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Aubert G., Kornprobst P. — Mathematical Problems in Image Processing: Partial Differential Equations And the Calculus of Variations |
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Active contours 173
Approximate, derivative 48 76
Approximate, limit 48 268
Axiom, locality 108
Axiom, recursivity 107
Axiom, Regularity 108
Bernstein method 190
Bhattacharyya distance 287
C++ source codes 343
Camera model 251
Characteristics, curve 130
Characteristics, equations 131
Characteristics, lines 320
Characteristics, method of 130 323
Classification 281
Classification, regular 283
Classification, supervised 282
Coarea formula 62 285 299
Coercive 32 171 258
Compactness, weak sequential 32
Condition, CFL 322
Condition, entropy 327 329
Condition, Rankine — Hugoniot 326
Conjecture, Mumford — Shah 153 157 165
Conjecture, Osher — Rudin 135
Convergence, BV-w* 47 50
Convergence, gamma convergence 40 80 166 291 297
Convergence, strong 31
Convergence, weak 31
Convergence, weak* 31
Crack tip 153 162
Curvature, mean curvature motion 179 339
Curvature, radius 58
Curvature, tensor 58
Cut-off function 222 267
Derivative, approximate 48 76
Derivative, Gateaux 36 210 285
Derivative, length 159 178
Derivative, of domain integral 159
Derivative, Radon — Nikodym derivative 44
Diffusion, nonlinear 98
Diffusion, operator 71
Diffusion, tensor 115 302
Digital image 3 307
Direct method of the calculus of variations 32 154 258 266
Discrete differential operators 76 235 308
Discrete image 128 168 330
Distance function 183 195 339
Domain of dependence 322
Dual variable 80 258 270 294 333
EDGE 121 180
Elastica model 217
Elliptic, approximation by elliptic functionals 166
Elliptic, degenerate 52
Elliptic, equation 71
Envelope, lower semicontinuous 198
Envelope, upper semicontinuous 198
Equation, backward heat 123
Equation, Burgers 323
Equation, eikonal 50
Equation, Euler — Lagrange 37 69 70 76 82 87 118 174
Equation, Hamilton — Jacobi equations 52 184
Equation, heat 95 140 330
Equation, mean curvature motion 179 339
Equation, transport 320
Equicontinuous, uniformly 64
Eulerian formulation 182 184
Fast marching algorithm 341
filling in 215 225 304
Filter, bilateral 138
Filter, Gaussian 95 138
Filter, high-pass 121
Filter, low-pass 96 121
Filter, neighborhood 138
Filter, nonlocal means 146
Filter, Osher and Rudin shock filters 128 134
Filter, Susan 141
Filter, Yaroslavsky 141
Finite, differences 308
Finite, differences, backward 321
Finite, differences, centered 321 337
Finite, differences, derivatives 310 331
Finite, differences, forward 321
Finite, elements 308
Fixed-point Schauder's fixed-point theorem 127
Formula, chain rule 267 268
Formula, coarea 62 285 299
Formula, integration by part 62
Functional coercive 32 171 258
Functional convex 33
Functional equicoercive 40
Functional lower semicontinuous 33 50 73 265 302
Functional Mumford — Shah 153
Functional nonconvex 90 266
Functional relaxed 38 73 102 260
Gamma convergence 40 80 166 291 297
Gaussian kernel 95
Generalized solution 128
Half-quadratic minimization 80 258 270 294 333
Hamiltonian 52
Hamiltonian, degenerate elliptic 52
Hamiltonian, discontinuous 198
Ill-posed 64 68 90 123 135
Image, characteristics 4
Image, color 3 299
Image, digital 3 307
Image, gray-scale 3
Image, natural 75
Image, vector-valued 299
Inequality, Cauchy 60
Inequality, Cauchy — Schwarz 60 178 190
Inequality, Gronwall 60 125 193
Inequality, Jensen 61
Inequality, Minkowski 61
Inequality, Poincare 61 236
Inequality, Poincare — Wirtinger 61 74 89
Inequality, Young 61
Inpainting 215 248 304
Invariance 87
Invariance, gray-level 87 97 108
Invariance, gray-scale 112
Invariance, isometry 87 97 112
Invariance, projection 112
Invariance, scale 97 112
Invariance, translation 87 97 108
Isophotes 70
Lagrange multipliers 79
Lebesgue, Lebesgue decomposition theorem 44
Lebesgue, points 48
Level set method 182 284 338
Limit, approximate lower/upper limit 48
Lower semicontinuous envelope 198
Lower semicontinuous functional 33 50 73 265 302
Measure, absolutely continuous 44 259
Measure, bounded 43
Measure, convex function of 49 265
Measure, Hausdorff 47
| Measure, mutually singular 44
Measure, positive 43
Measure, Radon 43
Measure, signed 43
Measure, vector-valued 43
Minimizing sequence 32
Minmod function 337
Model, Alvarez — Guichard — Lions — Morel scale space theory 107
Model, Caselles — Kimmel — Sapiro 175
Model, Catte et al. 123
Model, degradation 66
Model, Horn and Schunck 254
Model, Kass — Witkin — Terzopoulos 173
Model, Meyer 233
Model, Nitzberg — Shiota 128
Model, Osher — Rudin 128
Model, Perona — Malik 98 121 122 334
Model, Rudin — Osher — Fatemi 69 228
Model, smoothing-enhancing 100
Model, variational model for restoration 70 333
Model, Weickert 113
Modulus of continuity 200
Mollifier 62
Motion, 2-D motion field 250
Motion, apparent 250
movies 113
Narrow band 287 342
Negligible set 44
Neighborhood filters 137
Operator, divergence 334
Operator, domain 101
Operator, maximal monotone 101-103
Operator, minmod 337
Operator, monotone 101
Operator, morphological 113
Operator, multivalued 101
Operator, range 101
Operator, surjective 101
Optical flow 250 262 280 334
Optical flow, constraint (OFC) 252 260
Oscillating patterns 229
Partition condition 284
Partitioning process 282
PDEs, backward parabolic 94 100
PDEs, enhancing PDEs 128
PDEs, forward parabolic 94 100
PDEs, hyperbolic 94 320
PDEs, smoothing 95 96
PDEs, smoothing-enhancing 100 121
PDEs, system of coupled 287
Perimeter 46 292
Perimeter, minimal 282
Phase transitions 290
Polar function 38 168
Polar transform 78
Precise representation 49 259
Principle, comparison 108
Principle, extremum 115
Principle, maximum 56 97 192
Process, dynamical 287
Process, restoration 290
Projection algorithm 79 237
Quasiconvexity 34 301
Regularity of the edge set 162
Regularity, Bonnet results 165
Regularity, heat equation 98
Regularization of the Perona and Malik model 123
Regularization, edge-preserving 71 90
Regularization, Tikhonov — Arsenin regularization 69 301
Relaxed functional 38 73 102 260
Scale, Alvarez — Guichard — Lions — Morel scale space theory 107
Scale, parameter 96
Scale, space 89
Scale, variable 94
Scheme, conservative 328 329
Scheme, consistent 314 329
Scheme, convergent 312
Scheme, Crank — Nicholson 319
Scheme, explicit 310
Scheme, implicit 319
Scheme, monotone 329
Scheme, order of accuracy 314
Scheme, order of convergence 312
Scheme, pointwise consistent 313
Scheme, pointwise convergent 311
Scheme, stable 315 321
Scheme, stable, (un)conditionally 316
Scheme, symbol 318
Scheme, truncature error 314
Scheme, upwind 322
Seed initialization 287
Semigroup 98 101
Sequence, restoration 271
Sequence, sampling 250
Sequence, segmentation 261 334
Skeleton 195
Snakes 174
Space of bounded variation 45 73 75 155 257 265
Space of special functions of bounded variation 156
Space, Banach 30
Space, Besov 248
Space, reflexive 31 73
Space, separable 31
Staircase effect 75 143
Structure tensor 24 300
Subdifferential 78 101
Subjet 55
Superjet 55
Texture 225 229
Theorem, Arzela — Ascoli 63 192
Theorem, dominated convergence 64
Theorem, Fubini 97
Theorem, Gauss — Green 62
Theorem, Green 62 89 103 160
Theorem, Lax — Wendroff 329
Theorem, Lebesgue decomposition theorem 44
Theorem, Schauder 127
Topology, BV—w* 47 50
Topology, strong 31
Topology, weak 31
Topology, weak* 31
Total variation xxix 43 49 70 80 107 120 135 220 254 277 301
Triple junction 153 162
Upper level sets 216
Upper semicontinuous envelope 198
Vector distance function 211
Viscosity, Crandall — Ishii lemma 55 187
Viscosity, discontinuous solution 199
Viscosity, duplication of variables 57 187
Viscosity, solution 54 108 186 187 194
Viscosity, subsolution 54 186 198
Viscosity, supersolution 54 186 199
Viscosity, vanishing viscosity method 54
Von Neumann criterion 319 321
Weak solution 325
Well-posed 64 99 123 124 257 265 308 313
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