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Ziman J.M. — Elements of Advanced Quantum Theory |
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Abelian group 236 242 256
Acceleration 177
Acoustic mode 169 173
Adiabatic perturbation 64 144 150
Advanced wave 119 123 128
Analyticity 208-210
Angular momentum, addition of 246
Angular momentum, commutation relations of 195 243
Angular momentum, group theory of 241—247
Angular momentum, half-integral 248
Angular momentum, isospin analogy 251
Angular momentum, Lorentz transformation of 191
Angular momentum, representation of T-matrix 127 129 130 133
Angular momentum, total 244
Anharmonic term 24
Annihilation operator (annihilator), boson 3 8 11 14 19 22 36
Annihilation operator (annihilator), fermion 34—36
Annihilation operator (annihilator), Heisenberg representation of 59
Annihilation operator (annihilator), hole 197
Annihilation operator (annihilator), quasi-particle 49 60
Anticommutator 35 (see also “Commutation relations”)
Antiferromagnetism 170
Antiparticle 31 48—52 60 78—79 81 163 204
Antisymmetric tensor 179 196 253 255
Antisymmetric wave function 32 142 233 251
Atoms, many-electron states in 135 137 139 143
Atoms, one-electron states in 110 228
Atoms, two-electron states in 232—234 247
Band structure 237
Bardeen — Cooper — Schrieffer (BCS) theory 170-174
Barycentric energy 205 211
Baryons 31 254 256
BCS theory 170—174
Beta decay 202
Bethe — Salpeter equation 116 164 171
Bi-spinor 193 194
Binding energy 148
Bloch function 42 110 131 133 237
Bloch thoorom 236
Bogoliubov method 167—170 172
Boltzmann distribution 40 100 101 154
Boltzmann equation 104
Born approximation 40 65 128 210
Born series 124 126 127 129 147
Bose — Einstein condensation 167
Bose — Einstein statistics 26 40
Bosons, annihilation and creation of 3 8 11 29 36
Bosons, charged 28—31 187 199 202 249
Bosons, exchange force carried by 28 67 210
Bosons, fermion interaction with 24 26 43-48 75 200-202
Bosons, field quantization of 18-22 34 38 71 75 198 199
Bosons, gas of 167-170 172
Bosons, neutral 187
Bosons, propagator for 82 92 110 145 184 198
Bosons, pseudoscalar 202
Bosons, relativistic 183-187 197-199
Bosons, scattering of 24-6
Bosons, self-energy of 78 88
Bosons, statistics of 26 40
Bosons, vector 187
Bound state 86 115 121 133 171
Brillouin zone 9 13 237
Brillouin — Wigner series 53-56 65 93 117 124 125 130
Brueckner method 146-148 158
Bubble diagram 156-158 161
c-number 62 72
canonical ensemble 99 159
Causality, analyticity and 207-209
Causality, dielectric response function 149
Causality, Green function 110 119 121 123
Causality, propagator 72 198 208
Causality, relativistic 186 198 209
Causality, scattering 125 128 130 208
Cerenkov effect 46 77
Chambers formula 104
Channel 206 209
Character table 227 228 236 246
Character, arithmetic of 226 231 233 237 246
Character, class 227 236 237 245
Character, continuous group 237 245
Character, orthogonality of 222-5 228 238 246—247
Charge, boson 28-31 249
Charge, classical electrodynamic 180—182 200—202
Charge, conservation of 31 241 250 254
Charge, field coupling constant 44 200
Charge, hole 51
Charge, independence of 252
Charge, isospin formalism for 250—251
Charge, renormalization of 201
chemical potential 100 136—137
class 226—230 236 245
Classical statistics 40 97 99 136
Clebsch — Gordan coefficient 247
Collective mode 164 169 173
Commutation relations, angular momentum 195 243
Commutation relations, annihilation and creation operators 3 7 11 13 35 59 168 184
Commutation relations, boson field operators 18 30 36 186
Commutation relations, conservation laws from 57 241
Commutation relations, Dirac matrices 195 243
Commutation relations, fermion field operators 37 70 106 117 142 198
Commutation relations, group elements 215 220 236
Commutation relations, group generators 243 257
Commutation relations, in perturbation theory 66 68 71 72
Commutation relations, position and momentum 1 6 10
Commutation relations, quasi-particle operators 49 172
Commutation relations, relativistic field operators 186 198
Commutator see “Commutation relations”
Compatibility condition 243 244
Compton effect 76 90 203
Conductivity 77 101 103 149
Connected diagram 89 111 145
Conservation, charge 31 241 250 254
Conservation, energy 77 82 85 128 177 203 210
Conservation, group theory of 241 250 254
Conservation, momentum 23 41 77 82 85 146 177 203 210 241
Constant of the motion 57 241
Continuity equation 31
Continuum, elastic 12–14 17-18 122
Contraction 72 255
contravariance 178 252
Cooper pair 171
Correlation energy 138 143 146 150 154 169
Correlation function 113 115 152 153
Correspondence principle 59
Coulomb gauge 182
Coulomb interaction, boson exchange 27 45 77
Coulomb interaction, classical electrodynamics 182
Coulomb interaction, many-body 137 140 144 145 157 162
Coulomb interaction, screened 157 162
Coulomb interaction, superconductivity 170
Coupling constant 43 47 202 210 252
Covariance 175 (see also “relativistic invariance”)
creation see “Annihilation”
Crossing symmetry 207 209
Crystal field 228 233 247
Crystal momentum 42
Current, quasi-particle 164—166
Current, relativistic 4-vector 180 181 200 201
Current, thermodynamic 101
d state 228 247
Debye wave number 46
Deformation potential 43
Degeneracy, fermion gas 48 136 162
Degeneracy, group theory 217 229-31 234 247 256
Delta function, analytical representation of 14 109 128 132
Delta function, relativistically invariant 186 198
Density fluctuations 114 151 152 159 169
Density matrix 94—101
Density matrix, canonical 99 105 112 159
| Density matrix, correlation function 113 115
Density matrix, dielectric function 152 159
Density matrix, equation of motion 98 102
Density matrix, grand canonical 99 112
Density matrix, Green function 107 109 111 118
Density matrix, Hartree — Fock approximation 140 145
Density matrix, one-particle 104-106 111 112 136 141 166
Density matrix, probabilistic interpretation 97 100 195
Density matrix, projection operator 97
Density matrix, pure state 97
Density matrix, thermodynamic interpretation 100
Density matrix, Thomas-Fermi approximation 136
Density matrix, transport theory 101 104
Density matrix, two-particle 113 140 142 145 151 152
Density matrix, wave function 97
Density of states 109 131 134
Density operator see “Density matrix”
Detailed balance 41
Diagram, algebraic interpretation of 80—82
Diagram, bubble 155 161
Diagram, connected 89 111 145
Diagram, correlation function 152
Diagram, diagram 155—158
Diagram, dispersion relation 149
Diagram, fluctuation-dissipation theorem 154
Diagram, ground-state energy 153 162
Diagram, hole line 51 78
Diagram, irreducible 90 155
Diagram, ladder 147
Diagram, longitudinal 149
Diagram, many-body theory 143—148 154—158
Diagram, momentum representation 80—84
Diagram, Pauli principle 84
Diagram, physical interpretation 79
Diagram, polarizability 149 152 157 161
Diagram, random phase approximation 158—162
Diagram, reducible 90 124 145
Diagram, relativistic S-matrix 184 198 201
Diagram, S-matrix expansion 74—93
Diagram, screening 157 162
Diagram, spectral representation 151 161
Diagram, square 211
Diagram, temperature Green function 101 112 161 164
Diagram, transverse 149
dielectric constant 45 47
Dielectric response function 148—162
Diffraction 114 153
Dirac equation 191 194 196 198 200
Dirac matrix 187 194—196 243
Dirac sea 162
Dirac spinor 193 196
Dirac theory 52 187 191-202
Direct product 223 231
Direct sum 218 224 226
Disorder 122
Dispersion relations 110 149 208—212
Distinguishability of particles 32—33 35 105 143 214 231
Divergence, perturbation expansion 86 92 203
Divergence, polarization of vacuum 89
Divergence, self-energy 27 46 78 92
doublet state 234
Dyadic product 223
Dyson equation 91 92 111 115 124 129 146
d’Alembertian 181
Eight-Fold Way 257
Einstein summation convention 176
Elastic continuum 18 19
Electrodynamics, classical 180 199 200
Electrodynamics, quantum 46 78 92 186 201—202 249
Electromagnetic field, Lagrangian for 199
Electromagnetic field, many-electron response to 150
Electromagnetic field, quantization of 21 44 ]K3
Electromagnetic field, relativistie invariance of 178—182 192
Electron-hole pair 50 78 83 115 159 173
Electrons see also “Fermions”
Electrons, atomic states of 80 110 135 137 143 228 232—234 247
Electrons, Dirac theory of 187 192 196
Electrons, effective mass of 39
Electrons, electromagnetic interactions with 201 202
Electrons, interactions between 24 41 69
Electrons, metallic 48 104 135 145 148 162 203
Electrons, phonon interactions with 24 43—48 67 70 77 203
Electrons, positron interactions with 78
Electrons, scattering of 39
Electrons, self-energy of 47 77
Electrons, spin of 248
Electrostatics 119 139 150 157 181 182
element, group 215 226 233 236
Energy gap 164 170 173
Energy shell 129 148
Energy, binding 148
Energy, complex 110 121 123 208 212
Energy, conservation of 77 82 85 128 177 203 210
Energy, correlation 144 150
Energy, dissipation of 149 152
Energy, exchange 138 141 146
Energy, free 137
Energy, invariant 204 208
Energy, negative 21 52 185 192 196
Energy, relativistic 183 204
Energy, self- 27 42 47 77 78 83 88 91 111 155
Energy-momentum 4-vector 177 203
Energy-momentum representation 108 119 198
Ensemble average 94 97 99 100 105 107 134
entropy 100
Equation of motion method 160
Euler angles 244 251
Euler equation 17 20 199
Exchange energy 138 139 141—143 146
Exchange hole 142
exchange interaction 28 43 45 67 77 211
Exchange operator 141
Exciton 115
Exclusion principle see “Pauli principle”
Factor group 231
Faxon Holtsmark formula 127
Fermi energy 48 136 162
Fermi gas 48 109 136 140 146 148 150 162—166 170
Fermi liquid see “Fermi gas”
Fermi surface 48 165 171
Fermi velocity 51 163 164
Fermi — Dirac statistics 32 40
Fermions, annihilation and creation of 34—36
Fermions, boson interactions with 24 26 43—48 200—202
Fermions, fermion interactions with 41 50 67 77 85 137 144 147 170
Fermions, field quantization of 37 197
Fermions, gas of 48 109 136 140 146 148 150 162—166 170
Fermions, propagator for 72 78 80 81 87 91 111 115 198 201
Fermions, quasi-particle 48—52 108 110 152 162—166 173
Fermions, relativistic 191—194 209
Fermions, self-energy of 42 47 77 79 83 87 91 111 145 155
Fermions, statistics of 32 40
Fermions, wave function of 32 105 140 142 146
Fermions, “hole” states of 37 48—52 60 78 81 109 119 162 192 197
Feynman diagram 16 (see also “Diagram”)
Field operator 14 18—20 36—38 69 249
Field, boson 15 22 29 187 195
Field, classical 14-18 177 199
Field, complex scalar 29 187 249
Field, electromagnetic 21 175 178 186
Field, fermion 38 188—199
Field, gravitational 21
Field, interaction of 13 199
Field, pseudoscalar 196 202
Field, pseudospinor 190
Field, pseudovector 190 191
Field, quantized 14 18—21 36—38
Field, relativistic 183—199
Field, scalar 15 22 187 195
Field, source of 22
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