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ID asc desc pic Àâòîðû asc desc Íàçâàíèå asc desc Ãîä asc desc Äîï.
17011 Leondes C. (ed.) Musculoskeletal Models and Techniques 2001
129934 von Schulthess G.K., Zollikofer C.L. Musculoskeletal Sonography. Technique, Anatomy, Semeiotics and Pathological Diseases 2005
133504 William S. Pietrzak Musculoskeletal Tissue Regeneration: Biological Materials and Methods 2008
135900 Pietrzak W. Musculoskeletal Tissue Regeneration: Biological Materials and Methods 2008
214762 Phillips R.-B. Museum Pieces: Toward the Indigenization of Canadian Museums 2011
200497 Ana Lucia Araujo Museums and Atlantic Slavery 2021
199078 Miles P.G., Chang S.T. Mushrooms: Cultivation, Nutritional Value, Medicinal Effect, and Environmental Impact 2004
178742 Benson D. Music - A Mathematical Offering 2006
141138 Anagnostopoulou C., Ferrand M., Smaill A. Music and Artificial Intelligence 2002
132202 John Fauvel, Raymond Flood, Robin Wilson Music and Mathematics - From Pythagoras to Fractals 2006
212841 Torabi J. Music and Myth in Modern Literature 2021
30007 Marcel G., Maddux S. Music and Philosophy 2005
23684 Temperly D. Music and Probability 2007
206687 David Temperley Music and Probability 2007
198803 Budd M. Music and the emotions: the philosophical theories 2003
214758 Hodgkinson T. Music and the Myth of Wholeness: Toward a New Aesthetic Paradigm 2016
74300 Jarrett S. Music composition for dummies 2008
149047 Finney J., Burnard P. Music Education With Digital Technology 2007
60256 Brice R. Music engineering 2001
134673 Orio N. Music Retrieval 2006
172330 Orio N. Music Retrieval (Foundations and Trends in Information Retrieval) 2006
160076 Middleton P., Gurevitz S. Music Technology Workbook: Key concepts and practical projects 2009
131654 Haas R., Brandes V. Music that works: Contributions of biology, neurophysiology, psychology, sociology, medicine and musicology 2009
140645 Haas R., Brandes V. Music that works: Contributions of biology, neurophysiology, psychology, sociology, medicine and musicology 2009
159424 Haas R., Brandes V. Music that works: Contributions of biology, neurophysiology, psychology, sociology, medicine and musicology 2009
129142 Hewitt M. Music theory for computer musicians 2008
161547 Hewitt M. Music Theory for Computer Musicians Bk/Cd 2008
136960 Cook P. R. Music, Cognition, and Computerized Sound: An Introduction to Psychoacoustics 1999
193477 Leman M., Camurri A., Louhivuori J. Music, Gestalt, and Computing: Studies in Cognitive and Systematic Musicology 1997
144230 Olson H.F. Music, Physics and Engineering 1967
198566 Geem Z.W. Music-inspired harmony search algorithm: theory and applications 2009
35191 Benson D. Music: A Mathematical Offering 2007
186166 Benson D. Music: A Mathematical Offering 2006
103336 Debussi C Musica per chitarro 1979
74721 Rink J. Musical performance: a guide to understanding 2003
74321 Roads Ñ.(ed.) Musical signal processing 1997
169845 Loy G . Musimathics, Volume 1 2006
126573 Loy G. Musimathics: the mathematical foundations of music. Volume 1 2006
169922 Lindel K. Muskeldehnung: Grundlagen, Differenzialdiagnostik, Therapeutische Dehnungen, Eigendehnungen, Sehen - Verstehen - ?ben - Anwenden (Physiotherapie Basics) 2006
210713 Nadir ad-Durgills Muslim Culture in Russia and Central Asia 2004
211556 Anke von Kügelgen Muslim Culture in Russia and Central Asia 2000
210569 Denis Hermann, Fabrizio Speziale Muslim Cultures in the Indo-Iranian World during the Early-Modern and Modern Periods 2010
206626 David L., Lynd Robert S., Lynd Helen M Muslim Fishermen in North-East India: A Sociological Study 2014
208769 Syed Ubaidur Rahman MUSLIM FREEDOM FIGHTERS Contribution of Indian Muslims in the Independence Movement 2004
208306 KHADIJAH ELSHAYYAL MUSLIM IDENTITY POLITICS Islam, Activism and Equality in Britain 2018
11117 Waardenburg J. Muslim Perceptions of other religions 1999
200060 MICHAEL COOK Muslim tradition 1983
211263 Schweizer U. Muslime in Europa: Staatsbürgerschaft und Islam in einer liberalen und säkularen Demokratie 2019
213374 Alexander Schauer Muslime und Franken Ethnische, soziale und religiöse Gruppen im Kitäb al-l'tibär des Usäma ibn Munqid 2000

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