Результат поиска |
Поиск книг, содержащих: Sierpinski space
Книга | Страницы для поиска | Seebach J.A., Steen L.A. — Counterexamples in Topology | 44 | MacLane S., Moerdijk L. — Sheaves in Geometry and Logic | 466 Ex. 2, 479, 570 Ex.5 | Gierz G., Hofmann K.H., Keimel K. — Continuous Lattices and Domains | 136 II—1.5(3) | Hovey M. — Model Categories, Vol. 63 | 49 | Barr M., Wells C. — Toposes, Triples and Theories | 191 | Dugunji J. — Topology | 63 | Morris S.A. — Topology without tears | 20 | Hovey M. — Model categories | 49 | Moerdijk I. — Classifying Spaces and Classifying Topoi | 59 | Arbib M.A., Manes E.G. — Arrows structures and functors. The categorical imperative | 72 | Lane S.M. — Mathematics, form and function | 238 | Mac Lane S. — Mathematics: Form and Function | 238 |