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Поиск книг, содержащих: Common sense
Книга | Страницы для поиска | McCall R.J. — Basic logic | xviii | Rowe N.C. — Artifical intelligence through Prolog | 1, 4 (see also Human reasoning) | Gabbay D.M. (ed.), Guenthner F. (ed.) — Handbook of Philosophical Logic (Volume 13) | 93 | Plauger P.J. — Programming on purpose III: essays on software technology | 71 | Bentley J. — Programming pearls | 61, 68, 94, 97, 117, 144, 180, 181 | Bellman R.E., Dreyfus S.E. — Applied Dynamic Programming | 137 | Goldenfeld N. — Lectures on Phase Transitions and the Renormalization Group | 196, 291 | Borel E. — Probability and certainty. A sun book | 60 | Marsden J., Weinstein A. — Calculus 1 | 61, 193 | Bridgman P.W. — The Nature of Thermodynamics | 164 | Rosser J.B., Turquette A.R. — Many-valued logics | 5 | Jeffreys H. — Theory of probability | 1 | Hugh D. Young, Roger A. Freedman — University physics with modern physics | 108, 1356 | Maddala G.S. (ed.), Rao C.R. (ed.) — Robust Inference | 300 | Bentley J. — Programming Pearls | 61, 68, 94, 97, 117, 144, 180, 181 | Papert S. — The Children's Machine: Rethinking School In The Age Of The Computer | 27, 60, 138 | Fuchssteiner B., Lusky W. — Convex Cones (North-Holland Mathematics Studies) | 65 | Popper K.R. — Quantum theory and the schism in physics | 29, 159 |