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ID asc desc pic Àâòîðû asc desc Íàçâàíèå asc desc Ãîä asc desc Äîï.
56139 Al-Khalili J. Black Holes, Wormholes and Time Machines 1999
56150 Ridley B.K. Quantum Processes in Semiconductors 1999
56210 Nordhaus W.D. (ed.), Kokkelenberg C. (ed.) Nature's Numbers: Expanding the National Economic Accounts to Include the Environment 1999
56228 Connors R., Smith T. Journey to the Emerald City: Achieve A Competitive Edge by Putting the OZ Principle to Work 1999
56279 Applbaum A.I. Ethics for Adversaries: The Morality of Roles in Public and Professional Life 1999
56328 Bucknall K.B. Chinese Business Etiquette and Culture 1999
56403 Lerche I., MacKay J.A. Economic Risk in Hydrocarbon Exploration 1999
56494 Taylor J.B., Woodford M. Handbook of Macroeconomics, Part 1 1999
56495 Taylor J.B., Woodford M. Handbook of Macroeconomics, Part 2 1999
56496 Taylor J.B., Woodford M. Handbook of Macroeconomics, Part 3 1999
56490 Card D., Ashenfelter O. Handbook Of Labor Economics, Vol. 3A 1999
56491 Card D., Ashenfelter O. Handbook Of Labor Economics, Vol. 3B 1999
56492 Card D., Ashenfelter O. Handbook Of Labor Economics, Vol. 3C 1999
56505 Cheshire P. (ed.), Mills E.S. (ed.) Handbook of Regional and Urban Economics, Vol. 3: Applied Urban Economics 1999
56595 Freixas X., Rochet J.-C. Microeconomics of Banking 1999
56615 Matthee R.P., Morgan D. The Politics of Trade in Safavid Iran: Silk for Silver, 1600-1730 1999
56649 Ìàòåìàòèêà 6-8. Çàêëþ÷èòåëüíûé êîíêóðñ æóðíàëà Êâàíò 1999
56650 Pawliszyn J. Applications of solid phase microextraction 1999
56669 Åïèôàíîâ Â.À. Ëå÷åáíàÿ ôèçè÷åñêàÿ êóëüòóðà è ñïîðòèâíàÿ ìåäèöèíà 1999
56682 Noll R.G. Economics and Politics of the Slowdown in Regulatory Reform 1999
56750 Èíôîðìàöèîííûé Öåíòð Òóðíèðà Ãîðîäîâ XXI Òóðíèð èìåíè Ì.Â. Ëîìîíîñîâà. Îò÷åò 1999
56768 Carlaw P., Deming V.K. The Big Book of Customer Service Training Games 1999
56778 Alan R., Henk C. Advances in Heterocyclic Chemistry. Vol. 74 1999
56793 Bethell D. Advances in Heterocycling Chemistry. Vol. 32 1999
56849 Lenahan T. Turnaround Management 1999
56956 Friedfertig M., West G., Burton J. Electronic Day Traders' Secrets: Learn From the Best of the Best Day Traders 1999
57118 Buchanan J.M. Public Finance in Democratic Process 1999
57128 Buchanan J.M. The Demand and Supply of Public Goods 1999
57151 Hemond H.F., Fechner-Levy E.J. Chemical Fate and Transport in the Environment 1999
57158 Buchanan J.M. Cost and Choice: An Inquiry in Economic Theory, Vol. 6 1999
57161 Buchanan J.M. Calculus of Consent, Vol. 3 1999
57171 Goulding S. Company Law. Second edition 1999
57222 Chang K.C. Digital Systems Design with VHDL and Synthesis: An Integrated Approach 1999
57261 Armstrong M. A Handbook of Human Resource Management Practice 1999
57291 Gloria-Palermo S. Evolution of Austrian Economics: From Menger to Lachmann 1999
57296 Bavly D.A. Corporate Governance and Accountability: What Role for the Regulator, Director, and Auditor? 1999
57321 Galwey A.K. Thermal Decomposition of Ionic Solids 1999
57325 Gustafson T. Capitalism Russian-Style 1999
57467 Soden D. (ed.), Steel B.R. (ed.) Handbook of Global Environmental Policy and Administration 1999
57524 Hartley P. Interpersonal Communication 1999
57559 Ôèëèïïîâ À.Ï., Áà÷óðèí Â. Å. Äîìàøíÿÿ ðàáîòà ïî àëãåáðå çà 9 êëàññ 1999
65304 Ìàêêîíåë Ê.Ð., Áðþ Ñ.Ë. Ýêîíîìèêñ 1999
65311 Toussaint E. Your Money or Your Life! The Tyranny of Global Finance 1999
65324 Eustathopoulos N., Nicholas M.G., Drevet B. Wettability at High Temperatures 1999
65337 Bevan D., Collier P., Gunning J.W. The Political Economy of Poverty, Equity, and Growth: Nigeria and Indonesia 1999
65376 Piper J. The Way to Trade 1999
65462 Siler T. Think Like a Genius 1999
65490 Gibbons J.D., Olkin I., Sobel M. Selecting and Ordering Populations 1999
65493 Kokotovic P., Khalil H.K., O'Reilly J. Singular Perturbation Methods in Control 1999
65496 Ekeland I., Temam R. Convex Analysis and Variational Problems 1999

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