Результат поиска |
Поиск книг, содержащих: Liebmann, H.
Книга | Страницы для поиска | Бляшке В. — Дифференциальная геометрия и геометрические основы теории относительности Эйнштейна (том 1) | 70133, 213, 216, 217, 267 | Patai S. — The Chemistry of Organic Silicon Compounds (part 1-2) | 1168, 1184 (178), 1203 | Ames W.F. — Numerical methods for Partial Differential Equations | 1, 39 | Chavel I. — Isoperimetric Inequalities : Differential Geometric and Analytic Perspectives | 31 | Buckingham R.A. — Numerical Methods | 539 | Coxeter H.S.M. — Introduction to Geometry | 295 | Kühnel W., Hunt B. — Differential Geometry: Curves - Surfaces - Manifolds | 46, 191, 193 | Guggenheimer H.W. — Differential Geometry | 252 | Alekseevskij D.V., Vinogradov A.M., Lychagin V.V. — Geometry I: Basic Ideas and Concepts of Differential Geometry | 200 | Sommerville D.M.Y. — The elements of non-Euclidean geometry | 24 n, 229 n | Collatz L. — The numerical treatment of differential equations | 343, 348, 356, 363 et seq. | Kentaro Yano — Integral Formulas in Riemannian Geometry | 83, 145 | Collatz L. — Functional analysis and numerical mathematics | 235, 460 | Yano K. — Integral Formulas in Riemannian Geometry | 83, 145 | Klingenberg W. — A Course in Differential Geometry (Graduate Texts in Mathematics) | 137 | Лукомская А.М. — Основные иностранные библиографические источники по математике и механике 1931-1957 | 238 |