Авторизация |
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Umezawa H. — Quantum Field Theory |
Предметный указатель |
Retherford, R.C. 21 27 265 280 288
Richardson, J.R. 9 27
Rivier, D. 28 139 158
Robert, J.K. 27
Roberts, A. 4 8 10 25 28 202
Rochester, G.D. 11 27
Rohrlich, F. 262 263 297 300
Rose, M.E. 247 263
Rosenfeld, L. 101 135
Rutherford, E. 3 27
Sakata, S. 8—10 13—15 24 27 28 50 56 74 76 157 158 235 254 263 294 295 298 300
Salam, A. 272 274 277 288 297 300 337 350
Salpeter, E.E. 337 350
Sasaki, M. 10 28
Saturation property 6
Sawada, K. 260 263 357
scalar 40
Schein, M. 8 27
Schrodinger, E. 15 25
Schwarzer, D. 51 56
Schwinger, J. 23 28 68 71 76 96 97 142 144 152 158 166 178 179 202 203 210 250 256 263 265 289 310 323 325 331—333 350
Self-stress 257
Serber, R. 27
Seriff, A.J. 9 27
Share, S. 10 25
Shimazu, H. 16 26
Shower, cascade shower 12 240
Shutt, R.P. 357
Skeleton 269 335
Snyder, R. 27
Sokolow, A. 12 26 93 97
Space reflection 39 40
Space, isotopic space 122
Speisman, G. 74 75
Spin 3 63 69 105
Spin matrices 42 78
Spin of -meson 10
Spin of charged -meson 201
Spin, isotopic spin 121
Spinors 52
Steinberger, J. 10 26 202
Stueckelberg, E.C.G. 7 14 16 28 113 135 146 158 231 263 294 300
Symanzik, K. 330 350
Takahashi, Y. 16 28 71 76 82 92 139 151 158 159 178 180 183—185 197 202 213 216 218 230 251 257 260 261 263
Takeda, G. 277 289
Taketani, M. 8 10 13 28 357
Tamm, I. 6 28
Tanaka, S. 24 28 299 300
Tani, S. 45 56
Tanikawa, Y. 9 24 27 28 235 263 299 300
Tati, T. 203 210
Taylor, J.C. 354 357
Teller, E. 9 26 132 135
Thaxton, H. 10 25
Theorem, equivalence theorem 210
Theorem, Furry's theorem 235 329
Theory, compensation theory 14
Theory, Duffin — Kemmer — Petiau theory 77 85 115 150 197
Theory, hole, theory 5 48 93 166 252
Theory, Majorana theory 49 54
Theory, mixture theory 14
Theory, non-logical field theory 16
Theory, perturbation theory 219
| Theory, regularisation theory 255
Theory, renormahsation theory 22 231 265 290 324
Theory, two mesons theory 9
Thirring, W. 216 218 287 289
Thorndike, A.M. 357
Time reflection 39 40 152 200
Time, life time 248 307
Tiomno, J. 10 28 54 56 133 135
Tokuoka, Z. 16 28
Tolhoek, H.A. 134 135
Tomonaga, S. 22 23 26 96 97 179 181 202 203 210 265 288 299 300
Touschek, B. 216 218
Transformation, C-transformation 236
Transformation, charge conjugation transformation 41 47 50
Transformation, Foldy — Wouthuysen — Tani transformation 45
Transformation, gauge transformation 64 69 107 109 129 203
Transformation, renormalisation transformation 324 338
Uehling, E.A. 21 28
Uhlenbeck, G.E. 15 27 28 57 76 139 158
Umezawa, H. 24 27 28 71 74 76 80 82 83 92 139 147 151 152 157—159 178 180 185 193 195 197 198 200 202—204 210 213 216 218 230 247 252 255—257 260—263 274 288 294—296 298 299 300 329 330 334 338 342 343 350 350 351 354 357
Undor 53
Utiyama, R. 287 289
VACUUM 94 165 166
Vacuum polarization 15 21 251 253
Valley, G.E. 131 135
Van der Waerden, B.L. 57 76 79 92
Van Kampen, N.G. 321 322
Vector 40
Vertex 229
Vertex part 267
Villars, F. 15 27 254 255 263
Visconti, A. 80 83 92 139 151 158 159 178 329 330 334 338 342 343 350
Von Weizsacker, C. 6 28
Walker, W.D. 357 357
Ward, J.C. 273 274 289
Watagin, G. 16 20 28
Watanabe, S. 152 158
Watson, K.M. 125 135
Wave, scattered wave 311
Weisskopf, V.F. 9 13 26—28 74 76 247 263 272 289 307
Welton, T.A. 24 28 279 289
Wentzel, G. 176 178 254 263 299 300
Wessel, W. 15 28
Wheeler, J.A. 10 28 133 135
Whittemore, W.L. 357
Wick, G.C. 6 7 17 28 214 218 228 263 337 350
Wigner, E. 61 76 133 135 307
Wildermuth, K. 322 323
Williams 8 28
Wilson, A.H. 302 307
Wilson, J.G. 8 28
Wilson, R. 10 25 202 202
Wollan, E.O. 8 27
Wouthuysen, S.A. 19 27 45 47 56 217 218
Wu, C.S. 120 135
Yamada, E. 15 22 28 255 263
Yamazaki, K. 287 288
Yang, C.N. 54 56 212 218 235 263
Yennie, D.R. 16 28
York, H.F. 11 25
Yukawa, J. 7 8 10 13 15 16 22 28 255 262 263
Zeros, redundant zero 317
Zienau, S. 302 303 307
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