Результат поиска |
Поиск книг, содержащих: Self-induced transparency
Книга | Страницы для поиска | Siegman A.E. — Lasers | 157, 238, 1263 | Enns R.H., Mc Guire G.C. — Nonlinear physics with mathematica for scientists and engineers | 107 | Mills D.L. — Nonlinear optics | 107, 120 | Matveev V.B., Salle M.A. — Darboux Transformation and Solutions | see “SIT” | Shen Y.R. — The Principles of Nonlinear Optics | 401—407 | Verdeyen J.T. — Laser electronics | 664 | Scully M.O., Zubairy M.S. — Quantum optics | 220, 245 | Stahl A., Balslev I. — Electrodynamics of the Semiconductor Band Edge | 158 | Mandel L., Wolf E. — Optical Coherence and Quantum Optics | 813 | Lauterborn W., Kurz T. — Coherent optics | 247 | Lauterborn W., Kurz T. — Coherent optics | 247 | Boyd R.W. — Nonlinear Optics | 367 | Yariv A. — Quantum Electronics | 357 |