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ID asc desc pic Àâòîðû asc desc Íàçâàíèå asc desc Ãîä asc desc Äîï.
198638 Thomas J. Sargent Dynamic Microeconomic Theory 1997
198637 J.C. Maxwell A Treatise on Electricity and Magnetism. Vol 1 1873
198636 A. Bensoussan (ed), J. L. Lions (ed) Lecture Notes in Control and Information Sciences. Analysis and Optimization of Systems 1988
198635 Paul G. Hoel, Sidney C. Port, Charles J. Stone Introduction to Probability Theory 1971
198634 Gaurdiola R., Ros J. The Many-Body Problem. Jastrow Correlations Versus Brueckner Theory: Proceedings of the Third Topical School Held in Granada (Spain), September 22–27, 1980 1981
198633 Marsden J.E., Ratiu T., Abraham R. Manifolds, Tensor Analysis, and Applications 2002
198632 Henneaux M., Sevrin A., Gross D. J., editors Quantum Structure of Space and Time : Proceedings of the 23rd Solvay Conference on Physics 2007
198631 Menger K. Calculus : A Modern Approach 1955
198630 Wilde I. F. Lecture Notes On Complex Analysis 2006
198629 Putnam H. The Collapse of the Fact/Value Dichotomy and Other Essays 2002
198628 Razavy M. Quantum Theory of Tunneling 2003
198627 Eisenbud D., Neumann W. D. Three-Dimensional Link Theory and Invariants of Plane Curve Singularities 1986
198626 McCutcheon R. Elemental Methods in Ergodic Ramsey Theory 2000
198625 Le Bond P. H., Mysak L. A. Waves in the Ocean (Oceanography Series) 1980
198624 Helffer B. Semiclassical Analysis, Witten Laplacians and Statistical Mechanics 2002
198623 Flynn A. M., Theodore L. Health, Safety, and Accident Management in the Chemical Process Industries: A Complete Compressed Domain Approach (Chemical Industries) 2001
198622 Stroock D. W. A Concise Introduction to the Theory of Integration 1994
198621 Breitenlohner P., Maison D., Sibold K., editors Renormalization of Quantum Field Theories with Non-linear Field Transformations: Proceedings of a Workshop, Held at Ringberg Castle Tegernsee, FRG, February 16–20, 1987 (Lecture Notes in Physics, vol. 303) 1988
198620 J.B. Friedlander (ed), D.R. Heath-Brown (ed), H. Iwaniec (ed) Lecture Notes in Mathematics. Analytic Number Theory 2006
198619 Peter R. Nelson, Peter S. Wludyka, Karen A.F. Copeland The Analysis of Means 2005
198618 Larson R. G. The Structure and Rheology of Complex Fluids (Topics in Chemical Engineering) 1998
198617 V. Thomee (ed) Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics. Vol 128 2001
198616 H.V. von Geramb (ed) Lecture Notes in Physics. Quantum Inversion Theory and Applications 1994
198615 Tralle A., Oprea J. Symplectic Manifolds with no Kaehler structure (Lecture Notes in Mathematics, 1661) 1997
198614 Eli Maor The Pythagorean Theorem 2007
198613 M. Roberts (ed), I. Stewart (ed) Lecture Notes in Mathematics. Singularity Theory and its Applications 1991
198612 Kamke E. Theory of Sets (Dover Books on Mathematics) 1950
198611 Hermann Schlichting Boundary-Layer Theory 1979
198610 Emmanuel Dror Farjoun Lecture Notes in Mathematics. Cellular Spaces, Null Spaces and Homotopy Localization 1996
198609 McCall S. A Model of the Universe: Space-Time, Probability, and Decision (Clarendon Library of Logic and Philosophy) 1994
198608 March N.H., editor Electron Correlations in the Solid State 1999
198607 Cohen H., Rogers G. F. C., Saravanamuttoo H. I. H. Gas Turbine Theory 1996
198606 Walter Trebels Lecture Notes in Mathematics. Multipliers for C-Bounded Fourier Expansions in Banach Spaces and Approximation Theory 1973
198605 Kanatani K. Statistical Optimization for Geometric Computation: Theory and Practice (Machine Intelligence and Pattern Recognition) 1996
198604 Mamoru Kaneko Game Theory and Mutual Misunderstanding 2005
198603 K. Busch (ed), A. Powell (ed), C. Rothing (ed) Lecture Notes in Physics. CFN Lectures on Functional Nanostructures 2004
198602 Passell N., Yasugi M. Memoirs of a Proof Theorist: Gödel and Other Logicians 2003
198601 G. Amelino-Camelia (ed), J. Kowalski-Glikman (ed) Lecture Notes in Physics. Planck Scale Effects in Astrophysics and Cosmology 2005
198600 Martin H. Schultz Spline Analysis 1973
198599 Karpeshina Y. E. Perturbation Theory for the Schrödinger Operator with a Periodic Potential (Lecture Notes in Mathematics, 1663) 1997
198598 Miller J. C., Haglund R. F., editors Laser Ablation: Mechanisms and Applications (Lecture Notes in Physics) 1991
198597 Rosser W. G. V. Classical electromagnetism via Relativity : An Alternative Approach to Maxwell's Equations 1968
198596 Chaichian M., Demichev A. Path Integrals in Physics Volume I: Stochastic Process and Quantum Mechanics 2001
198595 Hilbert D. The Theory of Algebraic Number Fields 1998
198594 Kubota T. Elementary theory of Eisenstein series (Kodansha scientific books) 1993
198593 Wess J., Akulov V. P., editors Supersymmetry and Quantum Field Theory: Proceedings of the D. Volkov Memorial Seminar Held in Kharkov, Ukraine, 5–7 January 1997 (Lecture Notes in Physics) 1998
198592 Gear C.W. Numerical initial value problems in ordinary differential equations 1971
198591 Beasley R. Theorists of Modernist Poetry - T.S. Eliot, T.E. Hulme and Ezra Pound 2007
198590 Agar C. Capital Investment & Financing A Practical Guide to Financial Evaluation 2005
198589 Prinz J. The Emotional Construction of Morals 2008

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