Авторизация |
Поиск по указателям |
Morris S.A. — Topology without tears |
Предметный указатель |
-set 28 127
-set 28 127
-space 20
-space 20 147
-space 62 100
-space 62
-space 104
3 60
28 60
27 60
8 24 159
27 60
0-dimensional 89
Accumulation point 45
Algebraic number 169
Analytic set 115
arrow 77
Axiom, least upper bound 54
Baire category theorem 123
Baire space 124
Ball, closed unit 141
Banach space 118
Banach, Fixed Point Theorem 121
Basis 30
Bijection 164
Bijective 16
Bikompakt 142
Bolzano — Weierstrass theorem 112
Bound greatest lower 54
Bound lower 54
Bound upper 54
Bounded 54 137
Bounded above 54
Bounded below 54
Brouwer fixed point theorem 87
C 177
Cantor, Georg 172
Card 177
cardinal number 177
Cardinality 165
Category, first 125
Category, second 125
Cauchy sequence 109
Circle group 159
Clopen, set 12
Closed mapping 140 148
Closed set 10
Closed unit ball 141
Closure 47
Cluster point 45
Coarser topology 84 148
Cofinite topology 14
Compact 131 132
Compact space 132
Compactum 158
complete 110
Completely metrizable 114
Completion of a metric space 116
Component 88 156 157
Connected 55
Connected, component 156
Connected, locally 159
Connected, path 85
Connected, pathwise 85
continuous 77
Continuous mapping 79
Continuum 157
Contraction mapping theorem 121
Contraction, mapping 120
Contradiction 26
Converge 105
Converse of Heine — Borel Theorem 137
Convex, set 125
Countability, first axiom of 104
Countability, second axiom of 35
Countable bases 104
Countable closed topology 20
Countable set 165
Countably infinite 165
Covering, open 132
Cylinder 155
C[0, 1] 41 141
Decreasing sequence 111
Dense 48
Dense, everywhere 48
Dense, nowhere 123
Denumerable 165
Diagonal 146
Dimension, zero 89
Disconnected 56 85
Disconnected, totally 88
Discrete metric 92
Discrete space 3
Discrete topology 3
Distance 91
Distance between sets 109
Element, greatest 54
Element, least 54
Embedding, isometric 116
Empty union 7
Equipotent 164
Equivalence relation 76 117 164
Equivalent metric 99
Euclidean metric 92
Euclidean metric on 92
Euclidean topology 24
Euclidean topology on 33
Everywhere dense 48
Final segment topology 8
Finer topology 84 148
finite 165
Finite subcovering 132
Finite-closed topology 14
First axiom of countability 104
First category 125
First countable 104
Fixed point 87 120
Fixed point property 87
Fixed point theorem 87
Fixed Point Theorem, Banach 121
Function, bijective 16
Function, continuous 77
Function, injective 16
Function, inverse 16
Function, one-to-one 16
Function, onto 16
Function, surjective 16
Fundamental theorem of algebra 160
Generalized Heine — Borel Theorem 138 154
Georg Cantor 172
Greatest element 54
Greatest lower bound 54
Group of homeomorphisms 69
Group, circle 159
Group, topological 159
Hausdorff space 62 100 146
Heine — Borel theorem 137
Heine — Borel Theorem, Converse 137
| Heine — Borel Theorem, Generalized 138
Homeomorphic 63
Homeomorphism 63
If and only if 29
Image, inverse 17
Increasing sequence 111
Indiscrete, space 3
Indiscrete, topology 3
Induced topological space 98
Induced topology 58 98
Infimum 54
Infinite 165
Infinite, countably 165
Initial segment topology 8
Injective 16
int 53 123
Interior 53 123
Intermediate Value Theorem 86
Intersection of topologies 21
interval 72
Inverse, function 16
Inverse, image 17
Isolated point 127
Isometric 104 116
Isometric, embedding 116
Isometry 104 116
Least element 54
Least Upper Bound Axiom 54
Limit point 45
Line, Sorgenfrey 54 134 147
Locally compact 155
Locally connected 159
Lower bound 54
Lower semicontinuous 128
Map, bijective 16
Map, injective 16
Map, inverse 16
Map, one-to-one 16
Map, onto 16
Map, surjective 16
Mapping, closed 140 148
Mapping, continuous 79
Mapping, contraction 120
Mapping, lower semicontinuous 128
Mapping, open 140 148
Mapping, upper semicontinuous 128
Mathematical proof 2
Meager 125
Mean value theorem 122
Metric 91
Metric space, complete 110
Metric, discrete 92
Metric, equivalent 99
Metric, Euclidean 92 92
Metric, space 91
Metrizable 101
Metrizable, completely 114
Monotonic sequence 111
n-sphere 154
Neighbourhood 50
Norm 95
Normal space 104 141
Normed vector space 95
Nowhere dense 123
Number, algebraic 169
Number, cardinal 177
Number, transcendental 169
Object 77
One-to-one 16
One-to-one correspondence 164
Onto 16
Open ball 96
Open covering 132
Open mapping 140 148
Open mapping theorem 126
Open set 9
Path 85
Path-connected 85
Pathwise connected 85
Peak point 111
Point 45
Point, accumulation 45
Point, cluster 45
Point, fixed 87 120
Point, isolated 127
Point, limit 45
Point, neighbourhood of 50
Point, peak 111
Polish space 115
Product of cardinal numbers 182
Product topology 35
Product, space 144
Product, topology 144 150
Proof, by contradiction 26
Proof, if and only if 29
Proof, mathematical 2
Proper subset 13
Property, fixed point 87
Property, separation 22
Property, topological 76
Reflexive 65
Regular 147
Regular space 62
Relation, equivalence 76 117 164
Relation, reflexive 65
Relation, symmetric 65
Relation, transitive 65
Relative topology 58
Second axiom of countability 35
Second axion of countability 147
Second category 125
Semicontinuous, lower 128
Semicontinuous, upper 128
Separable 52 115
Separation property 22
Sequence, Cauchy 109
Sequence, convergent 105
Sequence, decreasing 111
Sequence, increasing 111
Sequence, monotonic 111
Set, 28 127
Set, 28 127
Set, analytic 115
Set, clopen 12
Set, closed 10
Set, convex 125
Set, countable 165
Set, denumerable 165
Set, finite 165
Set, first category 125
Set, infinite 165
Set, meager 125
Set, of continuous real-valued functions 64
Set, of integers 27 60
Set, of irrational numbers 28 60
Set, of natural numbers 3 60
Set, of positive integers 3 60
Set, of rational numbers 27 60
Set, open 9
Set, power 172
Set, second category 125
Set, uncountable 165
Sierpinski space 20
Sorgenfrey line 54 134
Souslin space 115
Space, 20
Space, 20 147
Space, 62 100
Space, 62
Реклама |