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Поиск книг, содержащих: triplet state
Книга | Страницы для поиска | Wolf E.L. — Nanophysics and nanotechnology. An introduction to modern concepts in nanoscience | | Getzlaff M. — Fundamentals of Magnetism | 42 | Ziman J.M. — Elements of Advanced Quantum Theory | 251 | Dorlas T.C. — Statistical mechanics, fundamentals and model solutions | 246 | Griffits D.J. — Introduction to quantum mechanics | 166, 185, 251 | Wolf E.L. — Nanophysics and nanotechnology: an introduction to modern concepts in nanoscience | 69 | Holden A. — Bonds Between Atoms | 57 | Beaurepaire E., Bulou H., Scheurer F. — Magnetism: A Synchrotron Radiation Approach | 346 | Economou E.N. — Green's Functions in Quantum Physics | 128 | Greiner W. — Quantum mechanics: special chapters | 347 | Basdevant J.-L., Dalibard J. — Quantum Mechanics | 254, 313 | Auletta G. — Foundations and Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics | 60 | Pavičić M. — Quantum Computation and Quantum Communication: Theory and Experiments | 62, 131 | Nouredine Z. — Quantum Mechanics: Concepts and Applications | 393, 407, 451, 463, 530, 615, 616 | Beard D.B. — Quantum Mechanics | 246—247 | Greiner W., Reinhardt J. — Field quantization | 322 | Beard D.B. — Quantum Mechanics | 246—247 | HarrisR. — Nonclassical physics: beyond Newton's view | 303—304, 328—331 | Rice F.O., Teller E. — The structure of matter | 74, 240, 241, 249 |