Результат поиска |
Поиск книг, содержащих: Multiindex
Книга | Страницы для поиска | Majid S. — Foundations of Quantum Group Theory | 144 | Freitaq — Several Complex Variables. Local Theory | 2 | Kolar I., Michor P.W., Slovak J. — Natural Operations in Differential Geometry | 118 | Bourbaki N. — Algebra I: Chapters 1-3 | I, § 7, no. 7 | Stakgold I. — Boundary Value Problems of Mathematical Physics | 2 | Stakgold I. — Boundary value problems of mathematical physics | 2 | Prilepko A.I., Orlovsky D.G., Vasin I.A. — Methods for Solving Inverse Problems in Mathematical Physics | 3 | Przeworska-Rolewicz D., Rolewicz S. — Equations in linear spaces | 128 | Schulz F., Dold A. (Ed), Eckmann B. (Ed) — Regularity Theory for Quasilinear Elliptic Systems and Monge-Ampere Equations in Two Dimensions | 1 | Adams D.R., Hedberg L.I. — Function spaces and potential theory | 2 | Zeidler E. — Applied Functional Analysis: Applications to Mathematical Physics | 159 | Salmhofer M. — Renormalization: an introduction | 91 | Rektorys K. — Survey of Applicable Mathematics.Volume 2. | II 339 | Kanwal R.P. — Generalized functions: Theory and technique | 20 ff | Neusel M.D. — Invariant Theory of Finite Groups | 3 | Jorgensen P.E.T. — Analysis and Probability: Wavelets, Signals, Fractals | 165—167, 252 |