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Mac Lane S. — Mathematics: Form and Function |
Предметный указатель |
Left, adjoint 398
Left, inverse 132
Left, side of 83—84
Left, vector space 187
Legendre transformation 286
Length of a curve 220
Length of a vector 197
Less than 13 99
Level lines 248 344
Lexicographic order 57
Lie 87
Lie, algebra 303
Lie, groups 303
Lift 278
LIMIT 100 153
Limit, ordinal 361
Line, integral 173
Linear approximation 164 330
Linear group 134
Linear independence 186
Linear, algebra 185 187 424
Linear, approximation 167 170
Linear, combination 108 185
Linear, differential equation 187
Linear, independence 185
Linear, map 214
Linear, order 14
Linear, transformation 108 186
Linearity 113
Linearly ordered 14
Linearly ordered group 34
Lines of force 314
Liouville theorem 340
Lipschitz condition 162
listing 7
Lobachevsky 70
local 236
Local coordinates 243
Local, coordinates 243
Local, homeomorphism 352
Local, uniformizing variable 347
Logarithm 132 309
Logicism 3 455
longitude 221
Looman 317
Loops 324
Lowenheim — Skolmen theorem 384
Maclaurin series 339
Magnitude 75 94
Mainstream 452
Manifold 233—236 239ff
Many-sorted algebra 26
Many-valued function 228ff 309
MAP 22 125
Marginal cost 151
Material implication 369
Matrix 126 134
Matrix, theory 424
Maximal atlas 240 245—246
Maximum 163
Maximum, principle 341
Mean curvature 223
Measure 178
Measuring 35
Meet 29
membership 26 128 362
Menchoff 317
Metamathematics 379
Metric space 17 179 416
Mobius band 235
Model 375
Modular lattice 437
Modular law 437
Module 214 424
Modulus 52
modus ponens 374
Moment of inertia 297
Momentum 262 264
Monic, arrow 399
Monic, polynomial 215 419
Monodromy theorem 355
Monoid 26
Monomorphism 136
Monster group 146
Mordell conjecture 421
Morphism 136
Morse, relations 182
Morse, theory 452
Motion 17 76—78 87
moving 35
Moving frames 221
Multiplication 97
Multiplication, table of a group 136
Multiplicity 204 435
n-tuple 188
Natural, isomorphism 195
Natural, number 7 42
Natural, number object 401
Natural, transformation 390 391
Nearby 33 236
Nearness 99
Negation 369
Neighborhood 33 328 416
Nested sequence 330
Network 409 417
Newton's Laws 158 260
NeXT 34
Noether 39 120
Non-Euclidean geometry 70ff 451
Non-holonomic 272
Non-linearity 439
Non-orientable 241
Non-singular 134 186
Non-singular, matrix 190
Non-standard, analysis 155
Non-standard, model 376
Non-standard, reals 155
Norm 197
Normal orthogonal 198
Normal, orthogonal basis 113 198
Normal, subgroup 137
Normal, vector 221
Novelty 438—440
Null, set 28 95 363
Null, space 189
Nullary operation 26
Nullity 189
Number, field 418
Number, theory 48—49 422
Object 386
Occam's razor 441
One-sided inverse 132
One-to-one, correspondence 8
One-to-one, into 21
Ontological platonism 448
Ontology 443 445
Open, circular disc 31 32
Open, covering 238
Open, interval 30
Open, mapping 341
Open, set 32
Operation 26
Opposite category 389
Optimal control 452
Orbit 86
Order 23
Order of a group 23 135
Order of a group element 136
Order of a pole or zero 342 420
Order, isomorphism 15 57
| Order, type 15 57
Ordered, field 99
Ordered, pair 54 128
Ordered, set 14 28
Ordinal, hierarchy 366
Ordinal, number 56 58 366
Ordinally equivalent 51
Ore 450
Organization of Mathematics 407 453
Orientability 247
Orientable surface 239
Orientation 82 83 241
Ornaments 20
Orthogonal, basis 113
Orthogonal, group 200
Orthogonal, Matrix 199
Orthogonal, transformation 134 199
Orthogonal, vectors 197
Osculating circle 220
Overlap map 239 346
p-adic number 421 436
p.d.e. 179—180 291—295 426
pair 54 128
Pairing 195
Paradox 54 360
parallel 66
Parallel, axiom 66 67
PARAMETER 17 170 302
Parametrized, curve 171 219
Parametrized, motion 17 219
Part 35
Partial differential equation 169 179—180 292 426
Partial order 28
Partial sum 102 333
Pasch's axiom 64 321
Patching 239 245 246
Patching, map 239
Path 171 219 239 247 322
Pathological functions 310
Pathological functions, space 237
Peano 187 311
Peano, arithmetic 44—47
Peano, postulates 41 43
Pell's equation 49
Pendulum 274
Permutation 11 12
Permutation group 13
Permutation, group 13 21
Perpendicular 16 197
Perspective 439
Phase 266
Phase, plane 266
Phase, space 110 162 276
Picard theorem 343 452
Piecewise differentiable 161 318
Planck's constant 304
Planets 259—260
Platonism 3 385 447—449
Poincare conjecture 429
Point set topology 438
Pointed space 388
Pointwise 193
Poisson bracket 303
Polar coordinates 115
Pole 342
Polynomial, function 126
Polynomial, ring 214
Polynomial, time 439
Popper 91
Positive 99
Positive, definite 113
Potential 266
potential energy 266
Potential, energy 266
Potential, equation 180
Power, series 168 336—338
Power, sets 56 360 363
Precession of a top 301
Predicate calculus 373
Preorder 387
Presheaf 253
Pretzel 239
Prime 48
Prime, ideal 419
Prime, number theorem 350
primitive 328
Principal ideal 435
Principal, axes 203
Principal, axis theorem 204
Principal, curvature 224
Principal, direction 224
Principal, function 289ff
Principal, ideal 435
Principal, ideal domain 215
probability 12 426—427
Problems 36 428
PRODUCT 9 54 97 393
Product of groups 24
Product of ideals 419
Product of numbers 9
Product of objects 393
Projection 143 250 393
Projection of a product 393
Projective geometry 439 452
Projective geometry, plane 235 240
proof 374
Proof, theory 379
Proper orthogonal matrices 200
Property 44 365 372
proportions 185
Propositional, calculus 368
Propositional, connectives 370
Ptolomaic astronomy 259
Pulled back 270 394 395
Punctured, disc 341
Punctured, plane 345
Pure quaternion 121
Pushout 396
Pythagorean Theorem 62 198 226
Quadratic differential form 227
Quadratic form 204
Quantifiers 30 100 163 335 371 411
quantity 247
quantum mechanics 303
Quaternion 120—121
Quine 443
Quotient 208
Quotient, group 138
Quotient, module 214
Quotient, ring 210
Quotient, space 209
Radian measure 95
Radius of convergence 336
Rank 189 361
Rank of tensor 211
Rate of change 29
Rational, canonical form 217
Rational, function 308
Rational, magnitude 75
Rational, number 51
Ratios 75
Ray 65
Realist philosopher 447
Rearranging 35
Rectangular path 332
Rectifiable curve 220
Recursion 45
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