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Kuczma M., Choczewski B., Ger R. — Iterative Functional Equations |
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-conjugate functions 343—344 363
A-conjugate functions 343 363
Abel equation 5 127—129 142 332 351—352 355 365 369 372—373 390 391 432—435 437
Abel equation, convex solution 73 83 86 93
Abel equation, multivalued solutions 168—169
Abel, N.H. 5
Aczel, J. XV 1 6—7 9 47 94 207 236 371—372 389 393—394 451—452
Adamczyk, H. 305 471
Alsholm, P. 266
Alsina, C. 9
Analytically conjugate FPS 345 350—351 359
Anastassiadis, J. 74 408 414 472
Anczyk, L. 119 362
Andreoli, G. 420
Anosov diffeomorphism 137
Anosov, D.V. 258 460
Approximate solutions 291—293
Approximate solutions, polynomial 298—299
Approximation by Lipschitzian mappings 296—297
Approximation in Buck’s sense 293—296
Arnold, V.I. 137
Artin, E. 407 410 413—414
Associative functions 371
Associative functions, Archimedean 371
Associativity equation 371
Athreya, K.B. 59 89
Automorphic functions 369 385
Avez, A. 137
Baayen, P.C. 18
Babbage equation 421 450—451
Babbage, Ch. 450
Badura, K. 263
Baillieul, J. 46
Bajraktarevic, M. 69 74 106 145 260 305 414 422 471
Baker, I.N. 16 23 164 347 355—358 368
Baker, J. 147
Balint, S. 2 4 11
Banach theorem 37
Banach theorem, generalizations 37—43
Barbour, A.D. 89
Barna, B. 15—17 49
Baron extension theorem 271—275
Baron, K. 33 36 44 49 74 106 142 192 222 243 266 268—269 271 273 275—276 279—280 282 286—287 290 293 299 303—305 308 320 327—329 471 500
Barvinek, E. 142 382
Beckenbach, E.F. 363
Belickii, G.P. 352
Bellman, R. 93 271 368
Berg, L. 263
Bernoulli polynomials 90
Bielecki, A. 179
Bingham, N.H. 89
Blanchard, P. 23
Blaschke product 364
Block, L. 17
Boedewadt, U.T. 368 382 470
Boettcher equation 5 32 332 339—342 354 362—363 390—391 393 395—396 404 438—443 445
Boettcher, L.E. 5 339
Bogdanov, Ju.S. 451
Bohr, H. 407
Boruvka, O. 141 382
Borwein, D. 265
Borzymowski, A. 179
Boshernitzan, A. 364
Boyarsky, A. 244 266
Boyce, W.M. 355
Boyd, D.W. 38
Branching processes 52—59
Bratman, S. 352 432 470
Brauer, G. 503
Browder, F.E. 37
Brown, J.W. 446
Brydak, D. 69 291 460 471—472 474 477 481 488 495 503
Buck, R.C. 243 292
Burckell, R.B. 393
Burek, J. 59 62 69
Burkart, U. 17 368 371
C.n.d. functions 183 414—419
Cantor singular function 420
Caratheodory, K. 222 309
Carroll, F.W. 364 368
Cassels, J.W.S. 180
Cauchy functional equations 94 236
Cauchy functional equations on a curve 236—237 268
Cebysev polynomials 364 406
Change of variables 333
Characterization of functions, cosine 399 406—407
Characterization of functions, cotangent 420
Characterization of functions, exponentials 237 265 393—395
Characterization of functions, hyperbolic cosine 399 406
Characterization of functions, identity 390 392
Characterization of functions, linear function 237 268 392
Characterization of functions, logarithm 393—395 398
Characterization of functions, polynomials 91
Characterization of functions, reciprocal 390—392 455—499
Characterization of functions, roots 391—393
Characterization of functions, sine 403 406—407
Characterization of norms 382—384 386—387
Chen, K.T. 355
Choczewski, B. 4 27 49 105—106 108 111 115—116 118—119 122 130 146—147 216 231 291 305 311 329 382 471 495 488 499
Chronon 10
Church, J.D. 388
Ciesielski, Z. 501
Clark, W.E. 387
Coherent families of FPSs 364
Coifman, R.R. 81 355 368
Collet, P. 16 266
Commuting see “Permutable”
Comparison theorems 472
Composition of functions 14 46
Composition of ru-functions 33
Compositionally coherent families of FPSs 364
Conditional limit probabilities 54
Conjugacy 332
Conjugacy equation 332
Conjugate hat functions 360
Conjugate trapezoid functions 360
Continued fractions 157
Continuous dependence, solutions of nonlinear equations 231
Continuous dependence, continuous solutions of infinite order equations 299—302
Continuous dependence, continuous solutions of nonlinear equations 190
Continuous dependence, LAS 149 154 180 219—221
Continuous dependence, transformations 43—46
Continuous nowhere differentiable functions see “C.n.d. functions”
Continuous solutions of linear iterative functional inequalities see “CSs”
Convergence of random splinters 35
Convex functions of order p (p-convex) 89
Cooper, R. 74 406
Copson, E.T. 265
Cosine equation 399—402
Craja-Pospiech, D. 190 200
Cremer, H. 155
Cross ratio 129—130
Crum, M. 9 122 432
CS 473
CS of homogeneous inequality, asymptotic behaviour 477
CS of homogeneous inequality, asymptotic properties 492—493 503
CS of homogeneous inequality, comparison theorems 475 484—485
CS of homogeneous inequality, regular 483—485 492—494
CS of homogeneous inequality, representation theorems 476—477 485—486
CS of inhomogeneous inequality, asymptotic behaviour 479 502
CS of inhomogeneous inequality, best lower bound 488
CS of inhomogeneous inequality, estimates 478 481—482 489
CS of inhomogeneous inequality, regular 489—490
Cycle of order k 15
Cyclic equations 244—248
Czerni, M. 329 503
Czerwik, S. 49 61 69 74 106—108 122 216 305 471
Dankiewicz, K. 329 503
Darboux property 465—467 470 471
Darsow, F. 371 374 378 418
| de Bruijn, N.G. 26—27
de Rham, G. 418 420
Decomposition of two-place functions 243 269
Deimling, K. 179
Devaney, R.L. 23
Dhombres, J. XV 94 236 393 460 466 471
Diamond, Ph. 27 36 368—370
Dickey, L.J. 91 393
Differential equations with deviated argument 378 386
Differentially algebraic functions 364
Dikof, K.-D. 468
Ditor, S. 353
Doksum, K. 467
Domain of attraction 18
Domain of attraction, maximal 20—23
Doney, R.A. 89
Doubly stochastic measures 138 146—147
Drewniak, J. 16 19 23—24 27 29 31 371
Drobot, V. 31
Dubikajtis, L. 392 403—404 455 457
Dubuc, S. 89 122 368 388 420
Dufresnoy, J. 74 91
Dugundji, J. 36 45
Durham, S.D. 89
Durrett, R. 469
Dyjak, Cz. 136 311 406
Dynamic programming equation 92—93
Dynamical systems 335
Eagle, A. 408 414
Ecalle, J. 122 346—347 350—351 353 355 357 368 446
Eckmann, J.P. 16 266
Edwards, W. 10—11
Engelking, R. 326
Equation of denumerable order 280—282 322—324
Equation of denumerable order, Lipschitzian solutions 285—286
Equation of linear iteration of second order 466
Equation of nth order 237—239
Equation of nth order with iterates of single function, reduction 261—262
Equation of nth order, C solutions 259—260
Equation of nth order, continuous solutions 259
Equation of nth order, integrable solutions 260
Equation of nth order, measurable solutions 268
Equation of nth order, with iterates of single function 260—263
Equations of infinite order, extending of continuous solutions in metric space 275
Equations of infinite order, extension theorem of Baron 271—275
Equations of infinite order, general existence-and-uniqueness theorem 276—279
Equations of infinite order, special 279—280
Equations of infinite order, special, Lipschitzian solutions 282—285
Equations of infinite order, special, uniqueness condition 321—322
Equations of infinite order, special, uniqueness implies existence 325—326
Equivalence under iteration 14
Erdoes, P. 347 355 357
Eremenko, A. 364
Ergodic theory, Boyarski’s problem 266
Essentially unique solution 170
Euler constant 412 414
Euler equation of gamma function 413
Euler equation of invariant curves 466
Euler gamma function 407—414
Euler gamma function, complex 412
Euler gamma function, fundamental equation 407
Euler identity for sine 420
Euler, L. 183 467
Fatou conjecture 23
Fatou, P. 16—17 23 164 355 368
Fechner law 11
Feller, W. 81 94 225
Fenyoe, I. 184
Fine, N.J. 353
Fischer, P. 271
Fite, W.B. 271
Fixed point 3 15
Fixed point of order k 15
Fixed point, attractive 17
Fixed point, repulsive 48—49
Fixed point, strongly repulsive 48
Flat function 254
Flow 47
Flow, continuous 7
Flow, differentiable 47
Flow, Lebesgue measurable 47
Flow, rational 47
Foerg-Rob, W. 269
Forder, H.G. 399
Formal power series see “FPS”
Formally conjugate FPS 345—349 347 359
Fort, M.K., Jr. 460 466
Fortet, R. 501
Forti, G.L. 466
Fourier series 415—419
Fourier transform 183
Fox integral equation (generalized) 183—184
Fps 345
Fractional iterate see “Iterative root”
Frank, M.J. 361 371 374 378 418
Frobenius — Perron operator 240
Fubini, G. 393—394 406
Functional equations in a single variable XV
Functional equations in several variables XV
Galton — Watson process with immigration 56—57 83
Galton — Watson process, critical case 55
Galton — Watson process, explosive case 95
Galton — Watson process, simple 52 81—83
Galton — Watson process, supercritical case 95
Gantmacher, F.R. 43
Gauss multiplication theorem 410—412
Gaussian normal distribution 237 265—266
Gawel, B. 17
Gelfond, A.O. XVI 263
General solution 4
Generic properties 143—144 183 194
Ger, J. 164 221 430 469
Ger, R. 49 222 244 286—287 290 293 305 308 329 469
Gersevanov, N.M. 11
Ghermanescu, M. XVI 369
Giowacki, E. 293
Goebel, K. 36
Golab, S. 12 129 146
Goldstein, R. 167
Goursat problem 178—179
Granas, A. 36 45
Graw, R. 15 48 468
Grobman, A.M. 362
Gross, F. 164
Guckenheimer, J. 17
Gulgowska, A. 146
Gulgowski, L. 146
Gumowski, I. XVI
Gupta, H.N. 420
Hadamard, J. 461
Haddad, G. 244
Haidukov, P.I. 422 428 451
Hairpin support 139
Halmos, P.R. 170 379
Hamilton, H.J. 16 27 69 72
Hardy, G.H. 8 415
Hartman, Ph. 335 339 362 368 460
Haruki, H. 233 398 404 412 420
Heathcote, C.R. 89 399
Herman, M.R. 353
Hincin, A.Ja. 157 180
Hirsch, M.W. 48 460
Hoppe, F.M. 69 80 89 368
Howroyd, T.D. 420 474 501
Huneke, J.Ph. 355
Idempotency equation 466
Improper integrals 396—397 398 404
Integral equation 146 184
Integral-functional equation 177
Invariant curves 460—467 471
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