Результат поиска |
Поиск книг, содержащих: Dulong — Petit law
Книга | Страницы для поиска | Huang K. — Statistical Mechanics | 286 | Walecka J.D. — Fundamentals of statistical mechanics | 109, 138, 192, 214 | Cleland A.N. — Foundations of nanomechanics | 88 | Gautreau R., Savin W. — Schaum's Outline of Modern Physics | 280, 297, 299 | Ziman J.M. — Electrons and Phonons: The Theory of Transport Phenomena in Solids | 48, 156 | ter Haar D. — Elements of Statistical Mechanics | 82, 83 | Pathria P.K. — Statistical Mechanics | 175 | Kleinert H. — Gauge fields in condensed matter (part 4) | 901 | Milonni P.W. — The quantum vacuum: introduction to quantum electrodynamics | 26 | Ashby N., Miller S.C. — Principles of modern physics | 302, 361 | Binder K., Heermann D.W. — Monte Carlo Simulation in Statistical Physics | 139 | ter Haar D. — Elements of Statistical Mechanics | 82, 83 | Seitz F. (ed.), Turnbull D. (ed.) — Solid State Physics. Advances in Research and Applications. Volume 16 | 366 | Kleinert H. — Gauge fields in condensed matter (part 2) | 315, 710 |