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Yariv A. — Quantum Electronics |
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lasers, high pressure operation 222
molecule 220
lasers 245
302 380 395
, electrooptic effect in 303
302 305
in parametric amplification 411
302 305
ABCD law 120 121 122
ABCD, formalism of 507
Absorption in laser media 148
Absorption of energy 163
Absorption, cross section 204
Aconstooptic diffraction 332
Acoustic branch of atomic vibration 72
Acoustic waves 68
Acoustic waves, Bragg diffraction of light 327
Acoustooptic materials 333
Active region 250
Amplitude modulator 310
Angular momentum, addition 45
Angular momentum, operators 30 42
Angular momentum, spin, commutation relations of 45
Anisotropic crystals 87
Annihilation operator 102
Antenna beam 14
Anti-Stokes scattering 473
Area theorem 362
Astigmatic beams 131
Asymmetric resonator 143
Atom-field interaction 164
Atomic dipole moments 155
Atomic groups, characteristic stretching vibrations 459
Atomic susceptibility 155 159
Atomic system, two-level 156
Atomic system, two-level, collisions in 157
Autocorrelation function 582
Average energy per mode 81
Average number of quanta 103
Average thermal excitation of lattice modes 80
Backward parametric amplification 435
Beam(s), deflection 337
Beam(s), diffraction 119
Beam(s), modes 126
Beam(s), optical, self focusing of 482
Bessel function identities 314
Biperiodic lens system 107
Birefringent crystals 337
Blackbody power density 572
Blackbody radiation 99 100
Bloch equations 158 361
Bragg diffraction of light 327
Bragg vector diagram 330
Brillouin scattering 479
Brillouin scattering, classical treatment 475
Brillouin scattering, stimulated 475
Brillouin zone for acoustic waves 69
Bulk periodicity 616
Buried heterostructure laser 252
Canonically conjugate momenta 105
Capacity of a communication link 14
Carbon dioxide laser 216
CdTe 302 305 315
Coherent interactions 342
Coherent pulse propagation 374
Coherent state 100 102
Communication 14
Commutativity 11
Commutator 26
Commutator, relations 31
Compensation by modal dispersion 497
Complex beam radius 118 120
Complex nonlinear susceptibility 471
Complex propagation constant 186
Confinement diagram for optical resonators 143
Confinement factors 248
Confocal parameter 140
Conjugate momenta 97
Conservation of momentum 425
Continuity equation 94
Contradirectional parametric interaction 436
Corrugated waveguide distributed feedback laser 617
Coupled mode, formalism for acoustooptic interactions 328
Coupled mode, solutions 611
Coupling constant, numerical estimate 503
Coupling, modal 606
Coupling, two-beam 523
Coupling, two-beam, symmetric case 525
Creation and annihilation operators 21
Crystal symmetry classes 301
CuCl 315
Deflection of light by electrooptic prism 323
Deflection of light by sound 335
Degenerate semiconductors 240
Density matrix, time evolution of 58
Density of states 267
Density of states, joint 242
Detector, homodyner 442
Dielectric tensor 87
Difference frequency generation 429
Diffraction 120
Diffraction, losses 148 149
Diffraction, losses for plane resonators 149
Diode lasers 243
Dipole moment 155
Directional coupling 627
Dispersion curves, typical 592
Dispersion relation for acoustic waves 69
Dispersion relation for optical beams in fibers 127
Dispersion relation for sound waves 68 74
Distorted medium, propagation through 495
Distortion correction, phase conjugation 504
Distributed feedback laser 608 615 617
Distributed feedback laser with index modulation case 618
Distributed feedback laser, mode coupling in 625
Distributed feedback laser, oscillation condition 619
Distributed feedback laser, threshold gain 622
Doppler, broadened lineshape 175
Doppler, shifted frequency 175
Double heterostructure lasers 249
Dynamic distortion correction within a laser resonator 510
effective mass 233
Ehrenfest's theorem 6
Eigenvalues of Hermitian matrix 38
Electric circuit quantization 105
Electric dipole transitions 345
Electric displacement vector 162
Electric permeabilities 83
Electromagnetic field dissipation and power flow 83
Electromagnetic hamiltonian 97
Electromagnetic wave equation 478
Electrooptic amplitude modulation 310
Electrooptic amplitude modulation, limitations to 320
Electrooptic beam deflection of light 323
Electrooptic directional couplers, applications 630
Electrooptic effect 298
Electrooptic effect in 303
Electrooptic materials, table of 304
Electrooptic modulation 311 623
Electrooptic modulation, transverse 315
Electrooptic retardation 307
Electrooptic tensor 300
Elliptic polarization 309
Ensemble average 57
Equivalent circuit, laser oscillator 578
Excitation energy of the mode 80
expectation value 3 5
Exponential gain constant 186
| Extraordinary ray 92 105
Fermi — Dirac distribution law 234
Feynman diagrams 58
Fibers 127
Field spectrum 590
Fluctuations, quanta 437
Fluctuations, vacuum 441
Fluorescence, spontaneous parametric 430
Four-wave mixing, basic theory 498
Four-wave mixing, single input case 501
Fourier integral 582
Free-Electron Laser 277
Free-electron laser, pondermotive potential 289
Free-electron laser, spontaneous emission 292
Free-electron laser, tuning curve 287
Frequency chirping in semiconductor lasers 259
Frequency modulation 263
Frequency pulling 188
Frequency spectrum 588
Frequency up-conversion 425 426
Frequency, instantaneous 588
Fundamental Gaussian beam 119
GaAS 302 305 315
Gain coefficient 169
Gain curves, typical 592
Gain focusing 128
Gain in semiconductor 244
Gain medium, transfer function 553
Gain saturation 176
Gain saturation in a ruby laser 177
GaInAsP lasers 251
Gap 305
Gauss's theorem 95
Gaussian beams 115
Gaussian beams in a lens waveguide 123
Gaussian beams in homogeneous media 116
Gaussian beams, astigmatism 131
Gaussian beams, elliptic 129
Gaussian beams, field patterns 132
Gaussian beams, focusing 122
Gaussian beams, fundamental 119
Gaussian beams, high order modes in a homogeneous medium 124
Gaussian beams, transformation 121
Gaussian wavepackets 13
Golden Rule 55
Grating formation 522
Green's theorem 2
Group velocity 105
Guided wave optics 600
Halbach magnet 283
Hamilton's equations 97
Hamilton's equations, interaction 262
harmonic oscillator 19
Harmonic oscillator, Hamiltonian 77
Harmonic oscillator, wavefunctions 23
Harmonic perturbation 52
He-Ne laser 214
Heisenberg equations or motion 41 440
Heisenberg representation 104
Hermite polynomials 21 124 126
Hermitian adjoint operations of 4
High-frequency modulation of light 318
Hole burning 179
Homodyne detector 442
Homogeneous broadening 173 176
Homogeneous line of atoms 68
Hooke's law 68
Hydrogenic transitions 168
Ideal laser amplifier 425
Image processing 513
Image transmission in fibers 497
InAs 302 315
Index ellipsoid 90 299
Indicatrix 300
Indices of refraction 93
Indirect energy gap 248
Induced transitions 164
Information transmission 15
Inhomogeneous broadening 174 177
Interaction Hamiltonian 155 164 262
Interaction of radiation and atomic systems 155
Inverse matrix 34
Inversion symmetry 19
Joint density of states 242
k space 81
Kramers — Kronig relations 160
Lagrange multipliers 91
Laser oscillator, equivalent circuit of 578
Laser, 245
Laser, 208
Laser, buried heterostructure 252
Laser, carbon dioxide 216
Laser, carbon dioxide, high pressure operation 222
Laser, diode 243
Laser, distributed feedback 608 615 617 618 619 622
Laser, double heterostructure 249
Laser, dye 224
Laser, dyes, molecular structure 228
Laser, free-electron 277
Laser, GaInAsP 251
Laser, He-Ne laser 214
Laser, modulation of semiconductor 255
Laser, molecular 217
Laser, multiquatum well 274
Laser, neodymium-glass laser 211
Laser, optical gain in free-electron lasers, theory 283
Laser, optimum coupling 194
Laser, oscillation condition in 183 191
Laser, power output 191
Laser, quantum well 264
Laser, rate equations 192
Laser, resonators, equations for 584
Laser, ruby 202 206
Laser, semiconductor diode 232
Laser, solid state 211
Laser, specific laser systems 202
Laser, spectra 586
Lattice sums 74
Lattice vibrations 68
Lattice vibrations, acoustic branch 73
Lattice vibrations, optical branch 73
Lattice vibrations, quantization of 76
Lattice, reciprocal 235
Legendre function 28
Lens waveguide 106
Lenslike media 106 112
Line broadening 50
Lineshape function 55 159
Linewidth, above threshold 579 581
Linewidth, below threshold 579 581
Linewidth, measurement 596
Littrow arrangement 229
Longitudinal modes 145
Lorentzian lineshape, normalized 160
Lorentzian response 174
Loss cell, transfer function 554
Loss spectrum 647
Losses in laser resonators 148
Losses in optical resonators 147
Magnetic polarizations 83
Magnetic resonance 161
Manley — Rowe relation 410
Matrices, ray 108
Matrices, representations of operators as 36
Matrices, unimodular 124
Matrix, density, time evolution 58
Matrix, diagonalization 36
Matrix, eigenvalues of Hermitian 38
Matrix, formulation of quantum mechanics 34
Matrix, inverse transformation 35
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