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A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z À Á Â Ã Ä Å ¨ Æ Ç È É Ê Ë Ì Í Î Ï Ð Ñ Ò Ó Ô Õ Ö × Ø Ù Û Ý Þ ß
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ID asc desc pic Àâòîðû asc desc Íàçâàíèå asc desc Ãîä asc desc Äîï.
55397 Pais A., Jacob M., Olive D.I. The Man and His Work 1998
55404 Hyers D.H., Isac G., Rassias T.M. Stability of functional equations in several variables 1998
55411 Zauderer E. Partial Differential Equations of Applied Mathematics 1998
55466 Laumond J.-P. Robot Motion Planning and Control 1998
55494 Arnold V.I. Ordinary Differential Equations 1998
55504 Hsiang W.Y. Lectures on Lie Groups 1998
55667 Bridges D.S. Foundations Of Real And Abstract Analysis 1998
55705 Etherington D., Hawley D.L. Hiring Professionals Under Nafta 1998
44575 Êîâàëü È. Êàê íàïèñàòü êîìïüþòåðíûé âèðóñ 1998
44578 Legendre P., Legendre L. Numerical Ecology 1998
44612 Zhanwei S., Xinghua Z. Method for 3-D eddy current analysis 1998
44673 Buekenhout F., Huybrechts C. A (c. L* )-Geometry for the Sporadic Group J2 1998
44698 Hillel D. Environmental Soil Physics 1998
44785 Burton R.F. Biology by Numbers: An Encouragement to Quantitative Thinking 1998
44854 Houben J., Weyl T. Houben-Weyl Methods in Organic Chemistry: Hetarenes: 6+ Membered Rings with 2+ Heteroatom (vol. e-9b) 1998
44855 Houben J., Weyl T. Houben-Weyl Methods in Organic Chemistry: Hetarenes: 6+ Membered Rings with 2+ Heteroatom (vol. e-9c) 1998
44863 Çîòèêîâ Â.Ñ. (ðåä.), Áàðàáàíîâ Â.Ã., Ëèìîíîâà Ë.Ï, Êîððîçèÿ îáîðóäîâàíèÿ â ïðîèçâîäñòâå ãàëîãåíñîäåðæàùèõ âåùåñòâ 1998
44895 Cheremisinoff N.P. Liquid Filtration 1998
44911 Lathrop R.H., Rogers Jr R.G., Smith T.F. A Bayes-optimal sequence-structure theory that unifies protein sequence-structure recognition and alignment 1998
45066 Guerzhoy P. A p-adic Property of Fourier Coefficients of Modular Forms of Half Integral Weight 1998
45260 Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra ¹123 (1998) 1998
45262 Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra ¹124 (1998) 1998
45264 Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra ¹132 (1998) 1998
45267 Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra ¹131 (1998) 1998
45268 Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra ¹129 (1998) 1998
45269 Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra ¹130 (1998) 1998
45270 Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra ¹127 (1998) 1998
45271 Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra ¹125 (1998) 1998
45272 Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra ¹126 (1998) 1998
45273 Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra ¹133 (1998) 1998
45274 Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra ¹128 (1998) 1998
45281 Houben J., Weyl T. Houben-Weyl Methods in Organic Chemistry: D. Aromatic 7-Membered Rings (vol. e-9d) 1998
45282 Houben J., Weyl T. Houben-Weyl Methods in Organic Chemistry: Hetarenes: 6+ Membered Rings with 2+ Heteroatom (vol. e-9e) 1998
45283 Houben J., Weyl T. Houben-Weyl Methods in Organic Chemistry: B. Synthesis of Fluorinated Compounds (vol. e-10b1) 1998
45284 Houben J., Weyl T. Houben-Weyl Methods in Organic Chemistry: B. Synthesis of Fluorinated Compounds (vol. e-10b2) 1998
45285 Houben J., Weyl T. Houben-Weyl Methods in Organic Chemistry: Organofluorine Compounds (vol. e-10c) 1998
45290 Tatlow J.C. Houben-Weyl Methods in Organic Chemistry: Organofluorine Compounds (vol. e-10a) 1998
45545 Brualdi R.A. (ed.), Schneider H. (ed.) Linear Algebra and its Applications. Volume 268 1998
45546 Brualdi R.A. (ed.), Schneider H. (ed.) Linear Algebra and its Applications. Volume 269 1998
45547 Brualdi R.A. (ed.), Schneider H. (ed.) Linear Algebra and its Applications. Volume 272 1998
45548 Brualdi R.A. (ed.), Schneider H. (ed.) Linear Algebra and its Applications. Volume 270 1998
45549 Brualdi R.A. (ed.), Schneider H. (ed.) Linear Algebra and its Applications. Volume 274 1998
45550 Brualdi R.A. (ed.), Schneider H. (ed.) Linear Algebra and its Applications. Volume 275-276 1998
45551 Brualdi R.A. (ed.), Schneider H. (ed.) Linear Algebra and its Applications. Volume 277 1998
45552 Brualdi R.A. (ed.), Schneider H. (ed.) Linear Algebra and its Applications. Volume 278 1998
45553 Brualdi R.A. (ed.), Schneider H. (ed.) Linear Algebra and its Applications. Volume 279 1998
45554 Brualdi R.A. (ed.), Schneider H. (ed.) Linear Algebra and its Applications. Volume 280 1998
45555 Brualdi R.A. (ed.), Schneider H. (ed.) Linear Algebra and its Applications. Volume 282 1998
45556 Brualdi R.A. (ed.), Schneider H. (ed.) Linear Algebra and its Applications. Volume 283 1998
45557 Brualdi R.A. (ed.), Schneider H. (ed.) Linear Algebra and its Applications. Volume 284 1998

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