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Compton A.H., Allison S.K. — X-Rays in Theory and Experiment |
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, determination of 511
and , in Bragg's Law 355
k, A. 638
-sum rule, and x-ray spin doublets 614
Abraham, M. 266
Absorption coefficients, atomic 10 11 511
Absorption coefficients, experimental measurement of 516
Absorption coefficients, for gases 518 521
Absorption coefficients, formulae for, empirical 533
Absorption coefficients, in cellophane 520
Absorption coefficients, in mica 520
Absorption coefficients, linear 10 511
Absorption coefficients, mass 10 11 512
Absorption coefficients, tables of 521 800
Absorption, due to scattering 535
Absorption, edges, chemical effects on 667
Absorption, edges, structure of 662
Absorption, edges, wave-lengths of 792
Absorption, in target of x-ray, tube 86
Absorption, index of 279
Absorption, of divergent beams 514
Absorption, of x-rays, and dispersion theory 285 542
Absorption, of x-rays, general discussion 9 511
Absorption, relative, in and 504 561
Absorption, theories of true 555
Absorption, true, due to scattering 259
Accelerated electron, field from 771 776
Acceleration, in relativistic mechanics 763
Ahmad, N. 121
Alcohols, normal, scattering from 172
Alexander, E. 504
Alexander, N. S. 201
Alkalis, spectra of 604
Allen, S. J. M. 121 261 520 528 529 536 541 562 799 800 802 803 804 805 806
Allison, S. K. 81 209 244 266 273 365 402 497 498 500 525 589 631 638 642 643 644 645 649 650 651 653 658 689 718 728 729 730 733 737 738 739 740 742 743 744 745 746 748
Anderson, C. D. 567 570
Andrew, V. J. 84 497 498 500 525 638 642 644 645 646 651
Anti-parallel positions, of double spectrometer 730
Aoyama, S. 668
Argon, absorption of x-rays in 526
Argon, average scattering power of 190
Argon, energy levels of 628
Argon, radial electron distribution in 154
Argon, recoil electrons from 219
Argon, scattering by 145
Argon, structure of edge in 663
Argon, “photograph” of atom of 158
Armstrong, A. 303 631 638 642 658 689 698
ASE 794
Astbury, W. T. 331
Atomic absorption coefficient 10 512
Atomic plane, diffracted wave from 368
Atomic structure factor 140
Atomic structure factor, data on 781
Atomic structure factor, elementary derivation of 430
Atomic structure factor, experimental values of 427
Atomic structure factor, in terms of distance from a plane 434
Atomic structure, deviation from spherical symmetry in 164
Atomic structure, scattering as test of theories of 145
Auger effect, electrons liberated in 480
Auger effect, energies of emitted electrons 481
Auger effect, experimental results on 486
Auger effect, magnetic spectra of electrons in 503
Auger effect, theory of 492
Auger, P. 213 220 473 480 481 482 486 487 488 489 490 491 502 505 566 568 570 575 577 580 633 652 657
Aur en, T. E. 90 475
Ayres, T. 200
B cklin, E. 23 654 655 658 669 695 696 697 783 785
B tzkes, M. 642 652
Bachem, A. 514 515
Bacher, R. F. 635 794 797
Backhurst, I. 201 529 537 538
Balderston, M. 486 487 488 489
Balmer, J. J. 37 588
Banerjee, K. 170
Barkla, C. G. 14 19 31 93 94 116 120 121 124 141 189 194 199 200 201 283 479 486 500 516 583
Barlow, H. S. 567
Barlow, W. 329
Barnes, S. W. 729 742 746 749
Barrett, C. S. 121 141 143 144 145 161 250
Barton, V. P. 667
Bassler, E. 93 94
Baumann, W. 175
Bearden, J. A. 22 23 30 208 209 210 239 249 250 283 426 469 545 677 680 689 694 695 696 697 700 701 702 703 706
Beatty, R. T. 89 90 200 500 564 688
Becker, J. A. 209
Beets, H. N. 680
Bennett, R. D. 222 470 471
Bent crystal x-ray spectrographs 750
Berg, O. 785
Bergengren, J. 667
Bergqvist, A. H. 280
Bernal, J. D. 171 175 176 182 187 360
Berthold, R. 475
Bethe, H. 73 74 78 652
Beuthe, H. 632 655 788
Bewilogua, L. 141 160 164 165 166 167 782
Bi-partition, cone of 567
Birge, R. T. 210 592 629 678 696 699 702 704 705 706
Blake, F. C. 39 420 705 794
Bless, A. A. 216 217
Bloch, F. 664 671
Bohr, N. 18 33 34 35 36 38 39 46 47 0 53 60 61 66 67 68 69 104 105 107 108 133 134 153 174 221 222 224 226 227 229 239 241 245 246 247 249 435 470 575 590 592 597 600 605 625 626
Bond, W. N. 476 478 704
Boos, B. 473
Born, M. 435 547 551
Bosanquet, C. H. 394 399 400 405 424 426 427 434 435 463 469 710
Bothe, W. 49 76 212 216 222 223 224 226 265 486 566 568 575
Bouwers, A. 90 475
Boveri, M., I Bowen, I. 608
Bozorth, R. M. 744
Bradley, A. J. 304
Bragg equation 29 345
Bragg equation, from Laue's equations 340
Bragg equation, in liquid diffraction patterns 172
Bragg equation, refraction correction in 672
Bragg spectrometer 28 358 683
Bragg, W. H. 27 209 316 346 348 358 394 444 487 508 509 516 534 536 564 565 586 672 673 674 675 676 681 682 683 687 688 689 694 698 705 706 710 717
Bragg, W. L. 27 28 29 30 40 41 53 148 172 184 202 209 233 234 280 282 316 331 332 340 342 344 345 346 347 348 358 360 379 400 405 409 44 421 424 426 427 434 435 454 455 457 458 459 4 465 469 603
Braunbek, W. 627
Breit, G. 139 236 237 238 255 256 257 258 637
Brillouin, L. 436
Brindley, G. W. 149 161 193 384 400 438 439 440 442 443 444 780 781
Bubb, F. W. 567 571 575
Buchwald, E., l 82
Burger, H. C. 646 648
Cabrera, J. 794
Calcite, conventional grating spacesof 681
Calcite, density of 677
Calcite, diffraction pattern from perfect 381
Calcite, expansion of, with temperature 682
Calcite, method of cleaving 402
Calcite, reflection from 401
Calcite, rhombohedral angle of 680
Calcite, rocking curves in parallel positions of 726
Calcite, structure of 382
Calorimetry, measurement of x-rays by 8 474
Cameron, G. H. 513
Carbon, dioxide, spacings in 166
Carbon, disulfide, spacings in 166
Carbon, tetrachloride, structure of 165
Carelli, A. 239
Carlsson, E. 632 633 755 756 783
Carr, L. H. 527 529
Carrara, N. 281 690
Cassie, A. M. 505
Cauchois, Y. 750 751 752 755 756 785 794
Chadwick, J. 124
Chamberlain, K. 668 794
Chao, C. Y. 257 258 259
| Characteristic radiation, production by electrons 69
Characteristic temperatures 438
Chemical combination, and absorption wave-lengths 667
Chemical combination, and wave-lengths of lines 670
Chemical combination, theory of effect on absorption edge 668
Chloroform, interatomic spacings in 166
Chylinski, S. 77 256
Claasen, A. 420
Clark, G. L. 203 209 239 360
Clark, H. 74 81 85 642 643
Coade, E. N. 121
Coefficient of reflection, experimental results 399
Coefficient of reflection, from a double spectrometer 726
Coefficient of reflection, from a single crystal 394
Coefficient of reflection, from calcite 401
Coherent, and incoherent scattering 252
Collins, E. H. 170
Colvert, W. W. 525
Combination principle 593
Compton effect 48 200
Compton effect, corpuscular theory of 206
Compton effect, measurement of from 210
Compton effect, wave-mechanical treatment of 231
Compton, A. H. 22 41 53 97 100 103 120 121 127 134 136 140 151 152 157 170 187 188 189 198 200 201 202 203 205 208 211 212 214 215 216 218 222 225 237 239 244 250 251 256 258 261 265 280 281 284 297 383 399 400 405 445 459 462 463 464 469 482 483 486 487 488 489 490 500 555 556 573 677 687 689 690 694 699 737
Compton, K. T. 45 78 469
Condon, E. U. 513 635
Conduction electrons, and Compton shift 248
Conduction electrons, and shapes of soft x-ray lines 670
Continuous x-ray spectrum, energy distribution in 90
Continuous x-ray spectrum, in spark spectra 656
Continuous x-ray spectrum, limit of 39 704
Continuous x-ray spectrum, properties of 38
Cooksey, C. D. 564 785
Coolidge, W. D. 5 9
Coordinates, of atoms in unit cells 329
Cork, J. M. 695 696 785 794
Corpuscular theory, of diffraction 444
Corpuscular theory, of photo-electron emission 578
Corpuscular theory, of scattered x-rays 224
Corpuscular theory, of scattering 199 204
Corpuscular theory, of x-rays 42
Correction, of Bragg's equation 673
Correction, of double spectrometer measurements 737
Correspondence principle, and absorption of x-rays 557
Correspondence principle, and continuous spectrum 105
Coster, D. 303 304 505 625 629 631 33 637 646 656 662 663 664 666 667 668 786 788 794
Coven, A. W. 190
Critical absorption jumps, in region 528 562
Critical absorption jumps, in region 529
Critical absorption wave-lengths, in ionization chambers 497
Critical absorption wave-lengths, table of 792
Crofutt, C. B. 633
Crowther, F. A. 141 200 476 477 478 518 525
Crystallographic systems 323
Crystals, axes of 321
Crystals, definition of 316
Crystals, electron speeds in 665
Crystals, external symmetry of 317
Crystals, lattices of 324
Crystals, properties of 316
Crystals, simplest types of 327
Crystals, structure factors of 346 353 388
Cunningham, E. 759
Cybotactic state 171
Dallas, A. E. M. M. 479
Damping, constant of 269 302
Damping, of electron's motion 195
Damping, of electronic dipoles 266
Dardord, R. 750
Darwin's diffraction pattern 387
Darwin's diffraction pattern, effect of polarization in 391
Darwin, C. G. 128 275 365 366 375 377 388 389 390 392 393 394 396 399 400 403 405 423 435 516 534 610 672 675 723 724 725 727 728
Dasannacharya, B. 95
Dauvillier, A. 209 243 529 583 632 633 643 655 785 786
Davis, B. 209 239 281 282 283 284 286 401 710
Davisson, C. J. 52 64 665
De Broglie waves 54
de Broglie, L. 52 53 54 60 61 62 63 64 103 110 230 231 232 233 556
de Broglie, M. 45 209 243 281 286 469 502 503 529 750 794
de Smedt, J. 169
Debye, P. 52 134 141 148 159 160 164 165 169 177 181 182 184 188 189 192 193 199 205 360 381 405 417 435 436 438 440 441
Defoe, O. K. 677 680
del Rosario, C. 790
Dempster, A. J. 64
Deodhar, G. B. 655 667 669
Dershem, E. 42 281 287 307 309 310 519 525 537 541 542
Dessauer, F. 256
Di-chlor methane, structure of 165
Diamond, as a perfect crystal 404
dielectric constant 277
Diffraction of electrons 53
Diffraction of x-rays, discovery of 24 25
Diffraction of x-rays, from a crystal 29 365 405
Diffraction of x-rays, from a liquid 124
Diffraction of x-rays, from a one-dimensional point array 332
Diffraction of x-rays, from a three-dimensional point array 336
Diffraction of x-rays, from a two-dimensional point array 334
Diffraction of x-rays, temperature effect on the 167 435
Diffraction pattern, of a fine wire 21
Diffraction pattern, of a single slit 20
Diffraction pattern, of a single, perfect Diffraction pattern, crystal 381 722
Dipole, electronic 265
Dipole, electronic, forced oscillations of 274
Dipole, electronic, free oscillations of 265 268
Dipole, electronic, rate of radiation from 299
Dipole, electronic, time of oscillation of a damped 270
Dirac, P. A. M. 53 60 61 139 236 237 250 255 2 56 257 258 551 610
Discovery of x-rays 1
Dispersion, anomalous 264
Dispersion, anomalous, in wave-mechanics 310
Dispersion, definitions of 263
Dispersion, normal 264
Dispersion, of bent crystal spectrograph 752
Dispersion, of double spectrometer 717
Dispersion, of tangential grating 692
Dispersion, theory of 264
Distribution of electrons in atoms, and structure factor 430
Distribution of electrons in atoms, direct determination 134 150
Distribution of electrons in atoms, projection of, on a plane 157
Divergence, correction for, in “h” determinations 707
Divergence, in beams from Bragg spectrometer 685
Divergence, in beams from ruled gratings 693
Divergence, in double spectrometer 712
Divergence, vertical, in double spectrometer 736
Doan, R. L. 22 281 286 287 690
Dolejsek, V. 583 655 785
Doppler effect, and Compton effect 203
Doppler effect, and line widths 273
Doppler effect, in primary x-rays 99 102
Dorgelo, H. B. 646 648
Dorn, E. 11
Double electron jumps, in spark lines 660
Double spectrometer, general theory of 399 709
Double spectrometer, in anti-parallel positions 729
Double spectrometer, notation for 718
Double spectrometer, wave-length measurements with 687
Drude, P. K. L. 305 306
Druyvesteyn, M. J. 637 655 658 659 783
Du Mond, J. W. M. 207 208 209 210 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 658 739 750 753 754
Duane, W. 39 40 46 53 92 95 96 101 105 203 209 239 244 280 360 444 445 511 589 593 632 638 642 683 705 706 707 708 709 794
Dunbar, R. T. 201
Dunlap, J. G. 121
Duveneck, F. B. 72 74 75 77 78 79 80 84 85 86 639
Eckart, C., i 10 238 694 725
Eddy, C. E. 633 788 794
Edlen, B. 756 785
Edwards, W. P. 281
Efficiency of production, of x-rays 89
Ehrenberg, W. 404 710 730 740 742 743 744
Ehrenfest, P. 169 445
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