Результат поиска |
Поиск книг, содержащих: Fajans, K.
Книга | Страницы для поиска | Фалькенгаген Г. — Электролиты | 23, 24, 371, 347 | Debye P. — Polar Molecules | 60, 61 | Seitz F. — Modern Theory of Solids | 660, 661, 674 | Douglas Clark C.Y. — The Electronic Structure and Properties of Matter: An Introductory Study of Certain Properties of Matter in the Light of Atomic Numbers, Being Volume I of a Comprehensive Treatise | IV, 10, V, 9, VI, 4, 21, VII, 10, 19, 20, VIII, 28, 45, 53, IX, 55, X, 68 | Hume-Rothery W., Raynor G.V. — The Structure of Metals and Alloys | 1 | Compton A.H., Allison S.K. — X-Rays in Theory and Experiment | 668 | Whittaker E. — A history of the theories of aether and electricity (Vol 2. The modern theories) | 13, 14 | Hoyer U. — Work on Atomic Physics (1912 - 1917) | 119, 214, 236, 419, 428, 594 | Seitz F. (ed.), Turnbull D. (ed.) — Solid State Physics. Advances in Research and Applications. Volume 16 | 40, 75, 76(64) | Друкер О.Л. — Физико-химические измерения. Часть II | 617, 618 | Kalckar J. — Foundations of Quantum Physics I (1926 - 1932), Volume 6 | 378 |