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Поиск книг, содержащих: Parzen, E.
Книга | Страницы для поиска | Клейнен Дж. — Статистические методы в имитационном моделировании (Выпуск 1) | 81 | Devroye L. — Generation of non-uniform random variates | 762 | Heyde C.C. — Quasi-likelihood and its application: a general approach to optimal parameter estimation | 84, 223 | Rao R.C. — Linear Statistical Inference and Its Applications | 220, 313 | Bailey N.T.J. — The Elements of Stochastic Processes With Applications to the Natural Sciences. | 3, 4, 13 | Meisel W.S. — Computer-oriented approach to pattern recognition | 98, 103, 219 | Chatfield C. — The Analysis of Time Series: An Introduction | 27, 76, 232 | Santner T.J., Williams B.J., Notz W.I. — The Design and Analysis of Computer Experiments | 104, 265 | Деврой Л., Дьёрфи Л. — Непараметрическое оценивание плотности. L1-подход | 23, 43, 85, 153, 253, 260, 289, 292 | Миддлтон Д. — Очерки теории связи | 145 | Barlow R.E., Proschan F. — Mathematical Theory of Reliability | 49, 57, 127 | Hannan E. J. — Multiple time series | 34, 279, 282—286 | Aslrom K.J. — Introduction to Stochastic Control Theory | 42 | Aczel J. — Lectures on functional equations and their applications | 51, 115, 471 | Bracewell R.N. — The Fourier Transform and its applications | 428, 442, 469 | Goodman J.W. — Statistical Optics | 56 | Bowman A.W., Azzalini A. — Applied Smoothing Techniques for Data Analysis: The Kernel Approach with S-Plus Illustrations | 3, 129, 182 | Emanuel Parzen — Stochastic processes (Classics in Applied Mathematics) | 8fn, 72, 74, 111 | Balakrishnan N. (ed.), Rao C.R. (ed.) — Order Statistics - Theory and Methods | 465, 466, 483, 591, 630, 641, 642, 644, 645, 687 | Rao M.M., Swift R.J. — Probability Theory With Applications | 72, 505 | van Dijk N. — Handbook of Statistics 16: Order Statistics: Theory & Methods | 465, 466, 483, 591, 630, 641, 642, 644, 645, 687 | Balakrishnan N., Rao C.R. — Handbook of Statistics (Vol. 17): Order Statistics: Applications | 185, 224 | Bracewell R. — The Fourier Transform and Its Applications | 428, 442, 469 | DeGroot M.H. — Optimal statistical decisions | 5, 36, 459 | Percival D.B., Walden A.T. — Wavelet methods for time series analysis | 272, 554 | Devroye L. — Non-Uniform Random Variate Generation | 762 | Percival D., Walden A. — Spectral Analysis for Physical Applications | 243, 265, 268, 423, 549, 556 | Good I.J. — Information, Weight of Evidence. the Singularity Between Probability Measures and Signal Detection | 47, 59, 70, 103, 118, 121, 128 | Vanmarcke Erik — Random Fields : Analysis and Synthesis | 4, 70, 77, 331, 339 | Wahba G. — Spline Models for Observational Data | x, xi, 14, 43 | Миддлтон Д. — Очерки теории связи | 145 |