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Mac Lane S. — Mathematics: Form and Function |
Предметный указатель |
Abelian group 23
Abelian, category 425
Abelian, group 23
Absolute rigor 377
Absolute value 99
Absolute, convergence 334
Abstraction 38 435
Acceleration 29 158 260
Action (of a group) 85
Activity 35 409
Addition 9 45 97
Addition formula 112
Additive 186
Adjoint 201
Adjoint functor 398
Affine geometry 109 134
Affine transformation 109 134
Aleph zero 11
Alexander 451
Algebra 1 422 423
Algebra of relations 132
Algebraic, function 418
Algebraic, integer 419
Algebraic, number 94 418
Algebraic, structure 26
Algorithm 439
Almost everywhere 178
Alternating group 134
Amalgamation 396
Amplitude 266
Analogy 37 431
Analysis 178
Analysis of proofs 432
Analytic regular function 312 337
Analytic, continuation 348
Analytic, function 312 337
Analytic, geometry 424
Analytic, number theory 350
AND 368
angle 65 95
Angular momentum, velocity 262 297
Anti-symmetric relation 14
Applied mathematics 414 422 426
Approximation 30 167 170
Arc length 220
arc sin 124
Archimedian, axiom 66
Archimedian, law 99 154
Arguing 35
Argument of complex number 115
arrows 386
Associative 23
Associative, law 42 386
Atlas 239 241
Automorphism 116 136
Axiom of Choice 366 401
Axiom of choice of determinacy 385
Axiom of Completeness 377
Axiom scheme 365
Axiomatic, set theory 362
Axiomatic, structure 40
Axiomatization 39
Axioms for set 56 363—368
Axioms on functions 398
Axis of rotation 89
Ayres 431
Banach space 436
Base, (of a bundle) 250
Base, (of a topology) 352
Base, field 139
Base, point 388
Basis 108 186
Betti numbers 217
Betweenness 64 99
Bezout theorem 435
Bijection 8 133
Bilinear 171 194 204
Bilinear, form 198
Binary operation 26
Binary relation 14
binomial 222
Binomial, series 101
Binomial, theorem 44 101 434
Birkhoff 450
Bolyai 70
Bolza 452
Boolean algebra 27 404 436
Borel — Lebesgue theorem 165
Bound (least upper) 15 102
Bound variable 371
Boundary 320 341
Boundary, values 181
Bounded 163
Bounded, comprehension 373
Bounded, quantifiers 372
Bourbaki 5 166
Bracket notation for sets 8 364
Branch 230 309
Branch, point 355
Brouwer 4 451
Building 35
Bundle 249 250
Bundle, line 167 435
Bundle, plane 171
Bundle, space 171
Bundle, vector 171 249
Burnside 25 429
Calculus 29 150ff 259 422
Calculus of variations 279 452
Canonical form 217
Cantor 106 360
Cardinal, equivalence 54
Cardinal, number 8 11 54 132 367
Cartesian coordinates 424
Cartesian, coordinates 424
Cartesian, product 129 392
Cast out 10 52
Category 386
Cauchy, condition 103
Cauchy, Goursat 329 331
Cauchy, integral formula 338
Cauchy, Riemann equations 313
Cauchy, sequence 101 105
Cauchy, theorem 328 338 378
Cayley 25 191 436
Cayley — Hamilton theorem 193
Cayley's theorem 23 39 134
Centrifugal force 268
Chain rule 154 168
Chains 331
Chance 35
Change of base 270
Change of basis 189 191
Change of coordinates 243
Change of fields 207
Characteristic 142
Characteristic, function 399
Characteristic, polynomial 192
Chart 223 239—241 244
Che valley 451
Chen 49
Chief series 437
Chinese remainder 380
Choice, function 366
choosing 35
Circle of convergence 337
Circular disc 31 312
| class 387
Class, 244
Class, 244
Class, field theory 432
clockwise 82
Clopen 349
Closed path 321 324
Closed path, set 327
Closure 327—328
Codomain 129 382 386
Cohen, Paul 384—385
collecting 35
Collection 7 36
Commutative ring 98
Commutative, diagram 22 46 388
Commutative, law 42
Commutative, ring 98
Compact 40 165—166
Compactness theorem (logic) 375
Companion matrix 215
comparing 7 35
Complement 27
Complete, metric 179
Complete, ordered field 103
Complete, solution 293
Complete, system of invariants 216 221
Completeness 15
Completeness, theorem 375
Completion of systems 37
Complex conjugation 116 138
complex derivative 312ff
Complex number 114
Complex variable 307
components 354
Composite 18 25 121—122 124 130
Composite, arrow 386
Composite, function 128
Composite, path 319
Composite, relation 132
composition 131 147—148
Composition, factors 141
Composition, series of a group 141
Comprehension axiom 56 314
Computational complexity 439
Computing 35
Configuration space 270
conformal 117 314
Congruence, axioms 65
Congruence, class 53 133
Congruence, theorems 66
conjugate 80
Conjugate, complex 116 138
Conjugation 86 326
Conjunction 369
Connected 238 349
Connected path 239
Connected, components 354
Conservation of energy 266
Conservation of momentum 264
Conservative system 266
Consistency 379
Constants of integration 193
Constraints 272
Constructible, hierarchy 384
Constructible, set 384
Constructivism 455
Contangent, bundle 249
Contangent, space 171
Contangent, vector 171 249
Continuity 30 32
Continuity, axiom 66
Continuous geometry 437
Continuum Hypothesis 360 383 451
Contour lines 248 344
Contra variant functor 389
Contradiction 379
Contravariant 196 389
Conundrums 334
Convenient category 397
Convergence 100 173
Convergent 334
Convergent, series 102
Convex set 332
coordinates 108 188
Copernicus 259
Coproduct 395
Correspondence 8
Coset 85 137
Cosine 110—113 310
Counterclockwise 82
Counting 7
Covering 165
Covering, map 345 351
Cramer's rule 189
Cross section 250 253 353 401
Crystallographic groups 20
Cube root 116
Cumulative—hierarchy 362
Cup product 435
Curvature 74 220 223
Curve 220
Curved space 228
Cyclic group 135
Cyclic, groups 23
Cyclic, modules 216
Cyclomatic field 419
Data type 26
de Morgan law 370
Decimals 43
Decision theory 439
Dedekind 359
Dedekind cut 46 103—104
Dedekind, axiom 66 103 331
Dedekind, cut 46 103
Defineable set 384
Definite integral 152—153
Deformation 323
Degree 139 324
Deletion of axioms 38
Delta function 439
Dense 15
Denumberable 11
Dependence 127
Descriptive geometry 424
Determinacy, axiom of 385
Determinant 190 213
Diagonal argument 360 383
Diagonal matrix 191
Diagonal subset 132
Differential, equation 161
Differential, form 174
Differential, geometry 219ff
Dihedral group 434
Diophantine equation 49 428
Dirac 439
Direct, product 143
Direct, sum 204 214 393
Direction 86
Directional derivative 169 193 248
Dirichlet theorem 49 180
Discrete 237
Disjoint 9
Disjoint, union 54 396
Disjunction 369
Disk 31 32 312
Distance 16
Distortion 236
distribution 439
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