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Masujima M. — Path integral quantization and stochastic quantization
Masujima M. — Path integral quantization and stochastic quantization

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Название: Path integral quantization and stochastic quantization

Автор: Masujima M.


The book gives an overview of path integral quantization and stochastic quantization of classical mechanics and field theory. The non-Abelian gauge field, the gravitational field, and the path integral representation of quantum statistical mechanics and stochastic quantization are described.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Физика/Квантовая теория поля/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Год издания: 2000

Количество страниц: 282

Добавлена в каталог: 21.09.2005

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Предметный указатель
Kinoshita, T.      101
Klauder, J.R.      102
Klein, A.      171
Klein, O.      170
Kolmogoroff, consistency condition      209 217
Kolmogoroff, existence theorem      209 217
Kugo, T.      169
Lagrangian      3 8 37 41
Lagrangian density, canonical locally G invariant      126
Lagrangian density, complex scalar      125
Lagrangian density, Dirac      124
Lagrangian density, effective      55 57 65 135 161
Lagrangian density, effective interaction      136
Lagrangian density, effective interaction, axial gauge      139
Lagrangian density, effective interaction, covariant gauge      144
Lagrangian density, effective interaction, Landau gauge      141
Lagrangian density, effective, R-gauge      162
Lagrangian density, Euclidean      185 199
Lagrangian density, Faddeev — Popov ghost      104
Lagrangian density, Faddeev — Popov ghost, axial gauge      138
Lagrangian density, Faddeev — Popov ghost, R-gauge      162
Lagrangian density, free      157
Lagrangian density, gauge field      103 115
Lagrangian density, gauged matter field      118
Lagrangian density, gravitational field      173
Lagrangian density, interaction      68 72 114 115 119 183
Lagrangian density, matter field      103 105 113 117 118 154
Lagrangian density, matter field, globally G invariant      151
Lagrangian density, modified Euclidean      177 181
Lagrangian density, modified Minkowskian      180
Lagrangian density, most general renormalizable      126
Lagrangian density, Non-Abelian gauge field      119
Lagrangian density, nonsingular      128
Lagrangian density, original      55
Lagrangian density, real scalar      125
Lagrangian density, total      67 113 115 119 154 156 159 161
Lagrangian density, total effective      105 106
Lagrangian density, total effective, R-gauge      151
Lagrangian density, ungauged matter field      118
Lagrangian formalism, analytical mechanics and quantum mechanics      1
Lagrangian formalism, quantum statistical mechanics      175
Lagrangian, effective      2 22 40 41 50
Lagrangian, Euclidean      176
Lagrangian, nonsingular      5 56 91 99
Lagrangian, singular      3 67
Landau, L.D.      51 52
Leader, E.      169
Lee, B.W.      100 168—173 273
Lee, T.D.      54
Legendre transform      4
Leschke, H.      206
Leutwyler, H.      170
Lie algebra      111
Lie algebra, semisimple      111
Lie group      104 107 108
Lie group, compact      107 108
Lie group, semisimple      104 107
Lifshitz, E.M.      51 52
Linked cluster expansion      184
Low, F.E.      173
Lurie, D.      52 171 205 273
Markov process      217 219
Matrix mechanics      1
Matsubara Green function      205
Matsubara representation      175 184 200
Matsubara, T.      205
Matsumoto, H.      171
Matthews, P.T.      101
McClain, B.      241
Meets, K.      100
Metric tensor, Minkowski space-time      57
Mid-point rule      2 16 40 42
Mills, R.L.      170
Minlos, R.A.      100
Mizrahi, M.M.      54
Momentum integration      35
Momentum integration, quasi-Gaussian integral      36 50 62
Morrison, D.F.      273
Muhlschlegel, B.      206
Multivariate Normal Analysis      106 269
Nakagoshi, H.      240
Nambu — Goldstone boson      105 106 150 151 154 155 157
Nambu — Goldstone boson, projection operator      164
Nambu — Goldstone direction      155
Nambu, Y.      101 170 171
Namiki, M.      240 241
Natural unit system      57
Neutral ps-ps coupling      80
Niemi, A.      241
Nishijima, K.      52 100
Normal dependence      3
Normal dependent      59
Operator ordering problem      2
Orbit, gauge equivalent class      104 129
Orbit, volume      104 128 129
Ornstein — Uhlenbeck process      241
Papadopoulos, G.      206
Parisi — Wu equation      222 223 240
Parisi — Wu equation, Abelian gauge field      230
Parisi — Wu equation, Non-Abelian gauge field      233
Parisi — Wu equation, Non-Abelian gauge field, covariant non-holonomic gauge fixing condition      237
Parisi, G.      205 240
Partition function, canonical ensemble      175 176 179
Partition function, canonical ensemble and grand canonical ensemble      176
Partition function, grand canonical ensemble      175 177 181 184
Partition function, grand canonical ensemble, functional differential equation      175 188
Parzan, E.      240
Path integral formula, Cartesian coordinate system      43
Path integral formula, configuration space      2 22 35
Path integral formula, configuration space, generating functional of Green’s function      38 64
Path integral formula, configuration space, matrix element of the operator      38
Path integral formula, configuration space, matrix element of the time-ordered product      37 63
Path integral formula, configuration space, transformation function      37 63
Path integral formula, curvilinear coordinate system      40 45
Path integral formula, Feynman      2 13 40
Path integral formula, phase space      2 22 28
Path integral quantization      20
Path integral quantization and canonical quantization      91
Path integral quantization, configuration space      55
Path integral quantization, configuration space, field theory      57 62
Path integral quantization, Feynman and Dirac      1
Path integral quantization, field theory      55
Path integral quantization, gauge field      103 104 127
Path integral quantization, gauge field, Faddeev — Popov method      104 106 128
Path integral quantization, gauge field, naive Feynman method      104
Path integral quantization, gauge field, R-gauge      106 158 171
Path integral quantization, gravitational field, Faddeev — Popov method      174
Path integral quantization, Lagrangian formalism      22
Path integral quantization, phase space      55
Path integral quantization, phase space, field theory      57 59
Path integral quantization, relativistic field theory      56
Path integral representation, configuration space      35
Path integral representation, configuration space, quantum field theory      62
Path integral representation, Feynman      13
Path integral representation, generating functional      73
Path integral representation, generating functional, Green’s function      55
Path integral representation, generating functional, temperature Green function      177
Path integral representation, Hamiltonian formalism      22
Path integral representation, partition function, canonical ensemble      175 176
Path integral representation, partition function, grand canonical ensemble      175 177 184
Path integral representation, partition function, interacting boson-fermion system      185
Path integral representation, phase space      27
Path integral representation, phase space, generating functional of the Green’s function      61
Path integral representation, phase space, matrix element of the time- ordered product      27 60
Path integral representation, phase space, transformation function      25 26 60
Path integral representation, quantum field theory      55
Path integral representation, quantum mechanics      1 55
Path integral representation, quantum statistical mechanics      175
Path integral representation, transition probability      223
Path integral representation, transition probability, stochastic quantization      223
Path integral symbol      21
Path integral symbol, phase space      27
Path, arbitrary      8 14
Path, classical      8 13 14
Path, quantum      273
Peierls, R.E.      100
Perturbation theory, covariant      55 56 67 90
Perturbation theory, non-relativistic      54
Picture, Heisenberg      23 73
Picture, interaction      67
Picture, Schrodinger      24
Poisson bracket      3
Polaron problem      176 206
Politzer, H.D.      173
Polkinghorne, J.C.      101
Popov, V.N.      52 170 174
Potential, effective      2 40 48 55
Predazzi, E.      169
Principle of superposition      1 2 14 20 22
Probability amplitude, associated with the path      20 21
Probability space      212 216 217
Prokhorov, L.V.      54
Proper self-energy part      56 83 87
Quadratic form, canonically conjugate momentum      2 35
Quantum analog      11 12
quantum mechanics      1
Quantum mechanics, Hamiltonian formalism      2 23
Quantum mechanics, Lagrangian formalism      1 3
Quasi-Gaussian integral      2 18
Quigg, C      169
Ramond, P.      52 273
Revzen, M.      205
Ritz combination principle      1
Rosenfelder, R.      206 207
Ross, G.G.      169 173
Rotating coordinate      23 24
Rouet, A.      172
Sakurai, J.J.      52 170
Salam, A.      101 171 172
Sanda, A.I.      171
Scalapino, D.J.      206
Schiff, L.I.      51
Schreiber, A.W.      207
Schrodinger      1
Schrodinger equation      1 24
Schrodinger equation, imaginary time      176
Schrodinger equation, time-dependent      2 16 18
Schulman, L.S.      53
Schweber, S.S.      101
Schwinger mechanism      171
Schwinger theory of Green’s function      83 100
Schwinger — Dyson equation      56 83 90 175 194 195
Schwinger, J.      100 101 171 172
Sherrington, D.      206
Shirkov, D.V.      52 101
Simon, B.      53
Skagerstam, B.S.      102
Slavnov, A.A.      169 170
Spinor, Dirac      68 261
Spinor, indices      87 198
Spinor, Minkowskian, Euclidean      267
Spinor, relativistic      184
Spontaneous symmetry breaking      150
Stability group of the vacuum      152
State vector, time-dependent      24
State vector, time-independent      24
Stationary solution, Fokker — Planck equation      240
Stationary solution, Fokker — Planck equation, Non-Abelian gauge field      239
Stationary solution, Fokker — Planck equation, quantum field theory (nonsingular system)      230
Stationary solution, Fokker — Planck equation, quantum mechanics      229
Steiner, F.      54
Stochastic process      209 210 216 217
Stochastic quantization      209 240
Stochastic quantization, Abelian and Non-Abelian gauge field      223 230
Stochastic quantization, dynamical system, holonomic constraints      241
Stochastic quantization, Fermion      240
Stochastic quantization, Non-Abelian gauge field      223
Stochastic quantization, Non-Abelian gauge field, covariant non-holonomic gauge fixing condition      235
Stochastic quantization, Non-Abelian gauge-field, covariant non-holonomic gauge fixing condition      240
Stochastic quantization, six-dimensional space-time      241
Stora, R.      172
Stratonovich — Hubbard identity      204
Stratonovich, R.L.      206
Suger, R.L.      206
Svartholm, N.      172
Symanzik construction      55 72 73 100
Symanzik, K.      100
t Hooft, G.      172
Tachiki, M.      171
Taylor, C      241
Taylor, H.M.      240
Taylor, J.C.      169
Termini, S.      101
Third quantization, Nambu      101
Time-ordered product, matrix element of      2 15 22 27
Tomonager — Schwinger equation      67 73
Tonin, M.      101
Transformation function      1 2 8 10 12
Transformation law, gauge field      104
Transformation law, global G      122
Transformation law, global U(l)      122
Transformation law, Non-Abelian gauge field, finite      121
Transformation law, Non-Abelian gauge field, infinitesimal      118
Transformation law, U(l) gauge field      115
Transformation, canonical      5
Transformation, contact      1 3 6 8
Transformation, contact, analytical mechanics      6 10
Transformation, contact, infinitesimal      1
Transformation, contact, quantum analog      6
Transformation, contact, quantum mechanics      7
Transformation, coordinate      2 40 47 48
Transformation, gauge, finite      120
Transformation, gauge, linear      103 105 129 130 132 159
Transformation, gauge, nonlinear      134 146 155 160 167 168
Transformation, global G      117 122 151
Transformation, global phase      103
Transformation, global U(l)      114 122
Transformation, local 10-parameter Poincare      173
Transformation, local G      119 126 127 150 156
Transformation, local G phase      118
Transformation, local G, finite      120
Transformation, local G, infinitesimal      123
Transformation, local phase      103—105 155
Transformation, local U(l)      113
Transformation, local U(l) phase      113 115
Transformation, Stratonovich — Hubbard      176 201
Transformation, Weyl      48
Transition probability amplitude      1 2 14 22
Treiman, S.B.      102
Tyutin, I.V.      170 172
Umezawa, H.      101 171
Unification, electrostrong with Schwinger mechanism      172
Unification, electroweak with Higgs — Kibble mechanism      172
Unification, electroweak without Higgs — Kibble mechanism      172
Unification, Grand      173
Unitarity      105 127 128 133 210 236
Utiyama, R,      170 173
Vacuum expectation value      62
Vacuum expectation value, time-ordered product      31
Vacuum to vacuum transition amplitude      80
Varadhan, S.R.S.      206
Vassiliev, A.N.      52 101
Veltman, M.      172
Vertex operator      56 83 87 89
Visconti, A.      101
Walecka, J.D.      51 52 205
Ward — Takahashi — Slavnov — Taylor Identity      146 147 167
Ward, J.C.      172
Watanabe, T.      100
Wave function      17
1 2 3
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