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Santner T.J., Williams B.J., Notz W.I. — The Design and Analysis of Computer Experiments
Santner T.J., Williams B.J., Notz W.I. — The Design and Analysis of Computer Experiments

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Название: The Design and Analysis of Computer Experiments

Авторы: Santner T.J., Williams B.J., Notz W.I.


This book describes methods for designing and analyzing experiments that are conducted using a computer code rather than a physical experiment. It discusses how to select the values of the factors at which to run the code (the design of the computer experiment) in light of the research objectives of the experimenter. It also provides techniques for analyzing the resulting data so as to achieve these research goals. It illustrates these methods with code that is available to the reader at the companion Web site for the book.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Computer science/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Год издания: 2003

Количество страниц: 283

Добавлена в каталог: 09.12.2005

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
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Abrahamsen, P.      27 37 251
Abramowitz, M.      251
Abt, M.      251
ACED      see "Designs: software: algorithms for the construction of experimental designs"
Adjusted $R^{2}$      193
Adler, R.J.      27 28 29 33 37 38 40 251
Aitchison, J.      251
Allen, D.M.      67 251
Almost sure continuity      38—40 43
An, J.      86 251
Andronova, N.      11 261
Aset      see "Available safe egress time"
ASET-B      see "Available safe egress time"
Aslett, R.      252
Atkinson, A.C.      121 123 252
Autocovariance function      28
Available safe egress time      4 5
Bae, J.S.      267
Bankes, S.      11 261
Barry, R.P.      103 252
Bartel, D.L.      6 7 10 16 19 199 200 252 254 271
Bates, R.A.      159 252 256
Bawa Bhalla, K.S.      6 7 10 199 200 254
Bayarri, M.J.      199 200 202 252
Bayesian      20 23 24 66 68 69 97—99 106 183 201
Beckman, R.J.      18 132 158 262
Belknap, T.W.      6 7 10 199 200 254
Berger, J.O.      46 69 199 200 202 252
Berilla, J.      7 261
Berk, R.      4 9 200 252
Bernardo, M.C.      18 61 130 172 173 252
Bessel function      42 71 217
Best linear unbiased predictor      see "Predictors"
Best MSPE predictor      see "Predictors"
Bias      58 122—124 145 202 203
Bickel, P.      4 9 200 252
Birk, D.M.      5 252
Bivariate computer output      101 185
Blocking      2 3 122
BLP      see "Predictors: best linear MSPE predictor"
BLUP      see "Predictors: best linear unbiased MSPE predictor"
Bochner, S.      33 252
Booker, A.J.      10 61 174 175 176 253
Box, G.E.      15 121 123 193 253
Bratley, P.      145 253
Brown, N.J.      268
Buck, R.J.      18 61 66 85 130 159 172 173 193 195 252 270
Buonaccorsi, J.P.      253
Burstein, A.H.      252
Bursztyn, D.      253 268
Butler, N.A.      18 130 150 253
Cafeo, J.A.      199 200 202 252
Calibration      19 201 202
Campbell, K.      4 9 200 252
Casella, G.      69 266
Cavendish, J.      199 200 202 252
Chan, K.      189 190 193 195 267
Chang, P.B.      6 7 10 16 19 199 200 253 254
Cheal, R.      256
Chiles, I.      254
Cholesky decomposition      84
Classical optimality criteria      see "Designs"
Cleveland, W.S.      191 254
Coefficient of determination      191
Computer experiment      2
Conditional distribution      53 87 95 96 133 179 183 211
Confirmatory run      174
Conjugate prior      47
Conover, W.J.      18 132 150 158 259 262
Constrained optimization      178 182 185
Convolution      31
Cooper, L.Y.      4 254
Correlation function, cubic      37 38
Correlation function, exponential      43 65 169
Correlation function, Gaussian      36
Correlation function, isotropic      30 69 215 216
Correlation function, Matern      41 66 71 215 217 218
Correlation function, power exponential      36 38 40 76 168
Correlation matrix      62 65 206
Covariance matrix      123 209
Cox, D.D.      18 254
Craig, P.C.      18 200 202 254
Craig, P.S.      254 255
Cramer, H.      27 33 38 43 255
Cressie, N.A.      24 28 33 35 86 92 93 97 98 255 260 271
Crick, M.J.      18 255
Cross-correlation function      102 103
Cross-validated predictions      220 224 229
Cross-validated residuals      176
Cross-validated standard errors      220 224 229
Cross-validation EBLUP      see "Predictors"
Currin, C.      37 167 255
Damien, P.      270
Dandekar, R.      18 255
Davy, D.T.      7 261
De Oliveira, V.      46 69 252 255
Dean, A.M.      121 255
Deforming      31
Delfiner, P.      254
Dennis, J.E.      10 61 174 175 176 253
Derivative process      39 40 101 104 107
Designed experiment      1 121
Designs, global optimization, Bernardo multi-stage approximation      172
Designs, global optimization, bivariate expected improvement algorithms      185
Designs, global optimization, univariate expected improvement algorithms      178
Designs, optimality criteria, A-optimality      123 171
Designs, optimality criteria, D-optimality      70 123 163
Designs, optimality criteria, G-optimality      171
Designs, optimality criteria, I-optimality      124
Designs, optimality criteria, L-optimality      171
Designs, other criteria, good lattice points      159
Designs, other criteria, IMSPE-optimal      168 169
Designs, other criteria, lattice design      159
Designs, other criteria, minimum efficiency      170
Designs, other criteria, MMSPE-optimal      170
Designs, other criteria, nets      159
Designs, other criteria, orthogonal arrays      136
Designs, other criteria, resolution criterion      150
Designs, other criteria, Sobol' sequence      6 70 73
Designs, other criteria, Sobol' sequences      159
Designs, properties, asymptotic properties of LHDs      18 135
Designs, software, algorithms for the construction of experimental designs      140 151 226
Designs, software, DETMAX      167
Designs, space-filling criteria, average projection design      141
Designs, space-filling criteria, average projection LH design      141
Designs, space-filling criteria, cascading LHD      137
Designs, space-filling criteria, combined design criteria      148
Designs, space-filling criteria, grid design      159
Designs, space-filling criteria, Latin hyper cube design      18 70 127
Designs, space-filling criteria, maximin distance      138 139
Designs, space-filling criteria, maximum entropy      164
Designs, space-filling criteria, minimax distance      138
Designs, space-filling criteria, randomized orthogonal arrays      136
Designs, space-filling criteria, uniform designs      143
Diamond, N. T.      4 267
Dimnaku, A.      150 255
Discrepancy, $L_{p}$      144
Discrepancy, $L_{\infty}$      143
Discrepancy, star      143
Disease mapping      24
Distributions, multivariate normal      28 209
Distributions, multivariate Student t      212
Distributions, non-central Student t      212
Distributions, t distribution      212
Dixon, L.C.W.      255
Dominated convergence      35
Donev, A.N.      121 123 252
Doob, J.L.      28 255
Draper, D.      255 256
Draper, N.R.      121 123 192 193 253 256
Duckworth, W.M.      256
Dunnett, C.W.      210 212 256
Dunsmore, I.R.      251
Duvall, S.G.      252
Dynamic program      177
Easterling, R.G.      200 202 256
Ecker, M.D.      256
Eddy, W.      18 24 263
Edwards, D.L.      252
Eguilior, S.      256
Empirical best linear unbiased predictor      see "Predictors"
Empirical root mean squared prediction error      109 173 242
entropy      164
Equicoordinate percentage points, multivariate normal distribution      210
Equicoordinate percentage points, t distribution      212
Ergodic      29
ERMPSE      see "Empirical root mean squared prediction error"
Estimation methods, cross-validation      68
Estimation methods, maximum likelihood      66 217
Estimation methods, posterior mode      68 217
Estimation methods, restricted maximum likelihood      67 217
Expected improvement      see "Designs: global optimization"
Experimental design      see "Designs"
Experiments, computer      1
Experiments, physical      1 121
Experiments, simulation      1
Factor sparsity      127
Factorial design      170
Failure depth      8 191
Fang, K.-T.      143 145 148 150 256
FAST      see "Fourier amplitude sensitivity test"
Feasibility constraints      172
Femoral stress shielding      6 101
Fillet radius      8 9
Finite element model      6 101
First-order regression model      191 192
Fourier amplitude sensitivity test      195
Fovell, R.      4 9 200 252
Fox, B.L.      145 253
Frank, P.D.      10 61 174 175 176 253
Frenklach, M.      256 268
Friedman, J.      24 67 258
Froehlich, G.      200 201 265
Fuller, W.A.      98 256
Galway, L.      256
Garner, J.W.      258
Gaussian random function      27—31 47
Gaussian stochastic process      see "Gaussian random function"
Gelfand, A.E.      256
General linear model      98
Generalized least squares estimator      63 89
Geostatistics      24 86
Ghosh, S.      266
Gibbs, M.N.      68 256
Giglio, B.      256
Gikhman, I.I.      257
Givens, G.H.      266
Global optimization      172 174
Goel, P.      266
Goldberg, V.M.      7 261
Goldstein, M.      18 200 202 254 255 257
Golub, G.H.      68 257
Good lattice points      see "Designs"
Gough, W.A.      257
GPS      see "Optimization algorithms: generalized pattern search"
Graves, T.L.      257
Guttorp, P.      31 257 267
Haas, R.      263
Hamada, M.      24 121 135 201 202 266 271
Handcock, M.S.      18 41 46 99 106 137 257
Harville, D.A.      64 67 84 213 257 258 260
Haslett, J.      258
Hass, T.S.      31 258
Hastie, T.      24 67 258
Hasza, D.P.      98 256
Haylock, R.G.      18 258 264
Haywood, S.M.      18 255
Heath, M.      68 257
Hedayat, A.      122 258
Helton, J.C.      18 258
Heo, G.      258
Heuvelink, G.B.M.      18 265
Hierarchical Gaussian random function      45
Hierarchy of codes      101 103
Higdon, D.      199 200 202 252
Higdon, D.M.      31 103 259 260
Hills, R.G.      199 201 259
Hodges, A.      200 201 265
Hofer, E.      18 255
Homma, T.      259
Homogeneous-inputs      17
Hoshino, N.      259
Hsu, N.-J.      260
Huber, P.J.      20 259
Huele, F.      269
Huijbregts, C.J.      24 35 260
Hwang, H.S.      265
hybrid algorithm      176
Iman, R.L.      150 259
Improper posterior      69
Improper prior      69
IMSPE      see "Integrated mean squared prediction error'"
Inactive inputs      174
Integrated mean squared prediction error      163
Interaction effect      190 191
Interpolate      57
Iyer, H.K.      253
Jeffreys, H.      94 259
Jeske, D.R.      258
John, J.A.      122 259
John, P.W.M.      122 259
Johnson, M.E.      139 149 167 260
Jones, D.R.      18 85 173 178 181 182 183 184 185 260 267
Jones, J.A.      18 255
Jones, S.      15 253
Journel, A.G.      24 35 260
Kackar, R.N.      64 260
Kaiser, M.S.      260
Kang, S.M.      270
Kedem, B.      40 261
Keller-McNulty, S.      4 9 200 252
Kelly, E.      4 9 200 252
Kennedy, M.C.      16 18 22 102 109 130 199 200 202 252 260 264
Kern, J.C.      31 259 260
Kimeldorf, G.S.      260
Kincaidy, R.      150 255
Kirkendall, N.      18 255
Kleijnen, J.P.C.      260
Known correlation function      63
Koehler, J.R.      261
Koksma — Hlawka inequality      144
Kottas, A.      199 200 202 252
Kotzar, G.M.      7 261
Kozintsev, B.      40 261
Kreyszig, E.      42 261
Krigifier      70
Kriging      73 86
Lagrange multiplier      83
Lahiri, S.N.      260
Lam, T.-K.      261
Laslett, G.M.      261
Latin hypercube design      see "Designs: Latin hypercube design"
Latin hypercube sampling      see "Sampling"
Lattice design      see "Designs"
Laud, P.W.      270
Leadbetter, M.R.      27 33 38 43 255
Lehman, J.      22 69 185 186 261 270
Lempert, R.      11 261
LHD      see "Designs: Latin hypercube design"
Likelihood      66 67
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