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A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z À Á Â Ã Ä Å ¨ Æ Ç È É Ê Ë Ì Í Î Ï Ð Ñ Ò Ó Ô Õ Ö × Ø Ù Û Ý Þ ß
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ID asc desc pic Àâòîðû asc desc Íàçâàíèå asc desc Ãîä asc desc Äîï.
198188 Forder H.G., Genese R.W. The Calculus of Extension 1941
198187 Jesus-Backus M. Pocket Book of economic indicators 2002
198186 Jaulin L., Kieffer M., Didrit O. Applied Interval Analysis 2001
198185 Tietze J. Einfuehrung in die Finanzmathematik 2006
198184 Ribenboim P. The New Book Of Prime Number Records 1996
198183 Willem M. Analyse fonctionnelle elementaire 2003
198182 Bezem M., Groote J.F. Typed Lambda Calculi and Applications, TLCA '93 1 conf 1993
198181 Shahriari S. Approximately calculus 2006
198180 Attouch H., Buttazzo G., Michaille G. Variational Analysis in Sobolev and BV Spaces: Applications to PDEs and Optimization (MPS-SIAM Series on Optimization) 2005
198179 Chipot M., Lin C.-S., Tsai D. Recent Advances in Nonlinear Analysis (Proceedings of the International Conference on Nonlinear Analysis) 2008
198178 Hurt N., Hermann R. Quantum statistical mechanics and Lie group harmonic analysis 1980
198177 Kojima S., Seppala M. Topology and Teichmuller spaces: Katinkulta, Finland 1997
198176 Blasius L.D. Schenker's Argument and the Claims of Music Theory (Cambridge Studies in Music Theory and Analysis) 1996
198175 Montgomery D. Design and Analysis of Experiments 2001
198174 Wenzel F. Perspectives in Modern Seismology (Lecture Notes in Earth Sciences) 2005
198173 Mun J. Real Options Analysis Course - Business Cases and Software Applications 2003
198172 Reid C. From Zero to Infinity: What Makes Numbers Interesting 1964
198171 Noronha G., Sarin A., Saudagaran S. Testing For Micro-Structure Effects Of International Dual Listings Using Intraday Data n/a
198170 Broderick J.P. Modern English linguistics: a structural and transformational grammar 1978
198169 Pesavento L. Planetary Harmonics of Speculative Markets 1996
198168 Bertsekas D. Convex analysis and optimization 2003
198167 Ludwig G. Die Grundstrukturen einer physikalischen Theorie 1990
198166 Zapata G.I. Functional analysis, holomorphy and approximation theory II 1984
198165 Heidorn T. Finanzmathematik in der Bankpraxis 2006
198164 Capriz G. Continua with Microstructure 1989
198163 Gockenbach M.S. Partial differential equations: analytical and numerical methods 2002
198162 Seydel R. From Equilibrium to Chaos. Practical Bifurcation and Stability Analysis 1988
198161 Guenard F., Hug P. Mathematiques: Analyse et Algorithmique 1993
198160 Wallerstein D.V. A Variational Approach to Structural Analysis 2001
198159 Seierstad A., Sydsaeter K. Optimal control theory with economic applications 1987
198158 Troitzky A.A. 360 Brilliant and Instructive Endgames 1968
198157 Marsden J.E., Hoffman M.J. Basic complex analysis 1998
198156 Deissenberg C., Hartl R.F. Optimal Control and Dynamic Games: Applications in Finance, Management Science and Economics (Advances in Computational Management Science) 2005
198155 Dolzmann D. Variational methods for crystalline microstructure: analysis and computation 2003
198154 Lutkepohl H. Introduction to multiple time series analysis 1993
198153 Mitchell W.J., Steel J.R. Fine structure and iteration trees 1994
198152 Green M.A., Emery K., King D.L. Solar Cell Efficiency Tables (Version 27) 2006
198151 Jickells S., Negrusz A., Moffat A.C. Clarke's Analytical Forensic Toxicology 2008
198150 Driver B.K. Topology and functional analysis n/a
198149 Hennessy M. A distributed pi-calculus 2007
198148 Turner J.G., McCluskey T.L. The construction of formal specifications: an introduction to the model-based and algebraic approaches 1993
198147 Toop D. Ocean of Sound - Aether Talk, Ambient Sound and Imaginary Worlds [history of ambient music 2001
198146 Behravesh N. Spin-free economics: a no-nonsense, nonpartisan guide to today's global economic debates 2008
198145 Trauger S.A., Webb W., Siuzdak G. Peptide and Protein Analysis with Mass Spectrometry n/a
198144 Hiermaier S. Structures Under Crash and Impact 2010
198143 Lapeyrouse N.J. Formulas and Calculations for Drilling, Production and Work-over n/a
198142 Landau D., Gianluca Z. Digital Control Systems: Design, Identification and Implementation 2006
198141 Forster O. Analysis 2 2008
198140 Choudhry M., Joannas D., Pereira R. Capital Market Instruments: Analysis and Valuation 2005
198139 Edwards C.C. TI-89 graphing calculator for dummies 2005

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