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Ïî íàçâàíèþ:
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z À Á Â Ã Ä Å ¨ Æ Ç È É Ê Ë Ì Í Î Ï Ð Ñ Ò Ó Ô Õ Ö × Ø Ù Û Ý Þ ß
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ID asc desc pic Àâòîðû asc desc Íàçâàíèå asc desc Ãîä asc desc Äîï.
198088 Harper G.D.J. Solar Energy Projects for the Evil Genius 2007
198087 Popa R. Maths & Stats Between Necessity and Probability Searching for the Definition and Origin of Life Radu Popa 2004
198086 Cagnoni S. Evolutionary image analysis and signal processing 2009
198085 Toriwaki J., Yoshida H. Fundamentals of three-dimensional digital image processing 2009
198084 Smith S.W. The Scientist and Engineer's Guide to Digital Signal Processing 1999
198083 Ballmann W. Lectures on spaces of nonpositive curvature 2004
198082 Leichnetz G.R. Digital Neuroanatomy 2006
198081 Knipe C., Watts W.E. Organic reaction mechanisms - 1998: An annual survey covering the literature dated December 1997 to November 1998 2002
198080 Kollár L.P., Springer G.S. Mechanics of Composite Structures 2003
198079 Mayer M.C., Pirri F. Automated Reasoning with Analytic Tableaux and Related Methods - International Conference, TABLEAUX 2003, Rome, Italy, September 2003 2003
198078 Timm N.H. Applied Multivariate Analysis 2002
198077 Deitel H.M., Deitel P.J., Santry S.E. Advanced Java 2 platform: how to program 2001
198076 R. A. Dunlap The Golden Ratio and Fibonacci Numbers 1998-
198075 Delfour M.C., Zolesio J.-P. Shapes and geometries: analysis, differential calculus, and optimization 1987
198074 Buckland P. Reshaping The Future: education and postconflict reconstruction 2005
198073 Menshikov S. Millionaires and Managers - Structure of US Financial Oligarchy 1969
198072 Gelbaum B.R. Modern real and complex analysis 1995
198071 Madec P.-J., Marechal E., Mark J.-E. Analysis Reactions Morphology 1985
198070 Mlodinow L. Euclid's window: the story of geometry from parallel lines to hyperspace 2001
198069 Michael Spivak Answer Book for Calculus 1994
198068 Hurford J.R. Language and number: The emergence of a cognitive system 1987
198067 Howard R.M. Principles of random signal analysis and low noise design 2002
198066 Chuong N.M., Egorov Yu.V., Khrennikov A. Harmonic, wavelet and P-adic analysis 2007
198065 Groote P., Hindley J.R. Typed Lambda Calculi and Applications, 3 conf., TLCA '97 1997
198064 Ditzian Z., Totik V. Moduli of Smoothness 1987
198063 Pham F. Geometrie et calcul differentiel sur les varietes : Cours, etudes et exercices 1999
198062 Lebedev L.P., Cloud M.J. The calculus of variations and functional analysis: with optimal control and applications in mechanics 2003
198061 Eberly D. Ridges in image and data analysis 1996
198060 Terras A. Harmonic analysis on symmetric spaces and applications I 1985
198059 Hogbe-Nlend H., Moscatelli V.B. Nuclear and conuclear spaces: Introductory course on nuclear and conuclear spaces 1981
198058 Ryaben'kii V.S., Tsynkov S.V. Theoretical introduction to numerical analysis 2006
198057 Hatakeyama T., Zhenhai L. Handbook of thermal analysis 1999
198056 Ciletti M.D. Advanced Digital Design with the Verilog HDL n/a
198055 Ivan Niven, Herbert S. Zuckerman Introduction to the Theory of Numbers 1972
198054 Kumaresan S. Topology of metric spaces 2005
198053 Vinson J.R. The Behavior Of Thin Walled Structures Beams Plates And Shells 1989
198052 Soille P. Morphological Image Analysis 2004
198051 Scheid F. Schaum's outline of theory and problems of numerical analysis 1968
198050 Schapire R.E. The design and analysis of efficient learning algorithms 1992
198049 Graaftland J.J. Economics Ethics & Market 2007
198048 Dezani-Ciancaglini M., Plotkin G. Typed Lambda Calculi and Applications 1995
198047 Madsen I., Milgram R.J. The classifying spaces for surgery and cobordism of manifolds 1979
198046 Wang Yu., Wulan H., Wu S. Complex analysis and applications 2006
198045 David F. Walnut An Introduction to Wavelet Analysis 2001
198044 Myors B., Murphy K.R., Wolach A. Statistical Power Analysis 2004
198043 Brett Myors, Kevin R. Murphy, Kevin Murphy, Allen Wolach Statistical Power Analysis 2004
198042 Aberth O. Computable analysis 1980
198041 Madhavan A. Market Microstructure-A Survey 2000
198040 Koskimies K. Compiler Construction 1998
198039 Friedman A. Foundations of modern analysis 1982

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