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Ziman J.M. — Elements of Advanced Quantum Theory |
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p state 228 233 247
Pairing, chronological 72—75 80 84
Parity 192 209
Partial wave 127
Particle, bare 92
Particle, conservation of 168
Particle, elementary 136 162 203 221 249 251
Particle, physical 90
Particle, rest mass of 177
Particle, trajectory of 176 180 200
Partition function 100
Pauli principle 32 35 36 48 84 136 173
Pauli spin matrices 187—188 191 194—195 242 248 251 257
Pauli's theorem 153
Permutation group 220 224
Permutation operator 32
Perturbation theory 124—125 130
Perturbation theory, Born series 124
Perturbation theory, Brillouin — Wigner 53—56 65 93 117
Perturbation theory, convergence of 202
Perturbation theory, density matrix 102
Perturbation theory, diagrammatic 53—93 144—148 198
Perturbation theory, exchange force 26 45 67
Perturbation theory, polaron 47—48
Perturbation theory, Rayleigh-Schrodinger 53 63 66 155
Perturbation theory, selection rules 234—235 247
Perturbation theory, superconductivity and 170
Perturbation theory, time dependent 150 234
Phase shift 127. 130 131 133 147
Phase transition 86 167 174
Phonons, boson gas 170
Phonons, elastic continuum 14 19 21 22
Phonons, electron interactions with 24 43—48 67 70 77 83 203
Phonons, exchange forces due to 28
Phonons, Green function for 122
Phonons, interactions between 24
Phonons, lattice 11
Phonons, linear chain 9
Phonons, optical 45
Phonons, polarization of 11 21
Phonons, propagator for 83
Phonons, scattering of 24
Phonons, self-energy of 78
Phonons, sources of 22
Phonons, virtual 67 77
Photon 21 28 78 183 187 199 201
Physical region 206 210 212
Pion 67 202 203 211
Plasma oscillation 114 152 153 162 164
Plasmon see “Plasma oscillation”
Poisson bracket 99
Poisson's equation 119 137 139
Polar crystal 45
Polar mode 45
Polarization, electric 103
Polarization, electromagnetic wave 182 183
Polarization, many-body response 149 152 157 161
Polarization, phonon 11 21
Polarization, vacuum 78 80 88
Polaron 48 77 78
Pole, boson propagator 185
Pole, correlation function 114
Pole, dielectric function 152
Pole, dispersion relation 208
Pole, fermion propagator 81 108
Pole, Green function 108 119 121—123
Pole, K-matrix 131
Pole, phonon propagator 83
Pole, scattering amplitude 210 212
Positron 52 60 78 192 196
Potential, 4-vector 178 180—182 200—201
Potential, scalar 178
Potential, vector 44 178 181
Principal part 109
Probability, conservation of 207
Product group 231—3
Product representation 232—235 246 249 251 252 256
Projection operator 53—54 96 121 122 230 247
Propagator see also “Green function”
Propagator, analytic properties of 101
Propagator, boson 82 92 145 184
Propagator, fermion 80—82 87 91 106 108 111 114—116 118 162 198 201
Propagator, Green function as 107 118
Propagator, hole 78 81
Propagator, modified 87 111 115 145—146 162
Propagator, pairing as 72
Propagator, phonon 83
Propagator, photon 187 201
Propagator, relativistic 184-6 198 201 210
Propagator, “physical” particle 91 92 111
Proton 249 250
Pseudoscalar 196 202
Pseudospinor 190 191
Pseudovector 190 191
Pure state 97 105
Quadrupolar field 101
Quantization, fiux 170
Quantization, second 18—21 30 36—38 44 105 113 135 196—199 201
Quarks 256
Quasi-particles 1 48—52 108 110 115 152 162—6 173—4
Racah coefficients 247 249
Radial distribution function 113 153
Random phase approximation 99 100 158—162 166 171 174
Rayleigh scattering 24
Rayleigh-Schrodinger series 56 63 66 93 155
Reaction matrix see “K-matrix”
Recoil effects 26 67
Reducible diagram 90 111
Reducible representation 218 221 225 231 233 246
Relativistic formalism 175—212
Relativistic formalism, boson field 21 183-7
Relativistic formalism, dynamics 177
Relativistic formalism, electrodynamics 177—183 199—202
Relativistic formalism, fermion field 187—199
Relativistic formalism, Feynman diagrams 69 184
Relativistic formalism, kinematics 177 203—206
Relativistic formalism, Maxwell's equations 179—181
Relativistic formalism, quantized field 183—187 196—199
Relativistic formalism, quantum electrodynamics 199—202
Relativistic formalism, S-matrix 203—205 208—212
Relativistic formalism, spinor field 189 191 195
Relativistic formalism, strong interactions 202 212
Relativistic formalism, wave equation 22 181
Relativistic invariance, boson propagator 184—186
Relativistic invariance, classical dynamics 177
Relativistic invariance, commutation relation 186 195
Relativistic invariance, Dirac equation 191 193 194
Relativistic invariance, electromagnetism 178
Relativistic invariance, fermion propagator 199
Relativistic invariance, Klein — Gordon equation 22 183 185 199
Relativity, general 178
Relaxation time 104 110
Renormalization 78 86 91 115 162 201 202
Representation (group) 215
Representation (group), character of 225—230 236 245
Representation (group), conjugate 252 256
Representation (group), contravariant 252 254
Representation (group), double-valued 249
Representation (group), equivalent 216 222 224 225 255
Representation (group), faithful 221
Representation (group), generator of 239 241—243
Representation (group), identity 221 223 229 235 253
Representation (group), irreducible 218 221 232 236 245 253 255 256
Representation (group), one-dimensional 237 240 242 256
Representation (group), order of 222
Representation (group), orthogonality of 222
Representation (group), product 232—235 246 249 251 252 256
Representation (group), reducible 218 221 225 231 233 246
Representation (group), regular 219 222 225
Representation (group), spinor 247—249
| Representation (group), tensor 253 255
Representation (group), unitary 220 223 227
Representation (group), vector 252 254
Representation (operator), angular momentum 129
Representation (operator), energy-momentum 108
Representation (operator), free-field 69
Representation (operator), Heisenberg 58
Representation (operator), interaction 61
Representation (operator), Mandelstam 212
Representation (operator), momentum 36 80—85 109 166
Representation (operator), occupation number 1 36
Representation (operator), phonon 11
Representation (operator), reciprocal lattice 9 122
Representation (operator), spectral 109
resistivity see “Conductivity”
Resolvent 122 124 133 145
Resonance 131 134
Response function 149 152
Retarded wave 119 120 123
Reversibility, microscopic 41 128
Rotation group 241—247 251 254
Rotons 170
s state 228 247
s wave 133 167
S-matrix 28 64—67 203
S-matrix, analytic 207 12
S-matrix, connectedness of 211
S-matrix, crossing symmetry of 207 209
S-matrix, diagrammatic series for 74 78 84 106 155 210
S-matrix, dispersion relations for 209
S-matrix, Green functions in 111 118
S-matrix, perturbation series for 67 71 73 92
S-matrix, relativistic restrictions on 203 206 210
S-matrix, singularities of 212
S-matrix, T-matrix related to 65 127 130
S-matrix, unitarity of 65 111 130
S-matrix, vacuum part of 88 111
Sawada method 159
Scalar field 15 22 29 187 195 249
Scalar product 176
Scattering 124—131 (see also “S-matrix”)
Scattering amplitude 127 207 209 212
Scattering matrix see “S-matrix”
Scattering, Born approximation for 40 65 126
Scattering, Born series for 124—126
Scattering, causality in 125
Scattering, elastic 131
Scattering, fermion 39—41 171
Scattering, Green functions for 129
Scattering, impurity 133
Scattering, K-matrix for 130
Scattering, ladder diagrams for 147
Scattering, Rayleigh 25
Scattering, relativistic 203—206
Scattering, resonance 131 134
Schroedinger equation, density matrix 98
Schroedinger equation, Dirac equation and 191
Schroedinger equation, Green function of 116 118 121 124
Schroedinger equation, Hartree 138 148 152 160 161
Schroedinger equation, Hartree method 138
Schroedinger equation, Heisenberg representation of 56—58
Schroedinger equation, interaction representation of 61—62
Schroedinger equation, Landau 164
Schroedinger equation, S-matrix 127
Schroedinger equation, second quantization of 19—20 37
Schroedinger equation, Thomas-Fermi 138
Schroedinger representation 57 60 61 63 71 106 183 197
Schur's lemma 218 224
screening 148 150 152 157 162 164
Selection rules 234 247 254
Self-consistency, Brillouin — Wigner 56 93 117
Self-consistent field see “Hartree method” “Hartree “Dielectric
Semiconductors 43 51 83
Simultancity 186
Singlet state 234 251
Singularity, Landau 211 (see also “Pole”)
Slater exchange formula 139
Sound, first 164
Sound, zero 164
Source of field 23
Space charge 137
Space inversion 190 192
Space-like coordinate 69 176 186
Space-time 69 176 177 183 186 193 199
Spectral representation 109 132 151
Spherical harmonics 110 127 129 244—247 248
Spin see also “Angular momentum” “Pauli
Spin wave see “Magnon”
Spin, Dirac theory of 191
Spin, exchange energy dependent on 143
Spin, half-integral 248
Spin, neutrino 193
Spin, operators for 172 187—189 194
Spin, selection rules for 209
Spin, “isotopic” see “Isospin”
Spinor 187—196 198—200 200 209 247—249
Square diagram 211
State see “Wave function”
Statistical mechanics 94—101 136
Stimulated emission 26 40
Strangeness 209 254
Strong interaction 202 212 252 256
Structure constants 243
SU(2) 251—254 256
SU(3) 254—257
Sub-diagram 87 90 135 155
Sub-group 232
Superconductivity 28 67 135 145 164 170—174
Superfluidity 135 167 170
susceptibility 104
Symmetry see also “Group” “Representation”
Symmetry, axial 242 245 250 256
Symmetry, broken 256
Symmetry, classes of 226
Symmetry, crossing 207
Symmetry, crystal 232
Symmetry, gauge 250
Symmetry, identity 214 220 228 236 238
Symmetry, isospin 250
Symmetry, particle wave function 32 36 105 202 209 241
Symmetry, permutation 214 220
Symmetry, point group 237
Symmetry, reflection 214 219 226
Symmetry, rotational 80 214 215 219 226 229 241—247 248 250 256
Symmetry, space group 237
Symmetry, spherical 127 213
Symmetry, SU(3) 254
Symmetry, translational 235—241
Symmetry, trigonal 233 247
Symmetry, unitary 250
T-matrix 65 127—131 147 207
T-product 72 84
Temperature 99 100 103 112 136
Temperature Green function 101 112 161 164
Tensor, Cartesian 10
Tensor, conductivity 101
Tensor, covariant 179
Tensor, electromagnetic field 179
Tensor, metric 176
Tensor, unitary group representation 252
Thermodynamics 99 101 137
Thomas — Fermi method 136—138
Thomas — Fermi — Dirac method 138
Time, backward motion in 52 60 78 204
Time, evolution operator in 57 62 100 112 113
Time, fourth dimension as 176 178
Time, imaginary 100 103 112 178
Time, reversal of 104 154 190
Time-like component 69 177 178
Time-like interval 176 183 190
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