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Seebach J.A., Steen L.A. — Counterexamples in Topology |
Предметный указатель |
set 3
set 4
fully 23
perfectly 16
space 11
net 36
acumulation point 5
compact 19
locally compact 21
locally finite base 37
Accumulation point, 5
Accumulation point, of a sequence 5
Adherent point 5
Alexander's compactness theorem 18
Alexandroff plank 107
Alexandroff square 120
Appert space 117
ARC 29
Arc component 29
Arc connected 29
Arens square 98
Arens — Fort space 54
Baire category theorem 25 37 197
Baire metric 123 124
Ball (open) 34
Base locally finite 37
Base of a filter 9
Base of a topogy 4
Base symmetric (for a quasiuniformity) 38
Basis 4
Basis equivalent 4
Basis local 4
Bernstein's connected sets 142
Biconnected 33
Bijoctive function 8
Bing's space 157
Boundary 6
Bounded 36
Bounded totally 36
Cantor set 57
Category first 7
Category second 7
Cauchy 154
Cauchy completion 154
Cauchy sequence 36
Closed extension topology 44
Closed function 8
Closed set 3
Closure 6
Cluster point 10
Coarser filter 10
Cofinite topology 49
Compact 4 18
Compact 19
Compact locally 21
Compact countably 19
Compact locally 20
Compact meta- 23
Compact para- 23
Compact pre- 36
Compact pseudo- 20
Compact sequentially 19
Compact strongly locally 20
Compact weakly countably 19
Compactification, one point 63
Compactification, Stone — Cech 129
Comparable filters 10
Comparable topologies 3
Compatible uniformities 38
complete 36
Complete order 67
Complete topologically 37
Completely Hausdorff 13
Completely normal 12
Completely regular 14
Completely separable 7
Completion 37
Component 28
Component, arc 29
Component, path 29
Component, quasi- 29
Composant 33
Condensation point 5
Connected between two points 29
Connected hyper- 29
Connected in kleinen 200
Connected in X 28
Connected locally 30
Connected path 29
Connected set 7 28
Connected space 28
Connected strongly 198
Connected ultra- 29
Connected, arc 29
Connected, locally arc 30
Connected, locally path 30
Continua 33
Continuous at a point 8
Continuous function 7
Continuum Hypothesis 50 197
Convergence of a filter 10
Convergence of a sequence 5
Countable chain condition 22
Countable first 7 22
Countable second 7 22
Countably compact 19
Countably metacompact 23
Countably paracompact 23
Courser topology 3
Cover, open 4
Cover, refinement of 22
Cube, Hilbert 65
Cut point 33
Cylinders, open 8
Degenerate 28
Dense set 7
Dense-in-itself 6
Derived set 5
Diagonal 38
Diameter 36
Dieudonne plank 108
Disconnected, extremally 32
Disconnected, totally 31
Disconnected, totally pathwise 31
Discrete metric 41
Discrete topology 41
Discrete uniformity 42
Dispersion point 33
Distance 34
Double pointing 51 191
Duncan's space 153
Entourage 38
Entourage symmetric 38
Equivalent bases 4
Equivalent subbasis 4
Equivalent, topologically 8
Euclidean topology 56
expansion 15
Exterior 7
Extremally disconnected 32
Filter 9
Filter base 9
Filter base, limit of 10
Filter coarser 10
Filter comparable 10
Filter finer 9
Filter neighborhood 10
Filter strictly coarser 10
Filter strictly finer 10
Filter, convergence of 10
| Filter, limit point of 10
Filtered by 9
Filtered set 9
Finer filter 9
Finer topology 3
Finite complement topology 49
Finite intersection axiom 18
Finite intersection property 9
First category 7
First countable 7 22
Fixed ultrafilter 10
Fort space 52
Frechet product metric 64 152
Frechet space 11 64
Free ultrafilter 10
Frontier 6
Fully 23
Fully normal 23
Function closed 8
Function continuous 7
Function open 8
Function Urysohn 13
Function, bijective 8
Gustin's space 142
Half-open interval topology 75
Half-open square topology 103
Hausdorff space 11
Hausdorff space completely 13
Hausdorff's metric 154
Helly space 127
Hereditary 4
Hereditary, weakly 4
Hewitt's condensed corkscrew 111
Hilbert cube 65
Hilbert space 64
Homeomorphic 8
Homeomorphism 8
Hyperconnected 29
Identification topology 9
Indecomposable 33
Indiscrete topology 42
Induced topology 4
Interior 6
Interval topology 66
Invariant, topological 8
Irrational numbers 59
Irreducible subcovering 23
Isolated point 6
Isometric 37
Kolmogorov space 11
Larger topology 3
Lexicographic order 73
Limit point 5
Limit point of a filter 10
Limit point of a filter base 10
Limit point of a sequence 5
Lindeloef 19
Local basis 4
Locally arc connected 30
Locally compact 20
Locally connected 30
Locally finite refinement 22
Locally path connected 30
Long line 71
Lower limit topology 75
Meager 7
Metacompact 23
Metacompact countably 23
Metric 34
Metric Baire 123 124
Metric discrete 41
Metric Frechet 64 152
Metric Hausdorff 154
Metric product 64 152
Metric Sierpinski 152
Metric space 34
Metrizable, quasiumform space 38
Metrizable, topological space 37
Michael's subspace 157
Michael's topology 105
Miller's set 148
Neighborhood 4
Neighborhood filter 10
Neighborhood, open 4
Nested sequence of sets 37
Net, 36
Niemytzki's topology 100
Nonprincipal ultrafilter 10
normal 12
Normal completely 12
Normal fully 23
Normal perfectly 16
notes 189
Novak space 134
Nowhere dense set 7
Numbers, irrational 59
Numbers,rational 59
One point compactification 63
Open ball 34
Open cover 4
Open cylinder 8
Open extension topology 47
Open function 8
Open neighborhood 4
Open set 3
Order topology 66
Ordinal space 68
p-adic topology 81
Para compact 23
Para compact count ably 23
Para compact pointwise 23
Particular point topology 44
Path 29
Path component 29
Path connected 29
Perfect set 6
Perfectly 16
Perfectly normal 16
Perfectly separable 7
Plank, Alexandroff 107
Plank, Dieudonne 108
Plank, Thomas' 113
Point finite refinement 22
Point, accumulation 5
Point, adherent 5
Point, cluster 10
Point, condensation 5
Point, cut 33
Point, dispersion 33
Point, isolated 6
Point, limit 5
Pointwise paracompact 23
Precompact 36
Principal ultrafilter 10
Problems 181
Product invariance properties 26
Product metric 64 152
Product space 8
Pseudo-arc 147
Pseudocompact 20
Pseudometric 34
Pseudometrizable (quasiuniform space) 38
Punctiform 33
Quasicomponent 29
Quasimetrie 34
Quasiuniform space 38
Quasiuniformity 37
Quasiuniformity, separated 38
Quasiuniformizable 38
Quotient space 9
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