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Masujima M. — Path integral quantization and stochastic quantization |
Предметный указатель |
Abers, E.S. 168
Action functional 1 3 4 8 14
Action functional, additivity 12 21 93
Action functional, classical field theory 58
Action functional, effective 135 161
Action functional, Euclidean 180 199 200
Action functional, function of the end-points 9
Action functional, gauge field 127 129 134
Action functional, gauge field, quadratic part 128 136 139 141
Action functional, gauged matter 120
Action functional, gravitational field 173
Action functional, interaction 183
Action functional, Minkowskian 180
Action functional, modified Euclidean 180
Action functional, modified Minkowskian 180
Action functional, ungauged matter 120
Action principle 8 11
Action principle, analytical mechanics 1 13
Action principle, Feynman 56 91 101
Action principle, Hamilton 3 4
Action principle, quantum analog 13
Action principle, quantum mechanics 3
Action principle, quantum-mechanical 1 12
Action principle, Schwinger 101
Adamovsky, J. 206
Adiabatic switching hypothesis 31
Adjoint representation 104 112 119 121
Aitchison, I.J.R. 169
Alexandrou, C 206
Analytic continuation 175
Analytic continuation, generating functional, Green’s function 181
Analytic continuation, quantum field theory 175
Analytic continuation, quantum mechanics 175
Analytic continuation, Schrodinger equation 176 177
Analytical mechanics 1
Anderson, J.L. 101
Anderson, P.W. 171
asymptotic freedom 173
Auxiliary field 198
Auxiliary field, four-fermion interaction 176
Auxiliary field, Hamiltonian formalism 176 199 201
Auxiliary field, Lagrangian formalism 176 199 201
Bailin, D. 169
Balian, R. 169 172 173
Bargmann, V. 102
Baulieu, L. 240
Baym, G. 205
Becchi, C. 172
Berezin, F.A. 54 273
Billingsley, P. 240
Blankenbecler, R. 206
Bleecker, D. 169
Bloch equation 176 177
Bludman, S. 171 172
Bogoliubov, N.N. 52 100 101
Bohr quantization condition 1
Broken symmetry condition 152
Brosens, F. 206
Brout, R, 171
Brown, L.S. 102
BRST symmetry 172
Burton, W.K. 101
Canonical equations of motion 2
Canonical equations of motion, Hamilton 4
Cartesian coordinate system 2 45
Casher, A. 205
Charap, J.M. 100
Charge, conservation law 103 113 114 116 117 122 123
Charge, conserved 119
Charge, conserving 115
Charge, G- 123
Charge, group 122
Charge, total conserved G- 121
chemical potential 180 184
Chiral Dynamics 65 100
Christ, N.H. 54
Classical field theory 57
Coherent state representation 102
Coleman, S. 169
Composition law 1 2 14 20 22
Contravariant 57
Convergence in mean square 209 215
Convergence in probability 209 215
Convergence, Strong (almost sure, almost everywhere) 209 215
Convergence, Weak (in distribution) 209 215
Costa, C 101
Covariant 57
Covariant derivative 103—105 113—115 118 120 123 156
Current conservation 122
Current conservation law 114 116 117
Current conserved 119
Current conseved Noether 120
Current gauge 123
Current gauged matter 119 120 123
Current matter 123
Current total 120
Current total conserved G- 121
Current ungauged matter 119
Curvilinear coordinate system 2 45
Density matrix, canonical ensemble 176 177
Density matrix, grand canonical ensemble 180 184 185 202
Density matrix, relativistic quantum field theory 185
Devreese, J.T. 206
DeWitt, B. 101 170
Dirac, P.A.M. 51 53
Displacement operator 91 96
Donsker, M.D. 206
Dudley, R.M. 240
Edwards, S.F. 54 100
Ehrenfest theorem 3
Eikonal approximation 1
Eikonal equation 1
Electrodynamics, J.C. Maxwell 103 113 116
Electrodynamics, U(l) gauge group 104
Englert, F. 171
Equal time canonical commutation relations 23
Equal time canonical commutator 3
Equal-time canonical (anti-)commutators 74
Equation of motion, functional Fourier transform 79
Equation of motion, generating functional, Green’s function 55 73 77
Esposito, U. 101
Euler derivative 94
Euler — Lagrange equation of motion 3 4 8 9 58 74
External field 81
External field problem 73 80
Faddeev — Popov, determinant 104 130—132 159
Faddeev — Popov, determinant, R-gauge 162
Faddeev — Popov, first formula 128 133
Faddeev — Popov, ghost 128 133
Faddeev — Popov, ghost field 104 136 163
Faddeev — Popov, ghost Lagrangian density 104
Faddeev — Popov, ghost, covariant gauge 143
Faddeev — Popov, ghost, Landau gauge 140
Faddeev — Popov, method 104 128
Faddeev — Popov, second formula 105 128 134 135
Faddeev, L.D. 169 170 172—174
Fermion number integration 57
Fetter, A.L. 51 52 205
Feynman — Dyson expansion 55 72
Feynman, R.P. 52 53 170 205 206
Fleischer, W. 206
Fokker — Planck equation 210 223 240
Fokker — Planck equation, Non-Abelian gauge field 223 239
Fokker — Planck equation, Non-Abelian gauge field, covariant non-holonomic gauge fixing condition 210
Fokker — Planck equation, quantum field theory 229
Fokker — Planck equation, quantum field theory, probability distribution functional 230
Fokker — Planck equation, quantum mechanics 227
Fokker — Planck equation, quantum mechanics, probability distribution functional 228
Fokker — Planck equation, stationary solution 223
Four-dimensional transversality 127
| Fourier analysis 1
Fradkin construction 175 184 185 202
Fradkin, E.S. 100 101 170 206
Frampton, P.H. 169
Freundlich, Y. 171
Friedrichs, K.O. 100
Fritzsch, H. 170
Frohlich, H. 206
Fugacity 180
Fujikawa, K. 171
Fukai, T. 240
Functional Fourier transform 56 78
Functional integration, momentum 2
Gadella, M. 54
Gauge field 103 105
Gauge field, Abelian 104 113 121—123
Gauge field, Abelian, U(l) neutral 122
Gauge field, electrodynamics, J.C. Maxwell 103
Gauge field, mass term, Higgs — Kibble mechanism 105
Gauge field, massive 106
Gauge field, massless 106
Gauge field, Non-Abelian 104 107 112 113 116 118 121—123 128
Gauge field, Non-Abelian, G-charged 122
Gauge field, spontaneous symmetry breaking 105 106
Gauge field, SU(2)-isospin 104
Gauge field, SU(3)-color 104
Gauge field, U(l) 104 113 115
Gauge field, universal coupling 104
Gauge field, Yang — Mills 104 116
Gauge fixing condition 104
Gauge group, color 125
Gauge group, isospin 124
Gauge group, SU(2)-isospin 104 113
Gauge group, SU(3)-color 113
Gauge group, U(l) 104
Gauge principle, Klein — Kaluza — Fock 116 170
Gauge principle, Sakurai 116 170
Gauge principle, Utiyama 116
Gauge principle, Utiyama — Kibble 173
Gauge principle, Weyl 103—105 113 115 116 118 150 154 169
Gauge principle, Weyl, spontaneous symmetry breaking 154
Gauge, axial 128 136
Gauge, covariant 128 136 141
Gauge, Landau 136 139 165
Gauge, R- 106 151 161
Gauge, t Hooft — Feynman 165
Gauge, unitarity 165
Gauge-fixing condition 128 130 136
Gauge-fixing condition, general linear 159
Gauge-fixing condition, generalized 128 134
Gauge-fixing condition, R- 161
Gaussian average 201
Gaussian average, functional 204
Gaussian average, one dimensional 202
Gaussian average, two dimensional 202
Gaussian method 199 201
Gaussian white noise 240
Gelfand, I.M. 100
Gell-Mann, M. 170
Generating functional, full Green’s function, interacting field 70
Generating functional, Green function 2 22 34
Generating functional, Green function and its connected part 34
Generating functional, Green’s function, covariant gauge 144
Generating functional, Green’s function, free field 68
Generating functional, Green’s function, R-gauge 166
Generating functional, matrix element of the time-ordered product 15 30
Generator, broken 105 106 150 152 154 155 157 158
Generator, canonical transformation 6
Generator, contact transformation 10
Generator, gauge transformation 239
Generator, group 108
Generator, unbroken 106 151 152 154 157
Geometrical mechanics 1
Geometrical optics 1
Georgi, H. 169 172
Gerlach, B. 206
Gerstein, I.S. 100
Gilmore, R. 169
Glashow, S.L. 170 172
Glauber, R.J. 102
Glimm, J. 53
Goldstein, H. 51
Goldstone, J. 171
Goldstone, theorem 105 150 151 153
Gomis, J. 173
Gottfried, K. 52
Gravitational field 173
Green’s function, connected part 34
Green’s function, Faddeev — Popov ghost, covariant gauge 144
Green’s function, Faddeev — Popov ghost, Landau gauge 141
Green’s function, gauge field, axial gauge 137
Green’s function, gauge field, covariant gauge 142
Green’s function, gauge field, Landau gauge 139
Green’s function, gauge field, matter field, and ghost field, R-gauge 163
Grosche, C. 54
Gross, D.J. 173
Gulyaev, Y.V. 54
Guralnik, G.S. 171
Hagen, C.R. 171
Hamilton — Jacobi equation 1
Hamiltonian density 59
Hamiltonian formalism, analytical mechanics and quantum mechanics 1 3
Han, M.Y. 170
Heisenberg 1
Heisenberg equation of motion 23
Hey, A.J.G. 169
Hibbs, A.R. 52 53 205 206
Hida Calculus 273
Higgs, P.W. 101 171
Higgs-Kibble mechanism 106 151 154 158 171
Honerkamp, J. 100
Hori, S. 101
Huang, K. 52
Hubbard, J. 206
Indices, Greek 58
Indices, Latin 58
Invariance, BRST 106
Invariance, exact G 105
Invariance, gauge 103 127 129 146 150
Invariance, gauge, integration measure 134
Invariance, gauge, local 10-parameter Poincare transformation 173
Invariance, global 103
Invariance, global G 105 118 120 123 150 151
Invariance, global G, spontaneously broken 154
Invariance, global SU(2) 116
Invariance, global SU(2), local extension 113
Invariance, global U(l) 113—115 122 123
Invariance, global U(l), local extension 113 116
Invariance, local 103
Invariance, local (U(l) or G) 123
Invariance, local G 105 118—120 123 150 154 158
Invariance, local G, hidden 158
Invariance, local G, manifest 158
Invariance, local SU(2) 116 124 126
Invariance, local SU(3) 125
Invariance, local U(l) 113—115 122
Invariance, scale 103
Invariance, translation 194
Itzykson, G 52 273
Jackiw, R. 100 102 170—172
Jacobian, coordinate transformation 2 45
Jaffe, A. 53
Johnson, K. 171
Jona-Lasinio, G. 171
Kadanoff, L.P. 205
Kaku, M. 174
Kappoor, A.K. 54
Karlin, S. 240
Khalatnikov, I.M. 100
Kibble, T.W.B. 171 173
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