Результат поиска |
Поиск книг, содержащих: Ziman, J.M.
Книга | Страницы для поиска | Mahan G.D. — Many-particle physics | 581, 601, 637, 649, 686, 1011, 1012, 1013 | Liboff R. — Kinetic Theory | 508 | Balescu R. — Equilibrium and nonequilibrium statistical mechanics | 183 | Stedman G.E. — Diagram Techniques in Group Theory | 70, 125 | Efros A.L. (ed.), Pollak M. (ed.) — Electron-electron interactions in disordered systems | 624 | Domb C.M., Green M. — Phase Transitions and Critical Phenomena: Series Expansion for Lattice Models, Vol. 3 | 461, 484 | Zallen R. — The Physics of Amorphous Solids | 236, 251 | Prigogine I., Rice S.A. — Advances in CHEMICAL PHYSICS. Volume XC | 310(244), 360 | Goldsmid J., Drabble H. — Thermal Conduction in Semiconductors | 82, 89, 99, 103, 137, 143, 151, 152, 154, 168, 171, 182, 183 | Ehrenreich H., Seitz F., Turnbull D. — Solid State Physics.Volume 26. | 13(14), 2(2), 3(5), 4(6), 7(2, 10), 10(10), 19(5), 21(24, 25), 25(10), 26(10), 31(2, 31), 38(31, 35), 39(10), 49(2, 56), 54(62), 55(10), 56(10), 58(65), 59(2, 10), 61(56), 68(65), 74(90), 75(62), 81(62), 82(35), 83(31), 84(35), 91(110), 93(62), 109(24), 139, 143, 147, 200(104), 208(104), 270 | Ridley B.K. — Quantum Processes in Semiconductors | 324, 367 | Seitz F. (ed.), Turnbull D. (ed.) — Solid State Physics. Advances in Research and Applications. Volume 16 | 383 | Ehrenreich H., Spaepen F. — Solid State Physics. Volume 49 | see "Sham, L.J." | Seitz F. — Solid State Physics. Volume 7 | 5, 33, 42(23), 47, 49(23), 52, 53(18, 23), 58, 61(18), 62(18, 75), 95, 97(75) | Corciovei A., Costache G., Dederichs P.H. — Solid State Physics | 64, 65(5), 70, 72(5), 73, 81, 83, 86, 89(33), 98, 99, 100, 169, 170, 173 |