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Поиск книг, содержащих: categorical variables
Книга | Страницы для поиска | Frey B. — Statistics Hacks | | Rencher A.C. — Methods of multivariate analysis | see Dummy variables | Rao C.R., Toutenberg H. — Linear models: least squares and alternatives | 303 | Jang J.-S.R., Sun Ch.-T., Muzutani E. — Neuro-Fuzzy and Soft Computing | 410 | Michie D., Spiegelhalter D.J., Taylor C.C. — Machine learning, neural and statistical classification | 17 | Afifi A.A., Clark V. — Computer-Aided Multivariate Analysis | 16 | Reise S.P., Duan N. — Multilevel modeling: methodological advances, issues, and applications | 210 | Shafer G. — Probabilistic expert systems | 13 |