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Serre D. — Handbook of Mathematical Fluid Dynamics, Vol. 1 |
Предметный указатель |
-stability 468 470 476
-formula 175—176
-representation 127
-representation 80
(Weak) solutions 320
A priori estimate 316 321 326 328 335 336 343 345 365
Abbreviations, DIT 550
Abbreviations, FBSP 556
Abbreviations, IBVP 549
Abbreviations, LC 549
Abbreviations, LSP 556
Abbreviations, ULC 549
AbdElFattah, A.M. 518 519 531
Abeyaratne, R. 388 389 417
Abrahamsson, F. 227 244 255
Absorption event 57
Absorption of radiation 57
Accommodation coefficients 24
Acoustic system 579
Activation energy 53—55
Adams, R.A. 316 317 327 329 367
Added mass matrix 685
Admissibility criteria 380 381
Adsorption 23
Adsorption time 22
Advani, A.S. 655 787
Aerodynamic forces 3
Aerosol particles 3 4
Aerosol reactors 3
Aerosol science 4
Aerosols 4
Aerospace 3 4
Aifantis, E.C. 378 417
Aizicovici, S. 355 368
Akhiezer, A.I. 559 618 647
Alaev, R.D. 648 [23]
Alberga, A.H. 52 68
Alexandre, R. 121 122 129 133 137 138 151 165 167 169 171 173 175 176 178—180 182—184 266 288
Alfven, H. 609 647
Alinhac, S. 441 442 531
Allegre, J. 62 63
Alsmeyer, H. 61 63
Amosov, A.A. 361 367
Amundsen, N.R. 526 547
Andreasson, H. 86 157 288
Andries, P. 20 52 63
Ane, C. 107 207 232 286 288
Angle cutoff 10
Angular momentum conservation 55
Angular velocity 47
Anile, A.M. 548 569 597 602 619 626 647
Antontsev, S.N. 312 313 361 367
Anzellotti, G. 531 [4]
Aoki, K. 32 33 37 63 68 303
Aris, R. 526 547
Aristov, V. 57 63
Arkeryd, L. 12 63 88 89 101 103 118 133—135 138 139 143 150 154 161 166 201 202 235 276 288
Arnold, A. 198 233 259
Arnold, V.I. 229 259
Arrhenius formula 53
Arsen'ev, A. 178 181 259
Arthur, M.D. 135 259
Artificial satellites 33
Asakura, F. 389 417
Asano, K. 119 135 201 259
Asymmetric point of view 125 160 172 175
Atomic oxygen 53
Attainability of steady free falls 691
Attractor 352 356 357 365
Auxiliary fields 676
Avogadro's number 53
Babenko, K.I. 704 757
Babin, A.V. 356 367
Babovsky, H. 60 63
Bachynski, M. 121 303
bacteria 3
Baiti, P. 479 537
Bakry, D. 207 222 231 232 289
Balescu — Lenard equation 93
Balescu, R. 89 93 94 113 286 259
Balian, R. 286 259
Ball, J.M. 357 367
Bancel, D. 86 289
Bardi, M. 521 537
Bardos, C. 27 28 63 135 138 266 290
Barotropic 311 316 321 326 328 330 333 338 344 346 349 361
Barron, A.R. 255 290
Barwinkel, K. 24 63
Bassanini, P. 42 65
Basset, A.B. 685 692 757
Batchelor, G.K. 313 367
Beale, T. 88 139 290
Becker, H.A. 657 757
Bedjaoui, N. 389 477
Beenakker, J.J.M. 49 52 67
Bellman, R. 591 647
Bellomo, N. 87 136 164 290
Belotserkovskii, C.M. 59 63
Ben Abdullah, N. 86 290
Benedetto, D. 109 194 195 228 233 234 273 276—279 290
Benettin, G. 50 63
Benzoni-Gavage, S. 383 384 417 571 582 647
Berdichevskii, V. 378 418
Bereux.F. 532 [10]
Berker, R. 741 787
Berry, C.J. 62 67
Bers, A. 84 89 93 121 294
Berthelin, F. 206 290
Bethe, H.A. 577 584 648
Betsudze, A.V. 490 532
Beylich, A.E. 62 66
BGK model 19 20 44 48 49 61 87 132
Bhatnagar, P.L. 19 64
Bianchini, S. 381 418 532
Bilinear Boltzmann operator 125
Bimolecular reaction 53 54
Binary collisions 79
Bird, G.A. 50 53 57 58 61 62 64
Bird, R.B. 32 66
Bisch.D. 62 63
Blachere, S. 107 207 232 286 288
Blachman — Stam inequality 218 255
Blachman — Stam inequality for Boltzmann's operator 255—256
Blachman, N. 255 290
Blake, J.R. 659 660 769 787
Blanchard, D. 138 176 290
Blanchard, R.C. 24 64
Blank, A. 519 537
Blokhin, A.M. 445 532 568—572 578 582 583 586 587 593—598 601—603 607—609 613 615 619 620 623 624 626 628 629 634 636—644 646 647 647
Blow-up 267
Blunt bodies 62
Bobylev's identity 128
Bobylev's lemma 129 257
Bobylev, A. 32 37 65 87 88 101 113 115 117 128 134 135 148 150 153 192 199 211 247 252 256 259 260 268 271 274 275 277—279 291
Bodies with fore-and-aft symmetry 678
Body force 9 33
Bogdonoff, S.M. 61 66
Bogoljubov, N. 93 291
Bogovskii, M.E. 337 367
Boillat G. 553 649
Boldrighini, C. 99 291
Boltzmann constant 17
Boltzmann equation 3 5 8—10 12 15—18 20 22 25—33 36 48 54 56—58 60—62
Boltzmann gas 31
Boltzmann inequality 12 17 19
Boltzmann — Bose equation 281
Boltzmann — Compton equation 281
Boltzmann — Fermi equation 280
Boltzmann — Grad limit 7 30 96
Boltzmann — Plancherel formula 172—173
| Boltzmann's theorem 212 223
Boltzmann, L. 47 50 64 82 84 104 107 108 209 286 291
Boltzmann, L.E. 47 50
Bonnetier, E. 532 [10]
Bony, J. 87 139 277 291
Borchers, W. 338 367
Borgnakke, C. 50 64
Bose condensation 283 285
Bose-Einstein distribution 283
Bosons 281
Bouchut, F. 90 137 138 144 145 157 206 237 286 290 532
Boudin, L. 137 146 157 162 291
Bounce-back condition 85
Boundary 15 22 40 42
boundary conditions 22 34 37 38 40 52 57 60 84—86 138
Boundary interactions 58
Boundary source 41
Boundary value problem 37
Bourgain, J. 99 292
Bourlioux, A. 529 532
Brauer, U. 443 532
Breach, D. 662 787
Bremer, Y. 230 292
Brenier's theorem 230
Brenner, H. 676 678 725 735 749 763 765—768 772 789
Brermen, C. 659 769 773 787
Bressan, A. 381 418 472 476 478 479 532
Brey, J. 278 292
Brio, M. 519 520 537
Broadwell model 88
Broadwell, J.E. 62 69
Brunn, P. 655 787
Bryan, G.H. 48 64
Buet, C. 93 115 257 292
Bulk velocity 5 14 16 19 21 26 31 34 37
Bunimovich, LA. 99 291
Burnett equation 113
Burst, M. 655 787
Buryak, O. 178 181 289
Cabannes, H. 88 117 292
Caflisch, R. 118 135 199 202 282 284 290
Caglioti, E. 109 194 195 228 233 234 273 276—279 290
Can, J. 378 475
Cancellation lemma 168—170
Canic, S. 521 532
Caprino, S. 88 292
Carbon whiskers 3
Carleman equation 88
Carleman's representation 127 154 157 171
Carleman, T. 103 127 133 186 201 286 287 292
Carlemantheorem 133
Carlen and Carvalho's theorem 214 222 257
Carlen, E. 206 207 213—215 218 248 252—257 259 270 287 292
Carrillo, J. 195 198 205 228 232 233 268 273 274 275 277—279 290
Carvalho, M. 213—215 248 254 256 257 259 270 287 292
Casal, P. 378 415
Castella, K 110 145 281 293
Caswell, B. 655 757
Catalysts 3
Cauchy problem 100 130—139 141—187 265—423
Cauchy stress tensor 666
Cauchy, A.-L. v vii
Celenligil, M.C. 62 64
Center-of-mass system 49 53 54
Central force 9 47
Central limit theorem 251 253—255 261
Ceramics 3
Cercignani — Lampis (CL) model 24 50 52 60
Cercignani — Lampis — Lord (CLL) model 61
Cercignani's conjecture 210—211 215 268
Cercignani, C. 3 9—12 15 18—20 22—25 27 28 31 33—35 37—39 42—44 47 50—52 57 60 62 63 63 82 85—89 94—98 100 101 103 105 107 109 113 114 117 118 120 122 132 135 137—139 143 172 192 196 197 211 241 259 265 268 271 273 274 277 278 286 259
Chafai, D. 107 207 232 286 288
Chandrasekhar, S. 87 293
Chanetz, B. 62 65
Chang, T. 446 453 458 518 519 532
Chaos 80 96—100
Chaos, one-sided 99
Chapman — Enskog expansion 31 113 135 276
Chapman, I.S. 532 [34]
Chapman, S. 32 65 113 280—282 286 293
Characteristics 433
Chazarain, J. 565 572 649
Chemical bonds 22
Chemical plants 3
Chemical reactions 4 10 43 52 53 61 62
Chemically reacting flows 57
Chemistry 53
Chen, G.-Q. 381 385 415 442 456 458 461 468 484 486 487 491 493 497 499 502 504 505 507—513 515—519 521 522 524—527 529 531 532
Chen, S.-X. 521 534
Chen, S.Y. 61 65
Chen, X.-F. 385 415
Cheng, H.K. 61 65
Chepyzhov, V.V. 355 367
Cherain, J.-Y. 432 443 532
Chern, I.-L. 517 534
Chew, G.F. 555 649
Chiba, K. 656 657 787
Childress, S. 659 757
Cho, K. 656 661 749 757
Cho, Y.I. 656 661 749 757
Choe, H.J. 320 367
Choquet-Bruhat, Y. 86 289
Chorin, A.J 313 367
Chow, W.L. 61 65
Christiansen, E.B. 657 790
Chueh, K. 534 [71]
Chun, C.H. 62 65
Chwang, A.T. 735 757
Classical mechanics 5 47 50
Classical solutions 344
Clouds 3
Clustering 276
Coifman, R. 331 367
Colella, P. 518 520 543
Collins, I.P. 518 541
Collision 6 7 10 43 44 46—49 54 58—60
Collision energy 53
Collision frequency 19 20
Collision integral 11 12 18 19 48 57
Collision invariants 12 16 40 103
Collision kernel 81—84
Collision kernel, angular 120
Collision kernel, for quantum models 282
Collision kernel, kinetic 119
Collision kernel, qualitative influence 123—124 148
Collision mechanics 58
Collision model 18 19 48
Collision operator 11 36
Collision operator, Balescu — Lenard 93
Collision operator, Boltzmann 79—82 124—130 192
Collision operator, Boltzmann — Bose 281
Collision operator, Boltzmann — Compton 281
Collision operator, Boltzmann — Fermi 280
Collision operator, Fokker — Planck 86 193 194
Collision operator, Fokker — Planck — Coulomb 94
Collision operator, for Maxwellian collision kernel 247
Collision operator, inelastic Boltzmann 274
Collision operator, Kac 87
Collision operator, Landau 91 121 180 193
Collision operator, linearized Boltzmann 134
Collision operator, Rostoker 94
Collision pair 59
Collision term 10—12 17 18 28 31 44 47 48
Collision-free dynamics 58
Colombo, R.M. 389 415
Combustion 427
Compact 340 352
Compactness 326 328—332 335 336 338 343 346 504
Compactness framework 492
Components of air 43 48 52
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