Результат поиска |
Поиск книг, содержащих: Induced module
Книга | Страницы для поиска | Ito K. — Encyclopedic Dictionary of Mathematics. Vol. 2 | 277.L | Lang S. — Algebra | 688 | Dummit D.S., Foote R.M. — Abstract Algebra | 628ff, 630 | Kac V. — Vertex Algebra for Beginners | 45 | Hilton P.J., Stammbach U. — A course in homological algebra | 210 | Brown K.S. — Cohomology of Groups | 60, 67ff | James G., Liebeck M.W. — Representations and Characters of Groups | 226, 228 | Grosshans F.D. — Algebraic Homogeneous Spaces and Invariant Theory | 33, 47, 71 | Ito K. — Encyclopedic Dictionary of Mathematics | 277.L | Cohn P.M. — Skew Fields : Theory of General Division Rings (Encyclopedia of Mathematics and its Applications) | 186, 211 | Alperin J.L., Bell R.B. — Groups and Representations, Vol. 0 | 164 | Drensky V., Formanek E. — Polynomial Identity Rings | 28 | Schofield A.H. — Representations of rings over skew fields | 23 | Kac V. — Vertex Algebras for Beginners | 45 | Humphreys J.E. — Introduction To Lie Algebras And Representation Theory | 109 | Dicks W., Dunwoody M.J. — Groups acting on graphs | 107 | Giambruno A., Zaicev M. — Polynomial Identities and Asymptotic Methods | 46 | Hazewinkel M. — Handbook of Algebra (часть 1) | 282, 593 | Brown K. — Cohomology of Groups (Graduate Texts in Mathematics) | 60, 67ff |