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Поиск книг, содержащих: Debye potential
Книга | Страницы для поиска | Monk P. — Finite Element Methods for Maxwell's Equations | 235 | Serre D. — Handbook of Mathematical Fluid Dynamics, Vol. 1 | 84, 90, 114, 179, 180 | Balescu R. — Equilibrium and nonequilibrium statistical mechanics | 221 | Tsytovich V.N. (Ed), Morfill G.E. (Ed) — Elementary Physics of Complex Plasmas | 70 | Friedman H.L. — Ionic Solution Theory Based on Cluster Expansion Methods | 17, 137, 141, 142, 159 | Gould H., Tobochnik J., Christian W. — An introduction to computer simulation methods | 133 |