Àâòîðèçàöèÿ |
Ïîèñê ïî óêàçàòåëÿì |
McCall R.J. — Basic logic |
Ïðåäìåòíûé óêàçàòåëü |
A fortiori argument 197 198 199
Abbreviated categorical syllogisms 148—155
Abstract and concrete concepts 17—21
Abstract singular propositions 55
Abstraction 4—5
Accidental conversion 115 116 117 165 167 169
Accidentals 11 12 13
Adversative propositions 62 77 78 98 98fn.
Ambiguity 29 (see Equivocation)
Analogous terms 26 27 28
Aristotelian sorites 191 192 193 194 195
Aristotle viii ix xxii 81 192
Assertoric propositions, as distinguished from modal propositions 58
Assertoric propositions, opposition of 83ff.
Categorematic words 25
Categorical propositions 43 44
Categorical propositions, definition of 46
Categorical propositions, division of 47—61
Categorical propositions, opposition of 83ff.
Categorical propositions, rules of 137—148 (see Syllogisms categorical)
Categorical syllogisms, nature of 132—137
Causal propositions 63 82 149
Causal propositions, contradiction of 103
Chain arguments 190-196
Circumstantially quantified propositions 56—57
Circumstantially quantified propositions, opposition of 89—91
Collective and divisive concepts 21—22 76
Common sense xviii
Complete induction xxiii 146 146fn.
Compound propositions see Hypothetical propositions
Comprehension of concepts 7—15
Comprehension of concepts and extension 16—17
Comprehension of concepts in propositions 11 105 106 109
Concept see Simple Apprehension
Concrete and Abstract concepts 17—21
Conditional propositions 61 62 63—66
Conditional propositions, contradiction of 93—98
Conditional syllogism 177—183
Conjunctive propositions 62 71—73
Conjunctive propositions, comparison with disjunctive 74
Conjunctive propositions, contradiction of 100—101
Conjunctive syllogism 187—190
Conjunctive syllogism, comparison with disjunctive syllogism 189—190
Construction of syllogisms 172—176
Contradiction of 102
Contradiction of propositions 83—104
Contradictory propositions 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92—104
Contraposition of propositions 123—125
Contrary propositions 84 85 86 87 89 91 92 93 94 95 99 101
Conversion of propositions 114—120 126 128 129 130
Conversion of propositions in reduction of syllogisms to the first figure 166 167 168 169 173 174 175
Copulative propositions 62 74—79 81 82 83 176
Copulative propositions, contradiction of 101—104
Deductive reasoning xxiii xxvi 132ff.
Deductive reasoning, definition of 132
Deductive reasoning, elements involved in xxiv xxv
Deductive reasoning, form of 133 134
Deductive reasoning, matter of 132 133 134
Descriptive characteristics 9 10 11 12 13
Descriptive definitions 9
Dictum de Nutto 136 137 164
Dictum de omni 136 137 164
Dictum in modal propositions 59 60 91 92
Dilemma 200
Disjunctive propositions 62 66—71 72 73 74 101 102
Disjunctive propositions, comparison with conjunctive 73—74
Disjunctive propositions, contradiction of 98—100
Disjunctive syllogisms 183—187 188 189 190
Disjunctive syllogisms, comparison with conjunctive syllogisms 189—190
Distribution of the predicate-term 104—113 142 143
Distribution of the predicate-term in affirmative propositions 104—109 142 143
Distribution of the predicate-term in negative propositions 109—112
Distribution of the predicate-term with singular predicates 112—113
Divisive concepts 21 22
Dopp, J. 164fn.
Eduction of propositional relations 126—131
Enthymemes 148—155
Enumerative universals as distinguished from genuine universals 25 50 163
Enunciative and judicative propositions 39—41 133
Epicheirema 194
Equivocal terms 26 27 28
Equivocation in argument 28—30 138—139
Euler's circles 105 107 108 109 110 111 130 131 144
Exceptive propositions 63 79—80 157
Exceptive propositions, contradiction of 102—104
Exclusive propositions 63 80—81 155 157
Exclusive propositions, contradiction of 103
Exclusive syllogisms 155—157
Exponible propositions 63 79—83
Exponible propositions, Contradiction of 102—104
Extension of concepts 15—17 21 22 32 36 37
Extension of predicate-term see Distribution of predicate-term
Figures of the categorical syllogism 157 159 160
Figures of the categorical syllogism, valid moods in the four figures 160—164
Formal logic, as distinguished from material logic vii xx—xxii
Full contraposition 124—126 127 128 129 130
Geometrical figures, essential comprehension of 11 14—15
Gilby, Thomas xxfn.
Goclenian sorites 191 192 193 194 195
Hiddenly copulative propositions see Exponible propositions
Hypothetical propositions 46 62 63
Hypothetical propositions, contradiction of 93—104
Hypothetical propositions, division of 62—83
Hypothetical syllogisms 176—190
Identity, principle of reciprocal 136 137 145
Illicit major and minor 141—143 147 148 160 161 162 197 Categorical Rules
Image 1
Image, distinction from concept 3—6
Imageless thought 4
Indefinite propositions 47 48 51 52 53 56 59 80 158
| Indefinite propositions, contradiction of 87—88
Induction xxii xxiii—xxiv 146
Inverse of A propositions 125 126 127 129 130
judgment xxv xxvi 5 38—42
Judgment, definition of 38
Judgment, distinction of, from simple apprehension 6 38—39
Judgment, parts of 41—42
Judicative propositions 39—41 42 133
Logic, and philosophy xvii—xviii xx
Logic, and philosophy and the special sciences xviii
Logica docens xxfn.
Logica utens xxfn.
Logical quadruped 138—140 198
Logical supposition 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 139 140
Major logic xxii 8 26
Maritain, Jacques ix 39 56 199
Material logic vii xx xxii
Material supposition 30 32 35 37
Mathematical definitions 14fn. 15
Modal propositions 58—61
Modal propositions, opposition of 91—93
Moods of the categorical syllogism 157 158 160—163
Natural logic xix
Non-identity, principle of reciprocal 136 137 145
Oblique syllogism 196—199
Obversion of propositions 120—123 124 125 126 128 129 130
Obversion of propositions as an alternative to indirect reduction of Baroco and Bocardo 172
Octagon of Opposition 92
Opposition of propositions 83—104
Partial contraposition 123—124 126 155
Particular concepts 22—24
Particular propositions 47 48 49 51 53 54
Particular propositions in the syllogism 146—147
Plato 18
Polysyllogism 191 193 194 195
Ponendo tollens 184 187 188 189 190
Positing the consequent 178 179 180 181
Practical thinking xx 182—183
Properties, generic 12
Properties, specific 9 10 12 13
Propositions xxv xxvi
Propositions, categorical 43 44 46
Propositions, classification of 47ff.
Propositions, eductive relations of 126ff.
Propositions, enunciative and judicative 39—41
Propositions, hypothetical 61ff. 93ff.
Propositions, logical form of 44—46
Propositions, modal 58ff. 91ff.
Propositions, opposition of 83ff.
Propositions, parts of 43—44
Proximate genus 8 9 11 12 13 14 15
Quality of propositions 50 51
Quantity of propositions 47—50
Quasi-adversative propositions 98
Quasi-copulative propositions 95
Real supposition 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 139 140
Reciprocal of A propositions 116 126 127 129 130
Reduction of categorical syllogisms 164—176
Reduction of categorical syllogisms, direct reduction 166—169
Reduction of categorical syllogisms, indirect reduction 169—172
Reduplicative propositions 63 81 82
Reduplicative propositions, contradiction of 103
Remote genus 8 15
Remotive propositions 62 76 77 98
Remotive propositions, contradiction of 102
Sequence in reasoning 133 134 135 176
Sequential propositions 62 64 74 176
Signification of terms 26—30 32 138
Simple apprehension 1—6
Simple apprehension, definition of 2
Simple apprehension, distinction of, from image 3—6
Simple apprehension, distinction of, from judgment 6
Simple apprehension, divisions of 17—25
Simple apprehension, properties of 7—17
Simple conversion 115 116 120 128 129 130 166 167
Singular concepts 22—23
Singular concepts, distinction from particular concepts 24
Singular propositions 47 48 51 52 53 55 158
Singular propositions, conversion of 119
Singular propositions, opposition of 87
Singulars of a concept 23
Sorites 191—194
Species 8 15
Specific difference 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Square of opposition 85 86 87 89 91 94 95 99 127 128 129
Stebbing, L.S. xxfn.
Sub-contrary propositions 84 85 86 87 91 92 94 95
Subalternation of propositions 85 86 87 94 95 115 117 124 126
Supposition of terms 30—37
Supposition of terms and the logical quadruped 139—140
Syllogisms, categorical 132ff.
Syllogisms, categorical, construction of 172—175
Syllogisms, categorical, figures of 159—160 160—164
Syllogisms, categorical, moods of 158—159
Syllogisms, categorical, not in logical form 148—155
Syllogisms, categorical, principles of 136—137
Syllogisms, categorical, reduction of 164—172
Syllogisms, categorical, rules of 137—148
Syllogisms, categorical, terms of 135—136
Syllogisms, exclusive 155—157
Syllogisms, hypothetical 176—190
Syncategorematic words 25
Terms 25—36
Thomas Aquinas viii ix xii xix 40
Thouless, Robert H. xxfn.
Tollendo ponens 183 184 189 190
Toohey, John J. 162fn.
Undistributed middle 143—144 146 147 151 161
Univocal terms 26 27 28
Weasel-wording 29
Wolff, Christian vii viii
Ðåêëàìà |