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Seebach J.A., Steen L.A. — Counterexamples in Topology |
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Rational numbers 59
Reference charts 161—171
Reference charts, compactness 164
Reference charts, connectedness 167
Reference charts, disconnectedness 168
Reference charts, metrizability 169
Reference charts, paracompactness 166
Reference charts, separation axiom 163
refinement 22
Refinement, locally finite 22
Refinement, point finite 22
Refinement, star 23
Regular 12
Regular closed set 6
Regular open set 6
Regular, completely 14
Regular, semi- 17
Relation 38
Relative to 4
Relative topology 4
Right half-open interval topology 75
Right order topology 74
Roy's space 143
Saturated set 190
Scattered 33
Second category 7
Second countable 7 22
Semiregular 17
Separable 7 21
Separable completely 7
Separable perfectly 7
Separated 28
Separated by open sets 11
Separated quasiuniformity 38
Separated sets 7
Separated totally 32
Separation 28
Separation axioms 11 191
Sequence, accumulation point of 5
Sequence, Cauchy 36
Sequence, convergence of 5
Sequence, limit point of 5
Sequentially compact 19
Set closed 3
Set dense 7
Set derived 5
Set filtered 9
Set open 3
Set perfect 6
Set saturated 190
Set separated 7
Set, 3
Set, 4
Set, Bernstein's connected 142
Set, boundary of 6
Set, Cantor 57
Set, closure of 6
Set, connected 7 28
Set, exterior of 7
Set, first category 7
Set, frontier of 6
Set, interior of 6
Set, meager 7
Set, Miller's 148
Set, nested sequence of 37
Set, nowhere dense 7
Set, regular closed 6
Set, regular open 6
Sierpinski metric 15
Sierpinski space 44
Smaller topology 3
Smirnov's topology 86
Sorgenfrey's topology 103
Space connected 28
Space normal 12
Space ordinal 68
Space regular 12
Space semiregular 17
Space separable 7
Space topological 3
Space, 11
Space, Appert 117
Space, Arens — Fort 54
Space, Bing's 157
Space, completely Hausdorff 13
Space, completely normal 12
Space, Duncan's 153
Space, Fort 52
Space, Frechet 11
Space, Gustin's 142
Space, Hausdorff 11
Space, Helly 127
Space, Hilbert 64
Space, Kolmogorov 11
Space, metric 34
Space, Novak 134
Space, product 8
Space, quasiuniform 38
Space, quotient 9
| Space, Roy's 143
Space, Sierpinski 44
Space, Tangoru's 150
Space, Tychonoff 14
Space, Urysohn 16
Spec A 79
Square, Alexandroff 120
Square, Arens 98
Star 23
Star refinement 23
Stone — Cech compactification 129
Strictly coarser filter 10
Strictly finer filter 10
Stronger topology 3
Strongly connected 198
Strongly locally compact 20
Subbase, of a filter 9
Subbase, of a topology 4
Subbasis 4
Subbasis equivalent 4
Subcovering, irreducible 23
subspace 4
Subspace topology 4
Subspace, Michael's 157
Sum, topological 9
Symmetric base (for a quasiuniformity) 38
Symmetric entourage 38
Tangent disc topology 100
Tangora's space 150
Thomas' corkscrew 113
Thomas' plank 113
Tietze extension theorem 20
Topological invariant 8
Topological property 8
Topological space 3
Topological sum 9
Topologically complete 37
Topologically equivalent 8
Topologists's sine curve 137
topology 3
Topology coarser 3
Topology cofinite 49
Topology comparable 3
Topology discrete 41
Topology Euclidean 56
Topology finer 3
Topology indiscrete 42
Topology induced 4
Topology larger 3
Topology relative 4
Topology smaller 3
Topology stronger 3
Topology usual 56
Topology weaker 3
Topology, closed extension 44
Topology, finite complement 49
Topology, half-open interval 75
Topology, half-open square 103
Topology, identification 9
Topology, interval 66
Topology, lower limit 75
Topology, Michael's 105
Topology, Niemytzki's 100
Topology, open extension 47
Topology, order 66
Topology, p-adic 81
Topology, particular point 44
Topology, right half-open interval 75
Topology, right order 74
Topology, Smirnov 86
Topology, Sorgenfrey's 103
Topology, subspace 4
Topology, tangent disc 100
Topology, Tychonoff 8 189
Totally bounded 36
Totally disconnected 31
Totally pathwise disconnected 31
Totally separated 32
Tychonoff corkscrew 109
Tychonoff plank 106
Tychonoff space 14
Tychonoff topology 8 189
Tyehonoff theorem 26
Ultraconnected 29
Ultrafilter 10
Ultrafilter fixed 10
Ultrafilter free 10
Ultrafilter nonprincipal 10
Ultrafilter principal 10
Uniformity 38
Uniformity compatible 38
Uniformity discrete 42
Urysohn function 13
Urysohn lemma 13
Urysohn space 16
Usual topology 56
Weaker topology 3
Weakly countably compact 19
Weakly hereditary 4
Zero dimensional 33
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