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Wagner M. — Unitery Transformations in Solid State Physics
Wagner M. — Unitery Transformations in Solid State Physics

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Название: Unitery Transformations in Solid State Physics

Автор: Wagner M.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Физика/Физика твёрдого тела/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Год издания: 1986

Количество страниц: 357

Добавлена в каталог: 09.10.2005

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
Accepting mode      203 204
Adiabatic, approach      202
Adiabatic, approximation      177ff 210
Adiabatic, base      170 177 181 182 184 185 191 208 336(t)
Adiabatic, conductivity      184ff
Adiabatic, diagonalization      208 302(t) 312f(t)
Adiabatic, evolution      12 92ff
Adiabatic, Hamiltonian      193
Adiabatic, superconductivity      196
Admittance function      133 136 142
Alper, J.S.      121
Anderson, P.W.      59
Anharmonic oscillator systems      56ff
Anisotropic Heisenberg Hamiltonian      298(t)
Baker, H.F.      95
Bardeen, J.      162 189
Barentzen, H.      124 158
BCS-superconductivity      196
Berne, B.J.      131
Bersuker, G.I.      228 (see also “Polinger V.Z.”)
Bethe, H.      197 (see also “Sommerfeld A.”)
Bilinear forms      18ff 21
Blinc, R.      142
Bloch base      179 184
Bloch base, displaced      196ff
Bloch formula      81
Bloch functions      2 181 200 201
Bloch, F.      197
Bogoliubov inequality      2 79ff 212 221
Bogoliubov transformation, Bose version      43 289—290(t)
Bogoliubov transformation, Fermi version      43 268(t) 327(t)
Bogoliubov transformation, general      2 22ff 39 47 162 164 214 324(t)
Bogoliubov trial free energy expression      144
Bogoliubov, N.N.      43 44 162
Born — Oppenheimer approximation      170 176ff 206
Born, M.      170 176
Bound meson problem      315(t)
Briihl, S.      149 150 152 153 156
Bron, W.E.      133 (see also “Wagner M.”)
Buttner, H.      160 (see also “Pollmann J.”)
Campagno, G.      114 317 P.”)
Campbell — Baker — Hausdorff (CBH) problem      95 135
Campbell, J.E.      95
Carbonaro, P.      114 317
Carruthers, P.      112
Castner, T.G.      125
Cayley transformation      238(t)
Center of mass coordinates      273(t)
Change of length unit      247(t) 279(t)
Change of phase      279(t)
Change of phase and length unit      278(t)
Commutator expansion      10ff
Condon approximation      209
Cooper pairing      327(t)
Cooper pairs      5ff
Cooper, L.N.      162 189 J.”)
Cooperative spin-phonon system      326(t)
Cooperative system      146
Cooperativity, in vibronic systems      147ff
Coordinate displacement transformation      241(t)
Correlation functions      131ff 186 187
Coupled oscillators      44ff
Coupled oscillators, b-b+ representation      284—293(t)
Coupled oscillators, P-Q representation      270—283(t)
Coupled spins      52ff 294—299(t)
Coupled two-level systems      294—299(t)
Critical temperature      146
Cubic anharmonicity      56 71 249(t) 255(t)
Current-current correlation function      165
Davydov, A.S.      3 125
Debye — Waller, dressing      300(t) 301(t)
Debye — Waller, operators      205
Debye — Waller, reduction      206 208
Denner, V.      114 212 318
Diagonalization to second order      232(t)
Dick, B.G.      108 206
Displaced coordinate      241(t)
Displaced momentum      243(t)
Displacement transformation      27ff 143
Dixon, J.      120
Doniach, S.      166 167
Double-well oscillator      83
Dressed phonons      5
Dynamical matrix      150
Electrical conductivity      165ff
Electrical conductivity, Kubo expression      185
Electron-electron coupling, phonon mediated      162 163
Electron-phonon interaction      1 147ff 161 163 170 178
Elliott, R.J.      114 149
Englman, R.      115 228 229 B.”)
Equation of motion, method of      21ff
Exchange      264(t)
Exchange of P and Q      245(t)
Exchange of variables      286(t)
Exchange, transformations      39
Exciton localization      124 125
Exciton, two-polaron model      160
Exciton-phonon system      129 326(t)
excitons      156
Expansion of Fer — Wilcox      240(t)
Expansion of Hausdorff — Tani      240(t)
Extended Bogoliubov inequality      80 84
Fano effect      2
Fano problem      65f 85ff 137ff
Fano, U.      65
Fer, F.      100
Feranchuk, I.D.      79
Ferroelectricity, hydrogen bonded      142ff 149
Firsov, Yu.A.      161 (see also “Lang I.G.”)
Fletcher, J.R.      228 229
Froehlich, base      180ff 184
Froehlich, current      195
Froehlich, diagonalization      303f(t)
Froehlich, Hamiltonian      156ff 162 179 182 327(t)
Froehlich, superconductivity      188ff 196
Froehlich, transformation      2 183 184
Frohlich, H.      1 156 161 163 179 180 188 190 195 246
Fulton — Gouterman transformation      2 34 121ff 308(t)
Fulton — Gouterman transformation, general      307(t)
Fulton, R.L.      34 121
Fundamental commutator expansion      231 (t)
gap equation      165
Girardeau — Huber equations      214 215 216
Girardeau, M.D.      212
Gouterman, M.      34 121 R.L.”)
Green function      131ff 139 141 142
Gross, E.P.      94 96
Haken, H.      160
Halperin, B.      228 229
Harp, G.D.      131 (see also “Berne B.J.”)
Hartree — Fock equations      212ff
Haug, A.      202 205
Hausdorff formula      135
Hausdorff — Tani equation      100 105
Hausdorff, A.      95 102 135
Heise — Jelitto transformation      221ff 328(t)
Heise, M.      81 221 222 328
Heisenberg cluster      53
Heisenberg model      52
Helmis, G.      202 205
Holstein — Primakoff transformation      114
Holstein, T.      113
Huang — Rhys factor      137
Huang, K.      137 209
Hubbard Hamiltonian      2 81 221ff
Hubbard model      328(t)
Hubbard, J.      221
Huber, A.      79 212
Huybrechts, W.      158 159
Identical particles      212ff
Induced transitions      130ff
Infrared absorption      140ff
Intrinsic transitions      178 202ff
Ipatova, L.P.      68 150 152 153 A.A.”)
Ising cluster      53
Ising model      52 143 148 149
Isotope effect      161
Jahn — Teller problem (E-e)      11 115ff 310f(t) 314(t)
Jahn — Teller systems      2 147 148 170
Jahn, H.      115
Jelitto, R.J.      81 221 222 328 M.”)
Jones, W.      165
Junker, W.      39 149 228 230
Kadanoff, L.P.      170 187
Kanzig, W.      125 (see also “Castner T.G.”)
Kaputsin, V.A.      221
Kohn anomaly      188ff
Kohn, W.      189
Komarov, L.I.      79 (see also “Feranchuk I.D.”)
Koppe, H.      79
Kubo formalism      165
Kubo, R.      130 165 185
Kuhn, W.      206
Kuper, C.G.      125 156
Kvasnikov, L.A.      79
Landau, L.D.      125
Lang, L.G.      161
Lattice dynamics      2 140 150ff
Lattice dynamics, perturbed      153ff
Lax, M.      136
Lee — Low — Pines transformation      157 159 160
Lee, T.D.      156
Lifshitz coupling      322(t)
Lifshitz equation      322(t)
Lifshitz formalism      150 153
Lifshitz formalism, modified      156
Lifshitz, L.M.      68 150 153
Light, J.C.      104 (see also “Pechukas Ph.”)
Linear transformations      18ff 236—238(t)
Localization of excitons      125ff
Localized mode      153
Longuet-Higgins, H.C.      115
Low, F.E.      156 (see also “Lee T.D.”)
Magnus, W.      94 96 99 104
Maradudin, A.A.      68 96 152 153 G.H.”)
March, N.H.      165 (see also “Jones W.”)
Martin, P.C.      170 187 L.P.”)
Mass increase transformation      242(t)
Mass-reduced coordinates      247(t)
Mean field (MF) theory      143
Measure of nondiagonality      2 75 76 77 320(t)
Merzbacher, E.      3
Messiah, A.      3 81 215
Mexican-hat-type potential      194
Miner, H.      31 79
Miscellaneous transformations      319—336(t)
Montroll, E.W.      68 150 152 153 A.A.”)
Moore, M.A.      149
Mori formalism      131
Mori, H.      131
Moving base functions      196
Moving bases      2 180
Moving electronic base      170ff
Multimode problem      334(t)
Multimode problem, in vibronic systems      224ff
Multiparticle transformations      216ff 221
Multiplicative coupling      322(t)
Multiplicative coupling, Lifshitz      68ff
Nieto, M.M.      112 (see also “Carruthers P.”)
Non-unitary transformations      246—247(t) 275(t) 276(t) 329(t)
Nonadiabatic, Hamiltonian      177ff 193 208
Nonadiabatic, phenomena      170 183
Nonadiabatic, superconductivity      169
Nonadiabaticity      301f(t)
Nonradiative transitions      123 130 202ff
Norman, E.      105 (see also “Wei J.”)
Nusser, H.      149
One-dimensional conduction      177 188ff
Oppenheimer, R.      170 176 M.”)
Optical absorption      130
Optimal excited state      73ff
Optimal ground state      70ff
Optimization of expectation values      293(t)
Order parameter      143 145 146
Orthogonal transformations      19ff
Orthogonality exploitation      84ff
Oscillator transformations      26ff
Oscillator-spin transformations      300—318(t)
O’Brien, M.C.      120 228 229
Para — Bose oscillator      124
Pechukas, Ph.      104
Peierls transition      188ff
Peierls, R.F.      189
Pekar, S.I.      137
Pelzer, H.      156 (see also “Frohlich H.”)
Perlin, Yu.E.      115 147 230
Persico, F.      114 317 P.”)
Perturbation theory      88
Perturbation theory in two steps to seventh order      88ff
Perturbation theory, alla Brillouin — Wigner      13 88
Perturbation theory, alla Schrodinger      1 13ff 88
Phase transition      84
Phonon assistance, of the transitions      206
Pines, D.      43 158 156 T.D.”)
Plemelj formula      139
Polansky, O.E.      124 (see also “Barentzen H.”)
Polarizability function      136 142
Polaron      156 158 160
Polinger, V.Z.      228
Pollmann, J.      160
Potts model      148 149
Potts, R.B.      149
Primakoff, H.      113 (see also “Holstein T.”)
Privileged mode method      229
Projective description      7ff
Promoting mode      203 204
Quartic anharmonicity      59f 250(t) 255(t)
Quartic oscillator      77
Rabi Hamiltonian      114 317f(t)
Reflection      246(t) 265(t) 267(t) 286(t) 289(t)
Reflection, operator      121 122
Reflection, symmetry      121
Reflective transformation      334ff(t)
Relaxation      202
Resolvent formalism      64
Response formalism      130 165 202
Rhys, A.      137 (see also “Huang K.”)
Rikayzen, G.      163
Rotating frame      2 222ff 235(t)
Rueff, M.      115
Sander, L.M.      81 110 125 126 127 128 129 206 H.B.”)
Scaling transformation      247(t)
Schmutz, M.      124
Schrieffer, J.R.      163 162 189 J.”)
Schrodinger perturbation theory      232(t)
Schuster, H.G.      189
Schweber, S.S.      93
Self-trapping      125 129
Seventh order diagonalization      233(t)
Shore, H.B.      81 110 125 126 127 128 129 206 L.M.”)
Sigmund, E.      12 22 115 150 152 156 S.” “Rueff M.”)
Silbey, R.      121 (see also “Alper J.S.”)
Silverman, B.D.      59
Single oscillator transformations, b-b+ representation      251—256(t)
Single oscillator transformations, P-Q representation      241—251(t)
Single spin-$\frac{1}{2}$ transformations      257—262(t)
Single-state diagonalization      2 60ff
Slichter, Ch.P.      223
Slonczewski, J.C.      119 120
Small polaron problem      161
1 2
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