.      499(337) 512
Yoshihara, K.      211(23) 213(23) 217(49) 246(49) 265(229) 275(229 241) 277(49) 357(23) 362(23) 423—424 429—430
Yoshimori, A.      250(200) 428
Yoshizawa, S.      458(157) 498(157) 507
Youngren, G.K.      235(172—173) 254—255(201) 259(201) 317(201) 427—428
Yu, J.Y.      214(33) 222(33 97—99) 246(33) 277(33) 278(33 243) 279—281(243) 285(243) 287—288(243) 290(243) 293(243) 294(97—99 243) 295—297(243) 334(97—99) 335—336(243) 341(243) 364(243) 392(243) 402(243) 414(243) 423 425 430
Yu, Y.      478(245) 509
Yukhnevich, G.V.      119(85) 197
Zaleski, S.      447(108) 501(363) 506 513
Zannoni, C.      64(64) 68(76) 70(89—90) 71(94) 75(108) 109—110
Zarragoicoechea, D.L.D.      75(109—110) 76(109) 110—111
Zegeling, P.A.      498(332) 512
Zeldovich, D.D.      332(277) 431
Zerbi, G.      89(145—148) 111—112
Zero mode, bistable spatial patterns      495—498
Zero-frequency polarizabilities, fixed, spherical, single-domain particle      23—26
Zewail, A.H.      11(31a) 224(13a) 246(13a) 422
Zhabotinsky, A.M.      500(345—346) 512
Zhang, H.      219(64) 230(64) 246(64) 277(64) 278(64) 420(64) 424
Zhang, L.      478(245) 509
Zhang, Y.X.      449(128) 506
Zhang, Z.      70(92) 110
Zhao, B.      80(128) 111
Zhao, H.      119(77) 128(77) 146(77) 154(77) 161(77) 197
Zhou, H.X.      247(196) 428
Zhou, Y.      230(155) 247(155) 277(155) 278(155) 302(155) 315(155) 427
Zhu, S.-B.      133(156 162) 135(156) 199
Zhu, Y.      97(173) 112
Zhuang, X.W.      93(157) 112
Ziegler, L.D.      222(117—118) 234(168) 245(168) 264(168) 426—427
Zielinska, B.J.A.      480(261) 510
Ziff, R.M.      129—130(127) 133(166) 134(168) 142(127) 153(192) 198—200
Ziger, D.H.      192(344) 205
Ziherl, P.      70(87) 110
Zwanzig’s theory, ionic conductivity limits, aqueous solutions      382—384
Zwanzig’s theory, ionic conductivity limits, electrolyte solutions      365—371
Zwanzig’s theory, ionic conductivity limits, ethanol      396
Zwanzig’s theory, ionic conductivity limits, methanol      394
Zwanzig’s theory, ionic conductivity limits, propanol      396—398
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
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