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Good I.J. — Information, Weight of Evidence. the Singularity Between Probability Measures and Signal Detection |
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, 88
Absolute continuity between probability measures 18
Analytic function 68
Aronszajn, N. 128
Baker, C.R. 76 90 96
Balakrishnan, A.V. 13 14 87 90 102 106 107
Band-limited white noise 64
Belyaev, Yu.K. 65 67
Boltzmann, L. 14
Boverie, B. 122
Brieman, L. 51 60 61 63 70 71 74 106
Brillouin, L. 67
Cantor, G. 21
Capon, J. 121
Channel capacity 106
Clevenger, B. iv
Compact operator 85
Complete -field 18
Complete Hilbert space 83
Complete orthonormal system in 89
Completely continuous operator 85
Completely deterministic process 63
Condon, E.U. 14
Correlation function 55
Courant, R. 88
Covariance function 54
Covariance stationary process 55
Cramer, H. 21 25 33
Cross-covariance function 55
Crum, M.M. 104 105
Davenport, W.B. 59 62 86 120
Determinant of an operator 85
Dinegentropy 41
Dirac-delta function 65
Distribution function, bivariate 21
Distribution function, bivariate, singularly continuous 21 23
Distribution function, univariate 21
Distribution function, univariate, absolutely continuous 21
Distribution function, univariate, discrete 21
Distribution function, univariate, singularly continuous 21
Divergence 44 47 51
Dobrushin, R.L. 14 31
Doob, J.L. 18 57 62 74
Doog, K.Caj. 36 65 66 76 77 79 80 90
Eigenelements 85
Eigenfunctions 86
Eigenvalues 85
Entropy, conditional 15 17
Entropy, continuous 15 30
Entropy, differential 16
Entropy, discrete 13
Equivalent probability measures see "Parallel"
Ergodic process 62
Expected information see "Entropy"
Expected mutual information 26 30 32 34 37 38 39 48 81 82 85 90
Expected mutual information, Rate of 77 98 108 109 110
Expected Weight of Evidence 39 40 41 43 46 49
Expected Weight of Evidence, Rate of 112 116
Fano, R.M. 101
Feldman, J. 95
Frequency response function 58
Functional 66 81
Gaarder, N.T. 122
Gaussian process 50 82
Gelfand, I. 27 28 29 30 31 32 48 66 81 82 83 84 85 90
Gladyshev, Ye.G. 97
Good, I.J. 9 10 11 12 16 36 41 43 78 79 80 90 110 126
Granger, C. 59
Gregg, W.D. 122
Grenander, U. 18 52 62 63 64 75 118 120
Hajek, J. 45 49 50 51 118
Hatanka, M. 59
Helstrom, C. 59 61 62
Hilbert space 83
Hilbert — Schmidt operator 92
Hilbert, D. 1 88
Hobson, E.W. 21
Idempotent operator 84
Impulse response function 58
Independence, asymptotic property 64
information 8
Information, conditional 9
Inner product 83
Integral operator 92
Jeffreys, H. 12 44 45
Jenkins, G.M. 59 60 67
Jorsboe, O.G. 1
Kadota, T. 120
Kailath, T. 120 121 122
Karhunen — Loeve representation theorem 119
Kelley, E. 120
Khintchine, A.Yu. 57
| Kolmogorov, A.N. 16 17 31 50 63 74
Kullback, S. 11 41 46
Langevin linear system 61
Langevin, P. 61
Lathi, B.P. 59
Law of large numbers for random processes 58
Limit in the mean square 89
Linear filter 59
Linear predictor 71 75
Linear system 104
Linfoot, E.H. 33
Liu, J.W. 108
Loeve, M. 18 47 51
Lumped parameter system 59
Markov process 59 60
Martel, H. 59 121
Matthews, M. 59 121
Mean function 54
Mean power 57
Measurable function 18
Middleton, D. 103 121 129
Minsky, M. 11 41
Munroe, M.E. 21
Mutual information 10
Nagy, B. 84 88
Newstead, G. 105
Non-deterministic process 63 70
Non-random signals 115 120
Norm 83
Nyquist, H. 65
Odishaw, H. 14
Orthogonal system 82 86
Paley — Wiener criterion 73
Parallel probability measures 19
Parzen, E. 47 59 70 103 118 121 128
Peirce, C.S. 11 41
Perfect signal detection 69
Periodic band-limited white noise 66
Periodic components 56
Perpendicularity between probability measures 19
Pierre, P. 122
Pinsker, M.S. 14 30 31 32 40 41 61 74 98 99 101 109 112 116
Planck, N. 15 108
Positive-definite covariance function 88
Prediction error 70
Prediction error, linear 71 75
Predictor, minimum mean square error 70
Predictor, minimum mean square error, linear 71 75
Probability space 8
Product probability measure 22 47
Projection operator 84
Radon — Nikodym derivative 18
Reed, J. 120
Regular process 72 75
Reproducing Hilbert space 128
Reza, F.M. 15 26
Riemann, B. 49
Riesz, F. 84 88
Root, W.L. 59 62 86 87 90 120 127
Ross, M. 108
Self-adjoint operator 84
Selfridge, O.G. 11 41
Selin, I. 74 122
Shannon, C.E. 13 15 17 26 77 78 80 102 107 108
Singular process 73
Singularity, between probability measures 18 19
Singularity, between probability measures, joint and product probability measures 22 23 25
Slater, J.C. 13
Slepian, D. 95 127
Spectral analysis, density function 56
Spectral analysis, distribution function 56
Stationary process, covariance stationary 55
Stationary process, second order 55
Stationary process, stationary in the wide sense 55
Stationary process, strictly stationary 54
Stationary process, weakly stationary 55
Strongly parallel probability measures 93
Swerling, P. 127
Takahasi, H. 15
Time invariant system 60
Transfer function 58
Turing, A.M. 12 41
Vainshtein, L.A. 73 74 97 126
VARIANCE function 55
Watts, D.G. 59 60 67
Weight of evidence 11
White noise 54 85
Whittaker, E.T. 65
Wiener — Hopf equation 72
Wiener — Khintchine relations 57
Wiener, N. 57 59 74
Yaglom, A.M. 18 19 27 28 29 30 31 32 41 48 49 52 66 81 82 83 84 85 90 92 94 95 97 118
Zubakov, V.D. 73 74 126
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