Результат поиска |
Поиск книг, содержащих: Zienau, S.
Книга | Страницы для поиска | Mahan G.D. — Many-particle physics | 1005 | Knox R.S. — Theory of Excitons | 93, 142(252) | Wagner M. — Unitery Transformations in Solid State Physics | 156 (see also “Frohlich, H.”) | Bates D.R. — Quantum Theory | 377, 436 | Umezawa H. — Quantum Field Theory | 302, 303, 307 | Shockley W. — Imperfections in Nearly Perfect Crystals: Symposium held at Pocono Manor | 23 | Papadopoulos G.J. (ed.), Devreese J.T. (ed.) — Path integrals and their applications in quantum, statistical, and solid state physics | 316, 342, 349, 357 | Bates D.R. — Quantum Theory. I. Elements | 377, 436 |