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ID asc desc pic Àâòîðû asc desc Íàçâàíèå asc desc Ãîä asc desc Äîï.
120970 Skrypnik W.I. LRO in Lattice Systems of Linear Classical and Quantum Oscillators. Strong Nearest-Neighbor Pair Quadratic Interaction 2000
149740 Snow O. LSD 2003
121210 Lee F.T., Huang M.C. lsing Model in an External Field on a Hierarchical Lattice 1994
122266 Higuchi Y., Yoshida N. lsing Models on the Lattice Sierpinski Gasket 1996
84131 Khan F. LTE for 4G Mobile Broadband. Air interface technologies and performance 2009
79853 Êëåìïåðåð Â. LTI. ßçûê òðåòüåãî ðåéõà. Çàïèñíàÿ êíèæêà ôèëîëîãà 1998
147007 Rudnick L. Lubricant Additives Chemistry and Applications 2003
133622 Rudnick L.R. Lubricant Additives. Chemistry and Applications 2003
52442 Sequeira A., Jr. Lubricant Base Oil and Wax Processing 1994
49466 Mang T. (ed.), Dresel W. (ed.) Lubricants and Lubrication 2007
159048 Ishchuk Y.L. Lubricating Grease Manufacturing Technology 2008
148160 Fernstrom C., Kruzela I., Svensson B. LUCAS Associative Array Processor: Design, Programming and Application Studies (Lecture Notes in Computer Science) 1986
40991 Garett P. Lucas-Lehmer criterion for primality of Mersenne numbers 2001
26744 Gospodnetic O., Hatcher E. Lucene in Action 2004
127249 Barter J. Lucent Library of Science and Technology. Black Holes 2003
182328 Wadge W., Ashcroft E. Lucid, the Dataflow Programming Language 1985
160728 Bewersdorff J. Luck, Logic and White Lies. Mathematics of Games 2005
128632 Netz R. Ludic Proof. Greek Mathematics And The Alexandrian Aesthetic 2009
174186 Netz R. Ludic Proof: Greek Mathematics and the Alexandrian Aesthetic 2009
208127 C. CERCIGNANI Ludwig Boltzmann 2006
212738 Horch H. O. Ludwig Strauß, 1892–1992: Beiträge zu seinem Leben und Werk. Mit einer Bibliographie 1995
211921 Matveev J. Ludwig Strauss: An Approach to His Bilingual "Parallel Poems" 2018
212401 Matveev J. Ludwig Strauss: An Approach to His Bilingual “Parallel Poems» 2018
80585 Griehl M. Luftwaffe At War - Airwar Over The Atlantic 2003
80324 Spick M. Luftwaffe bomber aces 2001
80241 Merrick K.A., Kiroff J. Luftwaffe Camouflage and Markings, 1933-45, Volume 1 2004
80311 Fleuret A. Luftwaffe Camouflage, 1935-40 1981
79973 Goss Ch., Rauchbach B. Luftwaffe Seaplanes 1939-1945: An Illustrated History 2002
80631 Schick W., Meyer I. Luftwaffe Secret Projects: Fighters 1939-1945 1997
80731 Herwig D. Luftwaffe Secret Projects: Ground Attack & Special Purpose Aircraft 2003
80117 Herwig D., Rode H. Luftwaffe Secret Projects: Strategic Bombers 1935-1945 2000
80355 Ïèìëîòò Äæ. Luftwaffe. Âîåííî-âîçäóøíûå ñèëû III Ðåéõà. The Illustrated History of the German Air Force In WWII 2005
79985 Nomura T., Miranda J. Luftwaffe: 1946 Technical Manual. Band 3. Rocket Fighters 1999
158951 Ted Nomura, Paula Merkado, Justo Miranda Luftwaffe: 1946 Technical Manual. Band 4. Amerika Bombers. 1999
80573 Ketley B., Rolfe M. Luftwaffen Emblemen 1939-1945 2001
210280 Jasiński B. Lukács n/a
141553 Bircher W. Lukan's Documentation for Physical Therapist Assistants 2007
142460 Bircher W. Lukan's Documentation for Physical Therapist Assistants 2008
39431 Karpenko A. Lukasiewicz's Logics and Prime Numbers 2006
141735 Boicescu V., Filipoiu A. Lukasiewicz-Moisil Algebras 1991
157273 Boicescu V. Lukasiewicz-Moisil Algebras (Annals of Discrete Mathematics, Volume 49) 1991
165521 Boicescu V., Filipoiu A., Georgescu G. Lukasiewicz-Moisil Algebras (Annals of Discrete Mathematics, Volume 49) 1991
211431 David Paul Moessner Luke the Historian of Israel’s Legacy, Theologian of Israel’s ‘Christ’ 2016
211482 David Paul Moessner Luke the Historian of Israel’s Legacy, Theologian of Israel’s ‘Christ’ 2016
212184 Crabbe K. Luke/Acts and the End of History 2019
173292 Ropp R. Luminescence and the Solid State 2004
40670 Nichols E.L., Wilbur D.T. Luminescence at High Temperatures 1920
165812 Van Dyke K., Van Dyke C., Woodfork K. Luminescence Biotechnology: Instruments and Applications 2001
117496 Curie D. Luminescence in Crystals 1963
52568 Ronda C. (ed.) Luminescence: From Theory to Applications 2008

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