Результат поиска |
Поиск книг, содержащих: Walecka, J.D.
Книга | Страницы для поиска | Эриксон Т., Вайзе В. — Пионы и ядра | 201, 351, 484, 487 | Mahan G.D. — Many-particle physics | 1006 | Masujima M. — Path integral quantization and stochastic quantization | 51, 52, 205 | Meyerhof W.E. — Elements of Nuclear Physics | 35n | Ram-Mohan R. — Finite Element and Boundary Element Applications in Quantum Mechanics | 1-19, 6-11, 14-35, 17-9, B-7, C-13 | Brewer D.F. — Progress in Low Temperature Physics. Volume X | 36, 46, 47, 383, 70, 422; see Fetter, A.L. | Prigogine I. (ed.), Rice S.A. (ed.) — New Methods in Computational Quantum Mechanics | 146(57), 216 | Marder M.P. — Condensed matter physics | 578, 581 | Corciovei A., Costache G., Dederichs P.H. — Solid State Physics | 185 |