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ID asc desc pic Àâòîðû asc desc Íàçâàíèå asc desc Ãîä asc desc Äîï.
198288 Elliott D.F., Rao K.R. Fast transforms: algorithms, analyses, applications 1983
198287 Broudy W., Zerhouni E. Handbook of Medical Imaging Processing Analysis 2000
198286 Graham B., Dodd D. Security Analysis 1996
198285 Edwards R., Magee J. Analysis Stock Trends 2010
198284 Bird R., Wadler P. Einfuehrung in die funktionale Programmierung 1992
198283 Richardson L.F. Measure and integration: A concise introduction to real analysis 2009
198282 Chan Kim W., Mauborgne R. Blue Ocean Strategy 2005
198281 Marcus D.A. Number fields 1977
198280 Kallenrode M.-B. Rechenmethoden der Physik vol.2 2005
198279 Cantow H.J. Solar Energy Phase Transfer Catalysis Transport Processes 1984
198278 Karpilovsky G., Nachbin L. The algebraic structure of crossed products 1987
198277 Haghighat M.R. Symbolic analysis for parallelizing compilers 1995
198276 Kamm O. Qualitative organic analysis 1923
198275 Borel E. Space and time 1960
198274 Berne B.J., Harp G.D. On the calculation of time correlation functions 1970
198273 Buck R.K. Studies in modern analysis 1978
198272 Borsztein P. Megamaths 2001
198271 Lang K.R. Sun, earth, and sky 2006
198270 Adamovics J.A. Chromatografic Analysis of Pharmaceuticals 1997
198269 Pring M.J. Investment Psychology Explained Classic Strategies To Beat The Markets 1992
198268 Figueira J., Greco S., Ehrgott M. (ed.) Multiple criteria decision analysis. State of the Art Surveys 2005
198267 Jones F. Lebesgue Integration on Euclidean Space 2000
198266 Adleman L.M., Huang M.-D. Algorithmic Number Theory 1 Symposium 1994
198265 Salas S.L., Etgen G.J., Hille E. Calculus. One variable 2006
198264 Bytsenko A.A., Cognola G., Elizalde E. Analytic Aspects of Quantum Fields 2003
198263 Apostol T.M. Calculus, Volume I: One-Variable Calculus, with an Introduction to Linear Algebra 1967
198262 Shats M., Punzmann H. Turbulence And Coherent Structures in Fluids, Plasmas And Nonlinear Medium (World Scientific Lecture Notes in Complex Systems) 2006
198261 Chakravarty M.M.T., Keller G.C. Einfuehrung in die Programmierung mit Haskell 2004
198260 Adams J., Zeng N. Vegetation-Climate Interaction-How Vegetation Makes the Global Environment 2007
198259 Bornemann F., Laurie D., Wagon S. The SIAM 100-digit challenge: a study in high-accuracy numerical computing 2004
198258 Palepu K.G., Healy P.M., Bernard V.L. Business Analysis and Valuation, Text and Cases 2007
198257 Ryan M. Calculus Workbook For Dummies 2005
198256 Stowe J.D., Robinson T.R., Pinto J.E. Analysis of equity investments Valuation-Stowe 2002
198255 Weiner M. Electromagnetic Analysis Using Transmission Line Variables 2001
198254 Thomas G.B., Finney R.L., Weir M.D. Thomas' calculus: Instructor's solutions manual 2002
198253 Moller F., Birtwistle G. Logics for Concurrency - Structure versus Automata, 8 conf 1996
198252 Engle R.F. The Econometric Of High-Frequency Data 1996
198251 Valdivia M. Topics in locally convex spaces 1982
198250 Bayley H. Archaic England, an essay in deciphering prehistory from megalithic monuments, earthworks, customs, coins, placenames, and faeric superstitions 1919
198249 Bershtein V.A., Erry G.C., Ise N. Polymer Analysis And Characterization 1994
198248 Landau L.D., Lifshitz E.M. Course of Theoretical Physics, Volume 8: Electrodynamics of Continuous Media 1984
198247 Kachigan S.K. Statistical Analysis 1986
198246 Edelen D.G.B. Applied exterior calculus 1985
198245 Caratheodory C. Calculus of variations and partial differential equations of the first order 1999
198244 Salzer F. Structural hearing. Tone coherence in music 1962
198243 Sethi S.P., Thompson G.L. Optimal Control Theory: Applications to Management Science and Economics 2005
198242 McGuire M., Winsten C.B., Beckmann C.B. Studies in the Economics of Transportation 1956
198241 Hedeker D., Gibbons R.D. Longitudinal Data Analysis 2006
198240 The world in 2009 n/a
198239 Choudhry M. Fixed Income Securities and Derivatives Handbook: Analysis and Valuation 2005

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