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Umezawa H. — Quantum Field Theory |
Предметный указатель |
Abaki, G. 8 28
Ahrons, T. 46 56
Anderson, C.D. 5 7 9 25 27
Angular momentum tensor 100
Angular momentum, orbital angular momentum 106
Angular momentum, spin angular momentum 43 106
Angular momentum, total angular momentum 100
Arnous, E. 302 303 307
Bacher, R.F. 316 317 322
Balance, detailed balance 156 201
Bargmann, V. 318—320 322
Belinfante, R.J. 53 56 101 135 152 158
Bethe, H.A. 8 9 22 25 27 242 262 283 284 288 316 317 322 337 350
Bhabha, H.J. 12 13 25 80 82 92 240 262
Bjorklund, R. 11 25
Blackett, P.M.S. 5 12 25
Bleuler, K. 172 178
Bloch, C. 16 25
Bloch, F. 20 25 216 218 244 262
Bopp, F. 16 25
Born, M. 14 15 25
Bradt, H.L. 11 27
Breit, G. 10 25
Bremsstrahlung 238
Butler, C.C. 11 27
Caianiello, E.R. 134 135
Carlson, J.F. 12 25 240 262
Case, K.M. 210
Catastrophe, infrared catastrophe 20 240 264
Catastrophe, ultraviolet catastrophe 20 244 264
Chadwick, J. 3 4 5 25
Charge centre 128
Charge conjugation transformation 41 47 50
Charge renormalisation 265 274
Charge symmetry 236
Charge, independent self charge 124
Charge, self charge 252
Charge, symmetric self charge 126
Charge, total self charge 127
Charge, total self charge operator 122
Cheston, W.B. 10 25 202
Chew, G.F. 354 357
Chretien, M. 16 25
Chritchfield, C. 133 135
Chupp, W.W. 357
Cini, M. 139 158
Clark, D.L. 10 25 202
Coester, E. 229 262
Condition, causality condition 146 231
Condition, Heisenberg — Oppenheimer condition 18 24
Condition, Heisenberg — Watagin applicability condition 20
Condition, integrability condition 181 185
Condition, Klein — Gordon condition 30 65 98 137
Condition, Lorentz condition 107 148 168 171 196 204 208
Conversi, M. 8 25
Crandall, W.E. 11 25
Crussard, J. 357
Curie, I. 3 25
Current, electric current 104 110
Damping effect 248
Dancoff, S.M. 22 25
de Groot, S.R. 134 135
Decay, double -decay 50
Diagrams, Feynman diagrams 227
Diagrams, irreducible diagrams 269 335
Diagrams, overlapping divergent diagrams 275
Diagrams, primitively divergent diagrams 265
Diagrams, proper diagrams 269
Diagrams, self-energy diagrams 267
Dirac, P.A.M. 5 11 12 14 23 25 26 34 44 48 56 64 75 79 92 94 97 141 158 162 178 251 262 322
Disintegration, -disintegration of nuclei 4 46 55 120
Divergence, b-divergence 272
Divergence, true divergence 277
Drell, S.R. 210
Dubbin, R. 10 26 202
Duffin, R.J. 85 92
Dyson, F.J. 24 26 171 178 210 224 225 227 234 262 265 267 268 270 273 287 288
Eden, R.J. 232 233 262
Edwards, S.F. 325 331 350
Effects, advanced effects 144
Effects, retarded effects 144
Ellis, C.D. 5 26
Enatsu, H. 74 75
Energy momentum vector 98 186
Energy momentum, canonical energy momentum tensor 98
Energy momentum, symmetric energy momentum tensor 101
Energy, self-energy 248 250 251 304
Energy, zero-point energy 94 165 166
Epstein, S.T. 22 26 260—263 265 288
Equation, Bethe — Salpeter equation 337
Equation, canonical equation 102
Equation, Dirac equation 33 82
Equation, Klein — Gordon equation 30
Equation, Maxwell equation 64 69 108 111
Equation, Proca equation 63
Equation, relativistic wave equation 30
Feinberg, E. 46 56
Feingold, A. 120 135
Feldman, D. 212 218 254 255 262
Fermi, E. 5 9 20 26 107 128 132 135
Feynman, R.P. 23 26 74 75 227 262
Fierz, M. 13 16 20 26 27 64 76 119 135 151 158
Fireman, E.L. 51 56
Fleld(s) state 29
Fleld(s), cohesive fleld(s) 14
Fleld(s), complex fleld(s) 103
Fleld(s), proper fleld(s) 2 13 16 211 223 264 278 324
Fleld(s), real fleld(s) 103
Fock, V.A. 26
Foldy, L.L. 45 47 56
Force, Nuclear force 7
Formalism, Rarita — Schwinger formalism 68 71 120 151
Formalism, Stueckelberg formalism 113 150
Fowler, W.B. 357
Friedman, H. 133 135
Froehlich, H. 10 21 26
Fujiwara, I. 86 92
Fukuda, H. 23 26 235 251 262 301 307 357
Function(s), Green's function(s) 143
Function(s), invariant delta function(s) 138 140
Furry, W.H. 50 56 235 262
Gell-Mann, M. 128 134 135 327 337 350
Glasson, J.L. 4 26
Glauber, R.J. 204 210
Goldhaber, G. 357
Goudsmidt, S. 16 28
Green, T.A. 146 158 231 263
Gupta, S.N. 172 178
Hara, O. 16 26
Harish-Chandra 78 80 81 92
Hayashi, C. 16 26 183 184 202
Heisenberg, W. 4 16 17 19 26 211 218 251 263 299 300 308 322
Heitler, W. 10 12 21 25 26 221 240 262 263 302 307
Henley, E.F. 210
Hepner, W.A. 78 83 92
Hoenl, H. 15 26
Hoisington, L. 10 25
Holmberg, B. 320 322
Hu, N. 322 322
Hurst, C.A. 286 287 288
Imamura, T. 287 289
Infeld, L. 14 25
Inoue, T. 9 27
Integration, final function(s) 268
Interaction(s) of the 1st and 2nd kinds 18 24 296 299
Interaction(s) representation 179
Interaction(s), -interaction(s) 120 131 133 200
Interaction(s), Hamiltonian interaction(s) 181 185
Interaction(s), non-local interaction(s) 15 299
Interaction(s), universal Fermi interaction(s) 133
| Interference threshold 232
Invariant, renormalisation invariant 338
Isotopic space 122
Isotopic spin 3 63 69 105
Ito, M. 22 24 26 28 242 263 265 288 299 300
Iwanenko, D. 4 6 12 26 93 97
Jesse, W.P. 8 27
Joliot, F. 3 25 26
Jordan, P. 23 26 141 158
Jost, R. 235 263 317 320 322
Kaellen, G. 287 288 349 350 352 354 357
Kahn, B. 21 26
Kamefuchi, S. 24 27 152 158 200 202 213 216 218 252 263 274 288 350 351 354 357
Kaplon, M.F. 11 27
Katayama, Y. 16 27 28 183 184 202 251 252 263 287 288
Kawabe, R. 74 76 247 255 256 263
Kemble, E.C. 21 27
Kemmer, N. 10 13 26 27 85 88 92 337 350
Kinoshita, T. 198 202 242 251 262 263
Kita, H. 337 350
Klein paradox 47 95 147
Klein — Gordon condition 30 65 98 137
Klein, O. 5 27 47 56 133 135
Koba, Z. 22 24 26 27 203 210 231 263 265 288
Kobayashi, M. 8 10 13 28
Kohn, W. 320 322
Koshiba, M. 357
Kramebs, H.A. 12 27 93 97
Kristensen, P. 16 27
Kunze, P. 7 27
Lamb shift 22 278 304
Lamb, W.E. 21 27 265 280 288
Landau, L.D. 354 357
Laporte, O. 57 76
Lattes, C.M.G. 9 27
Lax, M. 311 323
Lee, T.D. 25 27 288 350
Lehmann, H. 287 288 333 350 352
Leighton, R.B. 9 27
Length, fundamental length 18
Lewis, H.W. 19 22 27 217 218 265 288
Lines, external lines 227
Lines, internal lines 227
Linewidth 305
Lippman, B.A. 310 323
Loar, H. 10 26 202
Loop, closed loop 229
Low, F. 327 337 350 354 357
Lueders, G. 152 158 200 202 249 263 273 288
Ma, S.T. 178 317 320 323
Maghida, S. 357
magnetic moment 111 112 117 177
Magnetic moment of an electron 23 286
Magnetic moment of nucleon 6
Majorana, E. 49 56
Marshak, R.E. 9 10 27 202
Mass difference of neutron and proton 74 126 210
Mass operator 337
Mass renormalisation 265
Mass, self-mass 247
Mathews, P.T. 277 288 297 300
Matrix, S-matrix 190 308
Matrix, scattering matrix 190
Maze 8 27
McCarthy, J.A. 51 56
McConnell, J. 252 263
Meson, -meson 9 74
Meson, -meson 7 9 74
Meson, lifetime of -meson 8 9
Meson, multiple production of meson 19 217
Meson, neutral -meson 10 74
Meson, spin of -meson 10
Meson, spin of charged -meson 201
Messiah, A.M.L. 127 135
Metric, indefinite metric 173
Michel, L. 134 135
Miyamoto, Y. 23 26 235 262
Miyazima, T. 301 307
Moller, C. 16 27 311 323
Mott, N.F. 5 26
Moyer, B.J. 11 25
Nafe, E. 23 27 288
Nakamura, S. 10 28
Nakano, T. 128 134 135
Nambu, Y. 337 350
Neddermeyer, S.H. 7 25
Nelson, E.B. 23 27 288
Nelson, E.C. 210
Neutrino 4 74
Neutron 3
Nishijima, K. 128 134 135 235 263 325 350
Nordheim, L.W. 8 25
Nordsieck, A. 20 25 216 218 244 262
Nucleon 4 199
Nucleon conservation 104
Occhialini, G.P.S. 5 9 12 25 27
Ogawa, S. 134 135
Okonogi, H. 134 135
Oneda, S. 134 135 198 202
Ono, K. 28
Onuma, S. 357
Operators, external operators 226
Operators, internal operators 226
Operators, number operators 162 213
Operators, total charge operators 122
Oppenheimer, J.R. 7 12 18 19 25 27 217 218 240 242 262
Order, true order 157
P-symbol 224
Pais, A. 14 15 27 74 76 134 135 139 158 235 261 263
Pancini, E. 8 25
Papapetrou, Z. 15 26
Paris, C.R. 27
Particle, -particle 75 128
Particle, -particle 75
Particle, -particle 75 128
Particle, anti particle 48
Particle, free-dressed particle 334
Particle, k-particle 75
Pasternack, S. 21 27 265 288
Pauli, W. 4 11 13 15 16 20 23 26 27 36 41 56 64 76 73 99 102 135 141 147 158 183 202 247 254 255 263 349 350 354
Peierls, R.E. 16 25 139 158 251 263 331 350
Peter, B. 11 27
Petermann, A. 76 294 300
Petiau, G. 85 92
Phase invariant set 103
Piccioni, O. 8 25
Podolanski, J. 198 202
Podolsky, B. 26
Poincare, H. 14 27
Pole, displaced pole 233
Polygon, open polygon 229
Positron 5
Potential 215
Potential, nuclear potential 215
Powell, C.F. 9 27 75 76
Present, R.D. 21 27
Proca, A. 76
Propagators 327
Pryce, M.H.L. 133 135
Pseudo-scalar 40
Pseudo-spinor 54
Pseudo-vector 40
Rabi, I.I. 23 27 265 288
Racah, G. 41 56
Rainwater, J. 133 135
Rarita, W. 68 71 76
Rasetti, F. 8 27
Rayski, J. 15 16 27 183 202 255 263
Representation, Schrodinger representation 190
Representation, source free representation 325
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