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Ram-Mohan R. — Finite Element and Boundary Element Applications in Quantum Mechanics |
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model 129 197
Abdolsalami, F. 11-37
Abdolsalami, M. 11-37
Aboucharcra, R. 9-9
Abraham, E. 18-46
Abramowitz, M. A-3
Accidental degeneracy, quantum wire 276
Accidental degeneracy, removal 283
Ackermann, J. 4-20 11-25 11-26 11-34
Action integral 3 11
Action integral, adaptive calculations 92
Action integral, convergence criteria 102
Action integral, discretization 17
Action integral, elemental actions 92
Action integral, error estimate 87
Action integral, from equation of motion 16
Action integral, H atom in magnetic field 259
Action integral, local calculations 95
Action integral, mixed boundary value problem 112
Action integral, using adjoint functions 348
Action principle 11
Action, 2D problems 233
Action, discretized 86
Action, Schroedinger action 17
Action, second derivative of 86
Action, time-dependent 347
Action, tunneling 112
Acton, F.S. 2-17
Adaptivity, energy norm 105
Adaptivity, matrix elements 104
Adhikari, S.K. 13-13 18-47
Adjoint variational method 354
Admissible functions 86
Aggarwal, R.L. 5-28 8-27 8-30 12-8 14-17
Ahmed, H. 13-3 18-4
Aidaraliev, M. 8-39
Aifer, E.H. 8-48 8-56 8-58
Aldrich, C. 2-14 11-4
Aliabadi, M.H. 18-37
Alonso, R.G. 5-26 5-27
Altarelli, M. 7-2 7-3 7-11
Anderson, E. 2-3 5-9 15-1
Ando, T. 6-10 6-13
Andres, M.V. 12-14
Arakawa, E.T. 17-14
Aravind, P.K. 17-24
Area coordinates 223
Argyris, J.H. 1-27 13-49
Arme, H. 18-34
Ashbough, M.S. 13-26
Askar, A. 2-9 11-32
Asymmetric quantum well without bound states 126
Auyang, S.Y. 12-20
Axelsson, O. 15-18
B-spline interpolation 231
Babb, J.F. 11-35
Babuska, I. 4-7 4-10 4-15 4-17 18-37
Bacskay, G. 5-11
Baer, M. 14-5
Bagwell, P.F. 13-12
Bai, Z. 2-3 5-9 15
Baillargeon, J.N. 8-53
Baker, J. 11-22
Baldareschi, A. 11-3
Balian, R. 14-40
Ball, A.A. 9-4
Bandgap engineering 126 195
Bando, K. 3-8
Bandrauk, a.d. 11-39
Bandwidth matrix 361
Bandwidth reduction 363
Bandwidth reduction, Cuthill — McGee algorithm 364
Bandwidth reduction, GPS algorithm 364
Bandyopadhyay, S. 8-9
Banerjee, P.K. 16-4 18-19 18-20 18-40 18-43 C-9
Baranger, H.U. 13-10 13-14
Barrier localized state 137
Bartoli, F.J. 8-21 8-35 8-37 8-40 8-42 8-46 12-21
Barton, G. C-11
Bassani, F. 11-3
Bastard, G. 5-17 6-1 8-24—8-26 12-8 12-9
Bate, R.T. 17-15
Bateman, H. C-6
Bathe, K.J. 2-4 11-14 15-21 15-27
Bayfield, J.E. 14-8
Bayliss, A. 13-33
Beenakker, C.W.J. 13-4 13-6 18-3
Beer, A.C. 12-1
Beer, G. 3-6 16-13
Belegundu, A.D. 10-1
Belle, G. 7-8
Belytschko, T. 14-19
BEM, 2D scattering 485
BEM, convergence properties 498
BEM, dimensionality reduction 397
BEM, dirichlet problem 400
BEM, eigenvalue problems 489
BEM, electron waveguides 470
BEM, electrostatics sum rules 423
BEM, element integrals 412
BEM, Hermite interpolation 437
BEM, hypersingular boundary integrals 497
BEM, implementing boundary conditions 414
BEM, interior solution 420
BEM, isospectral resonant cavities 494
BEM, linear interpolation 435
BEM, matrix benediction 419
BEM, mesoscopic devices 470
BEM, mode analysis 477
BEM, multiregion 437
BEM, multiregion waveguide 481
BEM, Neumann problem 404
BEM, quantum applications 469
BEM, self-consistency condition 397
BEM, surface plasmon modes in a single wire 450
BEM, treating corner nodes 415
BEM, waveguide 477
Ben Daniel, D.J. 5-23
Bender, C.M. 14-51—14-54 14-56
Benediction 307
Benediction, application to matrix 120
Benediction, row and column 120
Berard, P. 18-24
Berenger, J.P. 13-37 13-38
Berggren, K.F. 13-30
Bergman, J.G. 17-33
Bernstein polynomials 230
Bessis, D. 11-8
Bethe, H.A. 2-20 11-21
Bethea, C.G. 5-29
Bettess, P. 3-3 3-8 13-48 14-20 18-39
Bewley, W.W. 8-43 8-48 8-56—8-58
Bezier curves 230
Bezier curves, control points 231
Bezier, P. 9-14
Bhat, R. 12-4
Bhobe, S. 8-9
Bimberg, D. 12-7
Binns, K.J. 16-6
Birendra Prasad 10-14 12-22
Birkhoff, R.D. 17-14
Bischof, C. 2-3 5-9 15-1
Bisseling, R.H. 14-4
Bjorken, J.D. 1-21 14-33
Blaizot, J.P. 14-43
Blinder, S.M. 18-48
Bloch functions 198
Bloch periodicity 139
Bloch periodicity, checkerboard superlattice 287
| Bloch’s theorem 372
Bloss, W.L. 12-16
Boardman, A.D. 17-6
Boccara, N. 8-7
Boernstein 5-21 12-10
Bohm, D. 1-1 5-1
Bohr — Sommerfeld quantization condition 189
Bois, P. 5-32
Born, M. 1-6
Borondo, F. 6-19
Botero, J. 11-29 11-36
Boucaud, P. 5-32
Bound state absent in asymmetric quantum well 134
Bound states at waveguide crossing 311
Bound states, double bends in quantum wire 313
Boundary condition for stealth elements 316
Boundary condition, 2D quantum scattering 315
Boundary condition, Dirichlet 165
Boundary condition, element boundaries 77
Boundary condition, essential 165
Boundary condition, implementing modal 308
Boundary condition, initial value 338
Boundary condition, interface 181
Boundary condition, mixed 128
Boundary condition, mixed, 2D waveguide 305
Boundary condition, natural 165 235
Boundary condition, Neumann 164
Boundary condition, one-sided 328
Boundary condition, periodic 139 152
Boundary condition, probability current 77
Boundary condition, two-point 338
Boundary condition, waveguides modal decomposition 305
Boundary element method 397 see
Boundary integral end point singularity 409
Bowyer, A. 10-8
Bradley, C. 16-9
Braess, D. 14-47
Brandi, H.S. 11-16
Braun, M. 11-27
Brebbia, C.A. 16-5 17-23 18-34—18-36 18-37 18-42 18-44 C-10
Breit, G. 11-20
Bremermann, H. B-1
Brent, R.P. 6-9
Brent’s algorithm 154
Brey, L. 6-17
Briggs, W.L. 15-15
Brillouin, L. 5-13
Brodwin, M.E. 14-10
Bubble functions 227
Buettiker, M. 13-2 18-2
Burnett, D.S. 2-7
Burnett, J.H. 6-16
Butterfield, R. 16-4 18-20 18-40 18-43 C-9
Byer, R.L. 5-31
Capasso, F. 8-2 8-3 8-49 8-53
Cardona, M. 17-31
Carleman, T. B-5
Carrier mobility 145
Carter, D.L. 17-15
Cauchy principal value 509
Cayley — Hamilton theorem 332
Cendes, Z.J. 13-35
Cerjan, C. 14-4
Chambers, F.A. 5-24 5-25
Chamis, C.C. 18-38
Chandler, A. 11-38
Chandrupatla, T.R. 10-1
Chang, P.C. 8-35 8-47
Chang, R.K. 17-32
Chang, Y.C. 12-17
Chang, Y.P. 18-33
Checkerboard superlattice 286
Chemla, D.S. 12-5 17-33
Chen, B. 8-32 14-17
Chen, D.J. 18-33
Chen, F.F. 17-1
Chen, Z.H. 5-34
Cheong, H.M. 6-16
Cheung, Y.K. 2-5 10-11
Chew, W.C. 13-40
Chiam, T.C. 3-8
Ching, Y.S. 18-46
Chlorophyll 24
Cho, A.Y. 5-30 8-49 8-53
Cho, H.S. 12-5
Choi, H.K. 8-38 8-40
Choi, K.K. 5-29
Cholesky decomposition 333
Chow, D.H. 8-34 8-41 8-42 8-57 8-58
Chu, S.-N.G. 8-53 12-4
Chuang, S.L. 6-20
Churchill, R.V. A-7
Ciarlet, P.G. 4-6 14-49 14-50
Cibert, J. 12-3
Clough, R.W. 1-25 1-26
Cole, J.B. 14-14—14-16
Collin, R.E. 17-4 18-9
Collins, R.J. 15-9
Complete polynomial 219
Compositionally asymmetric quantum well 136
Condition number 90 334 369
Conjugate gradient method 364 365
Conjugate gradient method, steepest descent 367
Connectivity, degree of 363
Connectivity, element-node 53
Connectivity, element-node in 2D 241
Conner, J.J. 18-36 18-44
Connolly, J.C. 8-48
Constantinescu, F. 2-13 5-15
Conte, S.D. 4-2 A-1
Continuity 2D interelement 219
Continuity- 63 219
Continuity- 63 77 221 226
Continuity- 78
Cooper, F. 14-44 14-55
Cooperman, G. 12-16
Coulomb gauge 171
Courant linear triangular elements 222
Courant, R. 1-15 1-22 2-12 4-4 5-4 9-8 14-2 C-4
Craig, A. 4-10
Crasemann, B. 1-2
Creamer, D.B. 14-15
Cruse, T.A. 18-34
Cui, D.F. 5-34
Cullum, J.K. 15-36
Cuthill, E. 15-10
Cvetkovic, D.M. 18-29
Cyclotron energy 176
Cyclotron frequency 173
Cyclotron radius 173
Dai, N. 5-36
Dapkus, P.D. 8-44
Das Sarma, S. 6-14
Datta, S. 13-8 18-1 18-14
Davidson, E.R. 15-28 15-30
Davies, A.J. 14-30
Davis, M.J. 3-12
Davis, P.S. A-5
de Boor, C. 4-2 A-1
de Broglie wavelength 5
de Kronig, R.L. 5-39
De May, G. 18-45
de Oliveira, E.R.A. 4-10 4-15 4-16 18-37
Degrees of freedom 67
Delaunay triangulation 247
Delaunay, B. 10-7
Delta-function 525
Demmel, J. 2-3 5-9 15-1
Deng, D.Q. 5-34
Density of states 174
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