Результат поиска |
Поиск книг, содержащих: Weaire, D.
Книга | Страницы для поиска | Merris R. — Combinatorics | 217 | Cracknell A.P., Wong K.C. — The Fermi Surface: Its Concept, Determination and Use in the Physics of Metals | viii, 318, 403, 503, 504, 505 | Efros A.L. (ed.), Pollak M. (ed.) — Electron-electron interactions in disordered systems | 161; see “Kramer, B.” | Asay J.R., Shahinpoor M. — High-pressure shock compression of solids | 301, 311, 312 | Zallen R. — The Physics of Amorphous Solids | 83—85, 295 | Prigogine I. (ed.), Rice S.A. (ed.) — New Methods in Computational Quantum Mechanics | 652(1), 698 | Marder M.P. — Condensed matter physics | 128, 131, 259, 285, 558 | Ehrenreich H., Seitz F., Turnbull D. — Solid State Physics.Volume 26. | 32(32), 208 | Ehrenreich H., Spaepen F. — Solid State Physics. Volume 49 | see "Heine, V.", "Miller, A.", "Wooten, F." | Ehrenreich H., Spaepen F. — Solid State Physics.Volume 55. | 276, 276(11), 289, 289(52—53), 290(62), 293(67), 308, 308(100—101) |