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Поиск книг, содержащих: Terminal object
Книга | Страницы для поиска | Girard J.-Y., Taylor P., Lafont Y. — Proofs and Types | 104 | Eisenbud D., Harris J. — The Geometry of Schemes | 31 | MacLane S. — Categories for the working mathematician | 20, 73 | Adamek J., Herrlich H., Stecker G.E. — Abstract and Concrete Categories - The Joy of Cats | 7.4 | MacLane S., Moerdijk L. — Sheaves in Geometry and Logic | 14, 30 | Lavendhomme R. — Basic Concepts of Synthetic Differential Geometry | 283 | Lawvere F.W., Rosebrugh R. — Sets for Mathematics | 6 | Street R., Murray M. (Ed), Broadbridge Ph. (Ed) — Quantum Groups: A Path to Current Algebra | xiii, 7 | Ash R.B. — Abstract algebra: the basic graduate year | 10.1 | Pierce B.C. — Basic category theory for computer scientists | 16 | Barr M., Wells C. — Toposes, Triples and Theories | 4 | Goldblatt R. — Topoi | 44 | Lawvere F.W., Schanuel S.H. — Conceptual Mathematics: A First Introduction to Categories | 213, 225ff | Borceux F. — Handbook of Categorical Algebra 3 | I.48 | Jacobs B. — Categorical Logic and Type Theory | xiii | Hazewinkel M. — Handbook of Algebra (part 2) | 7 | Borceux F. — Handbook of Categorical Algebra: Categories and Structures, Vol. 2 | I.62 | Borceux F. — Handbook of Categorical Algebra: Categories and Structures, Vol. 2 | I.62 | Mac Lane S., Birkhoff G.D. — Algebra | 499 | Hungerford T.W. — Algebra | 57 | Arbib M.A., Manes E.G. — Arrows structures and functors. The categorical imperative | 43 | Eisenbud D., Harris J. — The geometry of schemes (textbook draft) | 31 | Kock J. — Frobenius Algebras and 2-D Topological Quantum Field Theories | 230 | Borceux F. — Handbook of Categorical Algebra, Volume 1: Basic Category Theory | 48 | Semadini Z. — Banach Spaces of Continuous Functions. Vol. 1 | 171 | Spanier E.H. — Algebraic Topology | 17 | Lane S.M. — Mathematics, form and function | 395 | Lieberherr K. — Adaptive object-oriented software. The Demetr method | 149 | Szabo M. E. — Algebra of proofs | 22 | Magurn B.A. — An algebraic introduction to k-theory | 6 | Mac Lane S. — Mathematics: Form and Function | 395 | Bird R., de Moor O. — Algebra of programming | 37 |