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Ram-Mohan R. — Finite Element and Boundary Element Applications in Quantum Mechanics |
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Density of states in magnetic field 175
Density of states, Voigt geometry 186
Derrien, J. 8-7
Devane, G.P. 5-25
Dhatt, G. 3-1 9-2
Dhez, P. 8-7
Differential equation inhomogeneous terms 397
Dingle, R. 12-1
Dirac — Frenkel variational method 354
Dirac, "bra"/"ket" notation 8
Dirac, -function 9 14 525
Dirac, P.A.M. 1-8 14-36
Dirichlet tessellation 247
Discretized action error 86
Distributions 525
Dobrowolska, M. 5-36 5-38
Dokainish, M.A. 14-21
Dolan, G.J. 12-3 12-4
Dongerra, J.J. 2-3 5-9 15-1 15-2
Doniach, S. C-2
Doob, M. 18-29
Dorr, M.R. 4-17
dos Santos, R.R. 11-16
Dossa, D. 3-9 4-18 5-26 5-27 8-5 11-10 11-11 12-12
Drell, S.D. 1-21 14-33
Driscoll, T.A. 18-25
Drude dielectric function 440
Du Croz, J. 2-3 5-9 15-1
Duff, I.S. 15-14
Duke, C.B. 5-23
Dunavant, D.A. 9-17 9-18
Duncan, B.C. 6-8
Dupuis, R.D. 8-44
Durodola, J.F. 16-11
Dy, K.S. 12-6
Economou, E.N. C-12
Economou, N.P. 17-33
Edge functions 226
Effective action density functional theory 355
Ehrenreich, H. 8-36 8-42 13-6 17-3
Eigenfunction 7
Eigenfunction, completeness 401
Eigenvalue 7
Eigenvalue, Rayleigh quotient 380
Eigenvalue, similarity transformation 371
Eigenvalues, number in a range 375
Eigenvalues, roots of characteristic equation 371
Eigenvalues, spectral range 374
Eigenvalues, spectrum shift 374
Eigenvector B-normalization 376
Eikonal approximation 330
EISPACK 36 42 361
Electron-electron interactions exchange and correlation 165
Element boundaries continuity conditions 156
Element matrices 20 31
Element matrices in eight-band model 200
Element matrices, overlay 42
Element matrix overlap 21
Element, 2D area vector 241
Element, 2D elements 217
Element, 2D Hermite 259
Element, 2D Lagrange 218
Element, 2D rectangular 218
Element, 2D triangular 222
Element, cubic Hermite, rectangle 221
Element, finite element 18
Element, four-noded square 222
Element, Hermite, triangular 225
Element, infinite 63 76
Element, interelement continuity 19
Element, linear, rectangle 218
Element, nodes 19
Element, quadratic, rectangle 219
Element, serendipity 220
Element, standard 2D element 222
Element, stealth element 319
Element, transition 63 70
Emson, C. 3-8
Energy bandgap 139
Energy spectrum, discrete 32
English, J.H. 12-3
Engquist, B. 13-34
envelope function 129 149
Envelope function approximation 198 276
Epstein, S. 14-38
Erdmann, B. 4-20 11-25
Erisman, A.M. 15-14
Error estimates, a posteriori 88
Error estimates, a priori 88
Error redistribution 93
Esaki, L. 5-18 8-1 12-19
Euler — Lagrange equation 13
Exner, p. 13-26
Faist, J. 8-49 8-53
Fan, W.J. 7-5
Faraday effect 177
Farin, G. 9-10 9-13
Feit, M.D. 14-4 14-13
Fejer, M.M. 5-31
Feler, M.G. 15-33
Felix, C.L. 8-35 8-43 8-47 8-48 8-56—8-58
FEM in k-space 192
FEM, 2D problems 217
FEM, adaptive 83
FEM, atomic states, adaptive calculations 270
FEM, convergence properties 83
FEM, eight-band model 199
FEM, enrichment 83
FEM, error estimates 83
FEM, h-adaptive 83
FEM, hp-adaptive 84
FEM, hp-convergence 91
FEM, introduction 18
FEM, p-adaptive 83
FEM, p-hierarchical functions 90
FEM, quantum wires 276
FEM, r-adaptive 84
FEM, rate of convergence 88
FEM, relocation 84
FEM, solid state electronic structure 272
Feng, S.M. 5-34
Fenner, R.T. 16-11
Fermi distribution 151
Fermi level 151
Ferrell, R.A. 17-12
Feshbach, H. 16-2 17-22 A-8 C-7
Fetter, A.L. 1-19 6-11 14-35 17-9 B-7 C-13
Feynman, R.P. 13-53
Finite difference nonstandard scheme 331
Finite difference time domain 330
Finite element method see "FEM"
Finlayson, B.A. 5-6
Fix, G.J. 4-5 5-7 14-48
Flannery, B.P. 5-8 14-3 15-4 A-2
Fleck, J.A. 14-13
Fleischman, M. 17-27
Fletcher, C.A.J. 5-5
Fleury, P.A. 12-15
Fong, C.Y. 11-40
Foxon, C.T. 13-4 18-3
Franchiotti, S. 4-21
Francombe, M.H. 17-13
Frank, A. 12-14
Frank, D.J. 6-5
Frenkel, J. 14-37
Frensley, W. 8-8
Freund, D.E. 2-21 11-22
Friedman, B. B-3 C-5
Friedman, L. 12-16 12-18
| Friedman, M. 2-9 11-30 11-31
Friesner, E. 14-4
Frohne, H.R. 18-14
Frost, J.E.F. 13-3 18-4
Fuchs, F. 17-18
Fuchs, R. 17-11
Fukai, I. 17-26 18-5
Functional 11
Functional, derivative 14
Functional, differentiation 14
Functional, variation 12
Furdyna, J.K. 5-36—5-38 17-35
Furtak, T.E. 17-32
Gagnon, J.A. 4-18
Gago, J. 4-10 4-15 4-16 18-37
Galbraith I. 18-46
Galerkin method 3 113
Galerkin method, 2D waveguide 306
Galerkin method, Schroedinger — Poisson 157
Galerkin method, weighted residuals 3 114
Galerkin, B.G. 5-5
Garcia-Vidal, F.J. 17-34
Garstang, R.H. 11-1
Gauge function, electrodynamics 564
Gauss elimination 364
Gauss quadrature 33 509
Gauss quadrature, accuracy 513
Gauss quadrature, adaptive quadrature 514
Gauss quadrature, Cauchy principle value 516
Gauss quadrature, nested do-loops 222
Gauss — Dunavant integration 238
Gaussian orbitals 49
Gavrila, M. 11-38
Gelfand, I.M. B-1
Gell-Mann and Levy gauge variational method 200
Gell-Mann, M. 8-29
Generalized eigenvalue problem 371
Generalized eigenvalue problem, Hermitian 361
Generalized functions 525
George, A. 15-11
Gerjuoy, E. 14-32
Gibbs, N.E. 15-13
Ginzburg — Landau nonlinear Schroedinger equation 322
Gipson, G.S. 16-12 17-36
Glassner, A.S. 10-15
Global coordinate 66
Global index 35
Global matrix 31
Global matrix, bandwidth reduction 362
Global matrix, condition number 90
Global matrix, dimension 36
Global matrix, retaining size 56
Global trial wavefunctions 31
Global wavefunction 46
Global wavefunction, criteria for selection 50
Goldberg, A. 14-1
Goldberg, L. 8-35 8-57 8-58
Goldberger, M.L. 13-13
Goldstein, H. 1-17
Goldstone, J. 13-27
Goloskie, R. 5-16 8-28 14-27 16-9 16-10 17-20
Golub, G.H. 2-16 4-19 14-22 15-8
Gomez, P. 11-37
Goodnick, S.M. 13-15 13-16
Gordon, C. 18-23
Gorkov, L.P. 13-47
Goshen, S. 11-31
Gossard, A.C. 6-16 12-3
Gram — Schmidt orthogonalization 334 378
Gram — Schmidt orthogonalization, reverse algorithm 383
Grassie, A.D. 13-46
Greenbaum, A. 2-3 5-9 15-1
Greene, R.L. 2-14 11-4
Green’s function 3 399 539
Green’s function in electrodynamics 566
Green’s function method 397
Green’s function, application to electrostatics 552
Green’s function, construction using eigenfunctions 547
Green’s function, Helmholtz’s equation 471 568 572
Green’s function, infinite domain 406 556
Green’s function, infinite domain, Poisson problem 406
Green’s function, method of images 560
Green’s function, properties 541
Green’s Theorem 3
Gregory, J.A. 9-12
Grein, C.H. 8-36 8-42
Griffiths, D.F. 13-48
Grinstein, G. 13-7
Grundmann, M. 12-7
Gu, B.Y. 13-17
Guenterodt, G. 17-31
Gui, W. 4-17
Guldberg, A. 14-4
Gunnarson, O. 6-12
Gunzburger, M. 13-33
Guo, B. 4-17
Guralnik, G.S. 14-51
Gurtin, M.E. 14-31
Gwinn, E.G. 6-16
Haase, M. 13-49
Hagon, J.P. 12-6
Halperin, B.I. 6-17
Hamann, B. 9-10
Hamilton, I.P. 3-12
Hamiltonian 7
Hammarling, S. 2-3 5-9 15-1
Hammerich, A. 14-4
Handy, C.R. 11-8
Harrington, R.F. 18-11
Harris, Jr., J.S. 5-31
Hartmann, F. 16-14
Hartree approximation 146
Harvill, L.R. 14-18 C-3
Harwit, A. 5-31
Hasenberg, T.C. 8-41
Hasko, D.G. 13-3 18-4
Hasnain, G. 5-30
Hass, G. 17-13
Hassan, H.H. 12-5
Hat-function 21
Hawryluk, A.M. 17-33
Hayata, K. 5-12 5-19 8-33
Hearing the shape of a drum 493
Heaviside function 531
Heinrichsdorff, F. 12-7
Heisenberg uncertainty principle 195
Heisenberg uncertainty relation 10
Helgesen, P. 8-10
Helium atom 59
Helium atom, ground state energy 269
Heller, E.J. 3-12
Hendra, P.J. 17-27
Hensel, J.C. 11-3
Henson, V.E. 15-15
Herikhoff, R.J. 17-14
Hermann, L.R. 10-18
Hermite elements, 2D elements 221
Hermite functions 173
Hermite interpolation functions scale factors 68
Hermite interpolation polynomial 259 306
Hermite shape functions, 2D cross-derivatives 221
Hermite, interpolation polynomials 71
Hermite, triangular element 225
Herold, H. 11-5 11-27
Hess, K. 13-31 13-32
Hestenes, M.R. 15-17
Hilbert space 8
Hilbert, D. 1-15 2-12 4-4 5-4 14-2 C-4
Hildebrand, F.B. 4-1 A-9
Hill, R.N. 11-22
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