Результат поиска |
Поиск книг, содержащих: Saaty, T.L.
Книга | Страницы для поиска | Graham R.L., Grotschel M., Lovasz L. — Handbook of combinatorics (vol. 1) | 236, 237, 923, 958 | Graham R.L., Grotschel M., Lovasz L. — Handbook of combinatorics (vol. 2) | 236, 237, 923, 958 | Bailey N.T.J. — The Elements of Stochastic Processes With Applications to the Natural Sciences. | 137, 230 | Clarkson P.A. — Applications of Analytic and Geometric Methods to Nonlinear Differential Equations | 439 | Lawler E.L. — Combinatorial Optimization: Networks and Matroids | 12, 177 | Bollobas B. — Modern Graph Theory | 159, 178 | Finch S.R. — Mathematical constants | 418 | Rall D. — Computational Solution to Nonlinear Operator Equations | 211 | Kuczma M., Choczewski B., Ger R. — Iterative Functional Equations | 6, 9 | Bernardo J.M., Smith A.F.M. — Bayesian Theory | 104, 543 | Nishizeki T., Chiba N. — Planar Graphs: Theory and Algorithms (North-Holland Mathematics Studies) | 84 | Domb C.M., Green M. — Phase Transitions and Critical Phenomena: Series Expansion for Lattice Models, Vol. 3 | 3, 93 | Liu C.L. — Introduction to combinatorial mathematics | 182, 201, 231, 257, 275 | Gibbons A. — Algorithmic graph theory | 62, 63, 210, 211 | Gibbons A. — Algorithmic graph theory | 62, 63, 210, 211 | Cooper R.B. — Introduction to queueing theory | 310, 337 | Collatz L. — Functional analysis and numerical mathematics | 454, 464 | Bharucha-Reid A.T. — Elements of the Theory of Markov Processes and Their Applications | 393n., 437 | Gill A. — Applied Algebra for the Computer Sciences | 415 | Mangasarian O. — Nonlinear programming | 211 |