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Поиск книг, содержащих: Minimizing sequence
Книга | Страницы для поиска | Ito K. — Encyclopedic Dictionary of Mathematics. Vol. 2 | 46.E | Bitsadze A.V. — Equations of mathematical physics | 307 | Auslender A., Teboulle M. — Asymptotic Cones and Functions in Optimization and Variational Inequalities | see sequences | Jost J., Simha R.T. — Compact Riemann Surfaces: An Introduction to Contemporary Mathematics | 102 | Ito K. — Encyclopedic Dictionary of Mathematics | 46.E | Aubert G., Kornprobst P. — Mathematical Problems in Image Processing: Partial Differential Equations And the Calculus of Variations | 26 | Struwe M., Rappoport M. — Variational Methods: Applications to Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations and Hamiltonian Systems | 3, 51 ff. | Allaire G. — Numerical Analysis and Optimization: An Introduction to Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Simulation | 285 | Granas A., Dugundji J. — Fixed Point Theory | 30 | Bitsadze A.V. — Equations of Mathematical Physics | 307 | Anderson G.A., Granas A. — Fixed Point Theory | 30 | Aubert G., Kornprobst P. — Mathematical Problems in Image Processing: Partial Differential Equations And the Calculus of Variations | 32 | Hyers D.H., Isac G., Rassias T.M. — Stability of functional equations in several variables | 236 | Schulz F., Dold A. (Ed), Eckmann B. (Ed) — Regularity Theory for Quasilinear Elliptic Systems and Monge-Ampere Equations in Two Dimensions | 8 | Fisher S.D., Jerome J.W. — Minimum Norm Extremals in Function Spaces: With Applications to Classical and Modern Analysis | 14 | Courant R. — Dirichlet's Principle, Confomal Mapping and Minimal Surfaces | 102 | Fuchs M., Seregin G. — Variational Methods for Problems from Plasticity Theory and for Generalized Newtonian Fluids | 24 | Hammerlin G., Hoffmann K.-H., Schumaker L.L. — Numerical Mathematics | 137 | Dempe S. — Foundational of Bilevel Programming | 219 | Blanchard P., Bruening E. — Mathematical Methods in Physics: Distributions, Hilbert Space Operators, and Variational Method | 376 | Necas J., Hlavacek I. — Mathematical Theory of Elastic and Elastico-Plastic Bodies: An Introduction | 233 | Cheney W. — Analysis for Applied Mathematics | 226 |